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Author Topic: bullfrog  (Read 7134 times)


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« on: September 03, 2006, 11:53:05 pm »
just started looking and wondering if anyone has comments on the bullfrog...was impressed with the jetpacks

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« on: September 03, 2006, 11:53:05 pm »


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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 12:24:53 am »
Decent spas.  Not cheap.  From what I understand, most folks don't change out their jet packs too much.  They tend to keep the original set they purchased or that came with the spa because they can be expensive.  From what I've heard, folks who buy Bullfrogs are happy with them.  

The jet packs are neat, but don't buy a spa for just that.  Make sure you are comfortable when you wet test.  Make sure you do wet test any spa before you buy.

Good luck in your search and welcome to the wonderful world of hot water.
The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas and my Vanguard!!!

In Canada eh

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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2006, 12:55:21 am »

    We have a Bullfrog 451 and are very happy :)   In my opinion Bullfrog stacks up very well quality wise withe more mass marketed spas out there.  Full foam insulation, great warranty, aquaflow pump, emerson motor, dell ozonator, balboa controls, etc. etc.

   Well it is true that you will probably not buy additional jet pack or move them around constantly, we did move ours to adjust for favorite seating and I think we may buy 1 different jackpack.  We both find the clusterbust jetpack a little boring and would like to buy the oscillator.

    Good  luck with your search, Bullfrog makes a good tub if you have any questions post them here and I'll do my best to answer.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 02:45:54 pm by Confused_in_Canada »
Bullfrog 451


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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2006, 10:57:21 am »
Thanks for info....


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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2006, 01:29:16 pm »
In speaking to some friends who used to carry the line...I have been told they are OK... that while some if concepts seem to make good sense their practical usefulness might be lacking....As dealers they told me the biggest problem was even flow and that there can be a real concern with the build up of bacteria behind the jet packs...I know it has been said that this problem has been addressed but I am told that it is still an issue.....Drivers who haul them have told me they think the factory is well ran and they appear to be a nice spa....Don't laugh but the drivers who haul spas for many makers can give you some good insights from time to time and they also know whose units get picked up for returns often......

In Canada eh

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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2006, 02:44:59 pm »
As dealers they told me the biggest problem was even flow and that there can be a real concern with the build up of bacteria behind the jet packs...I know it has been said that this problem has been addressed but I am told that it is still an issue.....

I don't know if this was an issue in the past since we have owned our tub for less than a year.  We have never had a problem with a bacteria build up behind the seats, I don't believe it would ever be a problem as long as chems are kept in balance.  Behind each jetpack is a 2 union manifold to allow for removal.  Each manifold contains all the plumbing for that individual seat and one 3/8" open line to maintain positive pressure behind the seat.  With this configuration I don't see how a bacteria build up could ever occur.  I contribute this story to a urban myth and other dealers and manufacturers trying to find a downside to the jetpack idea.

   Mendo have the dealers that told you about this ever actually seen it?
Bullfrog 451


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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2006, 03:20:01 pm »
First let me say that I had reservations about posting on this....But the dealers I spoke with sold the product and just shared with me their experiences with it....I mentioned that the build up behind the jet packs was addressed in the manner that you spoke about, however they told me it still was an area of concern and they felt it did not fully correct the problem...as for flow what they shared was that as you moved to the outer seats the flow was reduced and not as strong as the seats positioned closer to the pumps....As I mentioned in the post they said they were nice spas....just that for all of their uniqueness it did not transfer to practical use....like the changing of the jets packs....the bottom line is that you have found them to be a very enjoyable spa for you and really in the end thats all that matters....Many years of continued pleasure.... :)
« Last Edit: September 04, 2006, 03:22:32 pm by Mendocino101 »

In Canada eh

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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2006, 03:28:03 pm »

   My previous post was not meant to be confrontational, I hope you didn't take it that way.  Your posts have always been valuable and honest.

   I just meant to say that either Bullfrog has corrected the problem or it was just a urban myth.  As for the flow issue I can't comment ,our tub is only 1150 litres(300 us gal) and only has 1 pump, we have not expierenced any differences with the side seats vs. others.  This is not to say that it dosen't exist in the larger tubs
Bullfrog 451


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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2006, 05:21:22 pm »

   My previous post was not meant to be confrontational, I hope you didn't take it that way.  Your posts have always been valuable and honest.

