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Author Topic: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy one?  (Read 4298 times)


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Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy one?
« on: September 05, 2006, 10:05:43 pm »
What do you think. Would you buy a hot tub that has been returned under warranty, fixed and resold by the manufacturer?

The unit comes with a full warranty...just fewer years based on the age. For example, if the tub had a 5 year warranty and was returned after 1 year, I would get the remaining 4 years. In writing from the factory.

Reasons for Returns:
1. Shipping damage to fake wood skirt -- No issue in my book, I dont mind
2. Discoloration of shell -- I don't think this is an issue
3. Shell cracked at top and repaired -- sounds pretty bad to me. Probably not buy
4. Microcracks in surface of tub -- don't know, what do you think?
5. Small delaminations on surface of tub -- dont think this would be a big deal unless on a seating surface.



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Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy one?
« on: September 05, 2006, 10:05:43 pm »


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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 10:43:06 pm »
There are times when a warranty returned tub can be a fantastic deal.  Consider a spa that had been returned to the factory due to a leak:  The factory has a new spa delivered to the original customer and then brings the spa back for repair.  The spa is checked out, repaired, and then thoroughly tested.  After the repair there is absolutely no indication that it ever had a problem.  If you are buying this spa for $2000 less than a brand new one you are getting a great deal.
Or, if the customer gets a spa replaced due to a finish blem on the shell, the spa still functions perfectly but has a small "ugly spot" and you save $$$.
This may be a way to get a little more spa than you could for the same price on a new one and no one but you will know that it has a blem or was repaired.


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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 10:56:03 pm »
Well, you would have a warranty, that is a start.  However, it sounds like this tub has a lot of issues.  How much do they want for the tub?  Are you working with a dealer or directly with the manufacturer?

I'm not sure I'd want the headache of owning something with so many issues so far.  How long will you be without the tub if the same things occur again?  What kind of travel fees would you have to pay a dealer to come out?  Would you have to pay shipping to the manufacturer for warranty repairs?

You'll have decide if the price they are quoting will be worth any hassles you may have down the road.  That is not to say you will have problems, I'd just be prepared for them.
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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2006, 11:15:48 pm »
I wasn't clear.  Sorry.  The list of defects give examples of the type of reasons why a spa might be available as a refurbished warranty return.  Any one tub will likely only have ONE of the items wrong with it.

Having a warranty on the tub definitely gives me more peace of mind.

Which of the defect items would you say are not a big deal and which would you feel are a big deal.  Would you even consider buying one if you could save 1/4 to 1/2 off of retail pricing?



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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2006, 11:26:47 pm »
As long as the repair were done, then I'd certainly consider one at 25-50%.  I totally misunderstood and thought you were saying you were looking at one spa.  I should have read closer.   Any one of the items by itself is not a huge deal.  Sometimes the "microcracks" can seem like a bigger deal, but they can happen in any tub.  That will not affect the performance of the spa.  

As DPS said, this can be a great way to save on a still good hot tub.  I know my friend periodically will have a deal on a spa that was damaged and then repaired and still has a warranty.

If you are in northern Utah, you should have some good dealers to work with.  I know of All Seasons for one.  They are a great company to deal with.

Good luck in your search.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2006, 11:28:23 pm by aquatub »
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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2006, 01:09:40 pm »
I personally wouldn't buy one with any damage to the shell.  The cabinet, can be replaced or fixed easliy.  The shell is what holds all that water in and is also in some cases part of the stucture.  Plus blems in the shell may be felt when using the tub.  Just my 2 cents.


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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2006, 01:16:24 pm »
A guy I work with bought a factory refurb tub about 8 years ago, and had nothing but problems with it.. He says he would never buy a refurb again, just because of the problems.. most of it was covered under warranty but all the leaks and downtime were not worth it to him.  His latest tub was a year old display model that he got a good discount on and he is very happy with it.

This isnt to say that you cant find a good deal, especially if its a blemished refurb, but anything other than cosmetic puts up a red light for me.  I figure the savings is not worth the potential downtime and headaches associated with a tub that has broken down in the past.  I look at it this way I guess - I bought a hot tub to relax and get better sleep at night, not so I could stress over whether a repaired tub will hold up.


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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2006, 07:15:35 pm »
I personally wouldn't buy one with any damage to the shell.  The cabinet, can be replaced or fixed easliy.  The shell is what holds all that water in and is also in some cases part of the stucture.  Plus blems in the shell may be felt when using the tub.  Just my 2 cents.

Not always true, if it is a fiber-glassed backed shell then the shell part is only for aesthetics.

That is why a fiber-glassed backed shell is a much better way to go!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2006, 07:16:25 pm by Gary »
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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2006, 10:55:19 pm »
I'm learning alot here.  Thanks.

Newbie question.  Are all tubs fiberglass backed?  What are the common methods and how do I find out which one a tub I am looking at is?




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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2006, 10:54:23 am »
I'm learning alot here.  Thanks.

Newbie question.  Are all tubs fiberglass backed?  What are the common methods and how do I find out which one a tub I am looking at is?



