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Author Topic: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges  (Read 26937 times)


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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #90 on: September 14, 2006, 03:22:11 pm »
I agree. I think it's a horrible way to run a business.
That's why I don't care about hot tub dealers.

Maybe I don't understand.  You didn't buy anything from the dealership.  You are not their customer.  Why don't you have the dealer you bought the spa from service your spa?

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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #90 on: September 14, 2006, 03:22:11 pm »


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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #91 on: September 14, 2006, 03:28:53 pm »

As someone who had a tub without a cover lifter and now has a tub with one. GET THE LIFTER. It's worth it.
It's makes it so much easer to use, keep the cover clean, and saves it from being beat up form the ground.

you spent all that money on your beutiful hot tub. Get the lifter!!!!

now, if I can only get Zep to understand!  ;)
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #92 on: September 14, 2006, 03:49:54 pm »
The way I look at it is this....

If for example they are an authorized Hotsprings dealer, who sells, supports, and services Hotsprings they should service your hot tub if you own a Hotsprings, regardless of where you bought it. I can completly understand that they would/should charge you some sort of trip/travel charge(and possibly an hourly labor charge) because you didn't buy it from them, but to actually decline service/support?

Honda motorcycle dealers don't decline service on motorcycles if you didn't buy from them.
Skidoo snowmobile dealers don't decline service on snowmobiles if you didn't buy from them.
John Deere dealers don't decline service on lawnmowers if you didn't buy from them.
Stihl dealers don't decline service on chainsaws if you didn't buy from them.


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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #93 on: September 14, 2006, 04:13:53 pm »
I've heard stories of John Deer onwers who purchased thier lawn tractors from Home Depot being snubbed by the dealers.

Are some dealers obligated by thier franchise to support all product claims, or is it left up to the individual dealer to decide? I can see cases on both sides of this issue  where it would make sense to provide service as well as refuse.

If I had an out of warrenty product, I'd be a little upset if the local authorzied dealer denied me service. However if the product was still under wattenty, and I bought it from Jimbo down the road for the lower price, but took it to Charlie 15 mintues away for service (because he's better). I could understand him telling me Hey....go back to Jimbo.

I have this issue now with my pellet stove. I bought a quality brand, but the dealer is a complete moron.  I've tried to go to dealers of this product outside of the area, and am refused service. I'm a bit  frustrated, as i  bought form the dealer closest to me (not the cheapest. I wasn't tyring to snooker a lower deal or have dealerships compete with each other) I bought paid fair market value and am getting screwed mutlple times on service (that I'm paying for!) .    But I am being forced to have service from a substandard dealer. One more issue and I'm going to the president of the company.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2006, 04:15:10 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #94 on: September 14, 2006, 09:18:32 pm »
Are some dealers obligated by thier franchise to support all product claims, or is it left up to the individual dealer to decide? I can see cases on both sides of this issue  where it would make sense to provide service as well as refuse.

Every manufacturer can have their own policy, but what I frequently hear is that for the dealer to carry a brand of spa that have to agree to do the warranty work on ones they sell, for a price that the manufacturer sets.

I've also heard of manufacturers contacting a different dealer to perform warranty repairs for a nearby dealer that went out of business. However, in these cases the dealer negotiated a much better fee for doing the work.

Near to me is a dealer that does NO warranty (or service work) of any kind. The manufacturer was so desperate to get into this market, and this guy was the only one willing to sell their brand, he was able to cut this deal with them. Warranty problems are contracted out individually to local repair companies. By the way, this manufacturer gets a "trip charge" for warranty work. But ahhhhhhhhhhh, the guy's moving about 500 spas a year.
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals

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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #95 on: September 15, 2006, 12:40:48 pm »

As someone who had a tub without a cover lifter and now has a tub with one. GET THE LIFTER. It's worth it.
It's makes it so much easer to use, keep the cover clean, and saves it from being beat up form the ground.

you spent all that money on your beutiful hot tub. Get the lifter!!!!

now, if I can only get Zep to understand!  ;)

Thanks drewstar for the advice :)

I'm weighing the choice now . . . I think if we have a couple more nights when friends are over and the whole cover needs to be taken off completely, I'll get the Spice on board with the extra expense ('specially if he's the one who has to deal with the cover, and it's a little chillier out  :o).

The issue is the old gazebo we saved from the old tub - not a lot of clearance in the spot we'd need it, and we don't want to block our moonlight view of the yard.

Tell me, how hard is it to shift an empty tub? I was thinking of making some more room the first time we drain it. Any advice out there?

PS drewstar - we used to be neighbors - I'm originally from Upton, and I still have family there!


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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #96 on: September 15, 2006, 12:59:29 pm »
Upton? Sure! I'm over in Boylston. Where are you at now?

One cut in that cover and water will get in and you're out several hundred bucks. I honestly don't think not haveing a lifter is an option.

How far are moving the tub? When they placed mine, the movers knew just the trick to nudge it around and it was easy, if you know the way to do it. (I not sure, but I think it's more of getting your weight down low on the tub's side, as opposed to pushing from the lip. ) I have no doubt there are dozen of folks herre who can tell you the right way to do it.

Get the cover lifter.  It's not an option!!!!!!
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #97 on: September 15, 2006, 01:17:06 pm »
I'm under the Redwoods in Oakland now - funny thing is one of my childhood friends lives not 10 miles from here.

OK I guess the lifter is in - must find a way to catch The Man in a moment of weakness . . . <skulks off to plot> ;)

We'd just need to shift a few inches, like maybe 2-4 - I think if we knew a good technique it would take only a couple of people, plus one to keep an eye on the other side.

It's only a 350 gallon tub, so it's pretty light, but my other concern is ease of access all around, just in case it needs service on the non-pump sides. The deck is about 9 inches higher on the entry side, plus there's not a lot of slack on the electrical conduit.


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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #98 on: September 15, 2006, 04:39:17 pm »
Some people only want a direct answer to their original question, and for them, any deviation, even if a relevant discussion by the regular members of the community, is unacceptable.
In this case, I think he only wanted posts from those who agreed with his whine.  But that's just me. ;)
I had a little time to kill over the past couple of weeks, so I signed back on with an express intent of joining the fray.  If I ended up on the opposite side from the Just Mes, Altazis and Sledjunkies of this group (and even Bonibelle and Mendo from time to time ;)), and they didn't appreciate my posts, I'm fine with that -- although I wish everyone would realize we are just sharing opinions, and not take things personally.  IMO, a lively discussion is what makes a board like this worth visiting.  It's been fun, but I have to head back out of town this afternoon, so much to Just Me's relief, I won't be around much for awhile.  I just wanted to make sure he didn't get some warped satisfaction, thinking his caustic comments drove me away.

To WSD, Vinny, Spatech, In Canada, Doc, Cola and the others whose info and humor grace this board, it has been a pleasure, whether we agreed or disagreed.  Hope to make it back soon! :)
Hello Reese,

I don't think we were on opposite sides of an issue.  You caught me in the middle of a "learning experience" and took me to task over it, instead of helping me with your greater experience in spa shopping.  I freely admit that I am a newbie to spas, and in the process of trying to make an educated decision.  Anyone in this position would rather be guided than censured.  Teach me, don't kick me.  Be kind to newbies! :)




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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #99 on: September 15, 2006, 08:37:06 pm »
Hi All,

I glad to see that I'm not the only one here that don't like to be belittled for asking some question.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 08:39:45 pm by JUST_ME »

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Re: " Dealers" Warranty/Trip Charges
« Reply #99 on: September 15, 2006, 08:37:06 pm »


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