   I just meant to say that either Bullfrog has corrected the problem or it was just a urban myth.  As for the flow issue I can't comment ,our tub is only 1150 litres(300 us gal) and only has 1 pump, we have not expierenced any differences with the side seats vs. others.  This is not to say that it dosen't exist in the larger tubs
No worries...I just hate saying anything if its not completely supportive of something...It is just that a few months ago I spoke to a couple of dealers who had the line and this was the feedback that I received from them as I asked about the build up behind the jets as it has been mentioned before and than some said that changes were made.....If its a spa that fits you and your needs than its a good choice.....the best thing about them I know is that the company who makes them gets very good reviews from the dealers and drivers ( I know some may think who cares) and that means a lot....

In Canada eh

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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2006, 07:02:32 pm »
.....the best thing about them I know is that the company who makes them gets very good reviews from the dealers and drivers ( I know some may think who cares) and that means a lot....


Maybe you should look at them as a second line ;)

They may compliment the Marquis brand you sell

I need some help here as I am one of only a couple Bullfrog owners on this site ;D
Bullfrog 451


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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2006, 02:26:51 am »
Thanks for all the help....guess the Bullfrog is so new that there isn't a lot of info out there....our biggest problem is that we live in Northern Ontario and we are 4 1/2 hours away from any dealers....needless to say....we don't want to have to call the dealer with a problem and then have to pay for the mileage.....we are heading to the city in 10 days...and going to wet test a few...the bullfrog is one of them...will let you know how we fare. :)

In Canada eh

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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2006, 06:10:59 am »
we don't want to have to call the dealer with a problem and then have to pay for the mileage


   Yes Bullfrog has a smaller dealer network than some of the mass marketed tubs out there but,  for what its worth,  we have not had to have a service tech out for our tub since we bought it in March of this year.

                                    Good luck shopping and let us know how it turns out
Bullfrog 451


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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2006, 12:23:42 pm »
Does anyone have a feel for what the Bullfrog tub costs to run in the wintertime?  Assume normal usage of 3-5 nights a week for 20 minutes a soak.

I viewed the factory video on Bullfrog's site and was impressed with the insulation method.  Bottom line though is what my energy costs will be.

I've been looking for the past 2 weeks and have wet tested Hotsprings, Sundance, Beachcomber and Caldera.  So far I like them all.  Felt best about the Sundance dealer.

Hoping to test a Bullfrog sometime in the next week.


In Canada eh

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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2006, 10:25:04 pm »
Does anyone have a feel for what the Bullfrog tub costs to run in the wintertime?  Assume normal usage of 3-5 nights a week for 20 minutes a soak.

I viewed the factory video on Bullfrog's site and was impressed with the insulation method.  Bottom line though is what my energy costs will be.

I've been looking for the past 2 weeks and have wet tested Hotsprings, Sundance, Beachcomber and Caldera.  So far I like them all.  Felt best about the Sundance dealer.

Hoping to test a Bullfrog sometime in the next week.



    I wish I could help on this but our tub has not experienced its first winter yet,  looking forward to hot tubbing in the snow :)

   What I can tell you is that since the tub was put in we have not noticed an increase in our hydro bill, but I haven't sat down and figured out the kw used this year vs last.  What has got me encouraged though is that during the summer (90 deg F plus) , when alot of people here were complaining that thier tub was to hot and proping open thier covers with tennis balls our tub remained 100 deg F right where it was set at.  We purchased the Bullfrog 451 and are very happy with it!

  Hot Springs, Sundance, Beachcomber and Caldera are also fine tubs and I think you would be happy with anyone of the five.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2006, 10:27:06 pm by Confused_in_Canada »
Bullfrog 451


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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2006, 11:04:25 pm »
Sally,  I am also in Northern Ontario    Where abouts are  you  I would be happy to help you out with any info you might need on any tubs in your area.  I used to sell and service  Bullfrogs. I know the product inside and out. I have also done sevice on most of the major brands as well.  I wont go into a sales pitch about what our store carries. But if you would like some general info PM me.  

In the winter they stand up pretty decent  compared with everyone else.   The one of the problems I have with the design is the pipe runs underneath the top of the shell. there is not much insulation between the side of the shell and the pipe the cover definitely does not insulate on the side of the shell its just a perimeter flap like every other cover.  In a Northwestern Ontario winter winds get high and cold

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Re: bullfrog
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2006, 11:04:25 pm »


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