No they are not. The easiest way to tell is grab the lip of the spa and see if it has flex to it. If you can pull it out some it is not fiber-glassed. The ones that are not fiber-glass use a high dense foam for structural support. The main problem with this is they cannot put the foam over the complete shell, they have to leave openings so they can drill the jet holes. Sometimes it is very close sometimes it is not. I have seen gaps with no support of over an inch. That would be a weak spot and the spa may crack.
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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2006, 10:47:59 pm »
For more info on fiberglass spas, see the posting about it that popped up today.

Basically, those who sell fiberglassed spas will say those are better, those who don't will say theirs is better.

Major manufacturers have figured out how to make a good shell.  As long as you are with a good mfg with a good reputation and good warranty, you'll be fine.

Back to your original question.  I still say as long as the shell was repaired, then you should be fine.  Of course, I'm not saying if it was a huge crack I'd buy it, but if it was a small crack, you should be fine.  Just the way I am, I'd only buy new, but I've never bought a used car either.  Just the way I am.  But it sounds like you may be on a budget and want to get into a spa cheaper for now.  That is not a bad way to do it, then upgrade later on.  Just make sure the spa is from a top mfg.

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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2006, 02:19:04 am »
Thats funny....my wife and are exactly the opposite....we have never bought a new car.  At 42 years old, I doubt I ever will.  I just enjoy getting a slightly better car for my budget and don't mind it having 10,000 or so miles on it.

Does the position of the crack in the shell have any impact on its importance.  For instance, would a crack on the "ledge" or "lip" of the tub be considered more cosmetic than a crack that was below the water level?

I don't want to buy a tub that has a crack on a sitting surface but seems above the water might not be an issue.

This is an ABS backed acrylic tub.




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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2006, 09:02:39 am »
No I would not buy one. :-?


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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2006, 08:57:15 pm »
What do you think. Would you buy a hot tub that has been returned under warranty, fixed and resold by the manufacturer? It depends on what the "fix" was all about.

The unit comes with a full warranty...just fewer years based on the age. For example, if the tub had a 5 year warranty and was returned after 1 year, I would get the remaining 4 years. In writing from the factory.This is good as long as it really is in writing and specific about what it covers and what it doesn't cover.

Reasons for Returns:
1. Shipping damage to fake wood skirt -- No issue in my book, I dont mind
Yeah... not a prob.
2. Discoloration of shell -- I don't think this is an issue
This is a maybe in my book depending on what made the shell become discolored.
3. Shell cracked at top and repaired -- sounds pretty bad to me. Probably not buy
I wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole.
4. Microcracks in surface of tub -- don't know, what do you think?No way Jose. Anything with the word "crack" and "shell" in the same sentence scares me.
5. Small delaminations on surface of tub -- dont think this would be a big deal unless on a seating surface.I also would stay away from this. If it delaminated in one spot... what is to stop it from delaminating in another spot? If you choose this route.. get the shell warranty in writing also.

Good luck!
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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2006, 10:11:56 pm »
Thanks Amanda.  I appreciate your comments.  I have read quite a few of your posts from the archives of a different forum and appreciate your respectful yet candid replies.

Could I get you to elaborate on why you would stay away from a tub that has a crack on the upper "lip" (wraps around the top edge of the tub).  Let me give you a little background on these tubs in case that is helpful.

Its been repaired by the factory and depending on the color can be difficult to even detetect. The company has put me in touch with the Director of Quality.  He checks that everything is running well at the factory and also has final say on whether a tub gets returned for repair or not.  If the tub does get returned, he has the production team repair the tub to his specifications (special acrylic kit).  He has several of these tubs available and sells them at a couple hundred dollars above what he would sell them to an employee.

The last one he called me about had a 3-4 inch repaired crack on the upper lip.  One year old tub, with full written warranty from the manufacturer for everything with one exception that I will clarify below.  A day after we chatted, he called letting me know that one of his employees opted to buy the tub and that it was no longer available (a good sign to me).

He seems trustworthy.  We have chatted on several tubs and he has  suggested I pass on a few (another good sign I think).

The warranty is modified in 2 ways.  First, I only get the remaining period left on the warranty.  Not prorated but just "shorter" based on the year the tub was originally sold.  The other is that "cosmetic" defects will only be repaired, not replaced.  The factory will pick up the tub and return it at no cost to me (in writing) for 7 years less the above "shortening".  

I would love your candid thoughts on what challenges you think I might have with this type of tub.  I am definitely not convinced to go this route yet.  Rather, I want to make an informed decision.

Amanda and others:

- Why do acrylic/abs tubs crack at the upper lip
- Are they likely to crack again or worsen?
- What do you think about the acrylic repair kits if done in the factory?

The incentive for me is that I can get a 1 year old tub that would normally retail for $7,500 for around $3,000 and have a warranty on everything.

In all likelyhood, my other choice is to buy a 3-5 year old used hot tub for around $3,000.  I'd love all the features of a new tub but the extra dollars compete with the college savings goals for my 3 and 6 year old.  

Feels like a fair trade-off for my family.  Buy a less expensive used or warrantied return tub and put the difference in the kids college savings.

Again, please keep the candid responses coming so that I can make the best decision for my family.



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Re: Warranty Returned Hot tubs -- Would you buy on
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2006, 10:11:56 pm »


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