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Author Topic: buying factory rejects / blemishs  (Read 5791 times)

still sore

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buying factory rejects / blemishs
« on: September 01, 2006, 08:59:56 am »
We think we've narrowed our search to two hot tubs which we will be wet testing soon. Both dealers appear reputable and brands good quality. However, one brand offers a significant discount on a factory blemish model. The blemish is the surface and backing in at least two of the seats is "bubbled" leaving small humps in the seat. There are no rough edges and they are no higher than an inch or so. The surface is still solid and backed by the regular warranty (7 yrs). The salesman says you wouldn't even know the flaws are there since you are floating in the tub. Any ideas / suggestions? The tub is not in the color we want but there is a substantial discount.

Also, and this may deserve to be another topic but here goes, are we crazy to spend @ $10k on our first hot tub? I have problems with muscle spasms and my wife has arthritis so we're pretty sure we will benefit from the therapy and use the tub regularly. We've found tubs with features we like from $5k - $12k but are hesitant to start out with a lower end tub only to want to upgrade a few years down the road. Comments?

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buying factory rejects / blemishs
« on: September 01, 2006, 08:59:56 am »


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 12:26:12 pm »
1.  What brands?
2.  I would be surprised if you had any problem with the blem, but I am surprised they offer full warranty with it.


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2006, 12:40:16 pm »
if you don't mind saying, what are the two brands in question and which one has the blemish?

I would definetly wet test the one with the blemish to ensure you do not feel it.  Nothing would be worse then sitting in a tub and feeling somthing digging into your back/bum!

I too am VERY VERY suprised they would give you full warranty!  Id want that in writing from the MFG.

As for cost, you have to go with what fits your budget and more importantly get a good quality tub from a good dealer and one that works for you.  Cost is not the key.  Fit and feel is aslong as you stay with a quality tub.


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2006, 01:05:09 pm »
I was like you and was surprised by a 10k price.  We found a Dimension One and only spent 7300 for a high quality tub.  We are very happy.  I still couldn't spend 10k. Half of the time we have the jets on low and the other half off.  There are high quality tubs out there that don't cost an arm and a leg.
If I could just chew through these restraints...


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 01:12:25 pm »
Am a relative newbie also, into tubbing about 2 mo's.
The only comment I can add is when choosing a tub with options, is to determine what is important to you. We have a good basic tub that is being used for the therapy value, like you apparently will use it for.
For us it was more important to hopefully get a tub with quality materials, R value, equipment, and "a feel good interior fit", rather than alot of optional things like audio, ect.
So far the therapy value has been a real help for joints and spasms.

still sore

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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2006, 02:06:14 pm »
Thanks for the quick replies. The brands are Saratoga, an empire, and Marquis, the reward. The empire with the blem will be cheaper than the reward, a new empire is @ $1k more than the reward. We're leaning towards the empire because of the number of passive and direct jets in the lounge and it has hand/wrist jets in the arm rest where my wife is very effected by arthritis. We will not be able to wet test the blem, but we can wet test another empire. I will pay attention to how much my butt is actually on the seat during the wet test in both units but would love anymore advise everyone may have.    


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2006, 02:43:03 pm »
Re: Lounger
We did not choose the lounger, as I like to move around to the different seats and have use of all the different seat/jet options. IMO the lounger limits other seating options.
Others may feel differently about the lounger.


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2006, 03:14:15 pm »
My wife has arthritis and loves the wrist jets.  Take the time to sit in all the seats and see how each feels.
If I could just chew through these restraints...

In Canada eh

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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2006, 12:55:46 am »
However, one brand offers a significant discount on a factory blemish model. The blemish is the surface and backing in at least two of the seats is "bubbled" leaving small humps in the seat. There are no rough edges and they are no higher than an inch or so.

  WHOA!  a one inch tall blister in the acrylic that would make me very nervous :-?  From a molding stand point there is a reason for that blister,  the flaw could be in the acrylic.  I would think that with your 10k budget you should be able to find a very good quality tub( Hot Spring, Sundance, Marquis,Bullfrog, Caldera etc.) without any flaws.

Just my 1.65 cents though
Bullfrog 451


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2006, 10:35:51 am »
Dude, what market do you sell in. I want to come work there! I guess I'm bad a picking places to work. It seems to me every person that walks into my store wants to know how much. Kinda indicates to me that cost may not be key but it is KING!

 Cost is not the key.
If you like it and you want it BUY IT!

still sore

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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2006, 11:11:47 am »
New issue - after wet tests my wife really likes the empire - mostly because of the wrist jets in the lounge. I like the reward better, mostly because the jets in the seat of the lounge that hit my hamstrings, which is one of my problem areas. I also felt more comfortable in the reward in terms of quickly figuring out what controls did what while the empire required turning off individual jets to get more power to the lounge (not a big deal since its mostly going to be just the two of us - I guess). The only spa we've found that has both is the D1 California which I'm doing my research on now. We have a small local D1 dealer very close but they don't even have filled tubs so I don't know if we'll be able to do a wet test. I'm sure everyone goes through some controversy picking a tub, if the wife had said she liked the reward better to it would have been ordered yesterday! So, any thoughts / ideas / experiences would be appreciated. Maype this should've been a new topic?

Thanks for all the help so far, we've pretty much eliminated the blem from consideration partly because I was able to negotiate a better price for a new unit.


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2006, 01:37:05 pm »
Sitting in the dry D1 should give you an idea if the jet arrangement will hit each of your problem areas.  If you decide it does and the price is acceptable, a good dealer should be able to arrange a wet test to allow you to make a final decision.  While salespeople here may try to steer you to their brand with claims of superiority, none of us can help you two figure out which is the best compromise for your needs.  IMO you have selected 3 good alternatives.  Marquis and D1 are well-known and highly rated here.  Saratoga is less well-known, but in my opinion make a tub that rivals any.  (I own a '99 Pavillion, which is the predecessor of the Lincoln, the non-lounge version of the Empire.  We have been very satisfied with it.)  I know that if I were in your shoes, unless the D1 works for both of you, I'd go for the Empire -- to avoid hearing "My wrist's hurt, I don't know why we didn't get the Saratoga" for the rest of your life! ;)  

p.s.  I think you made a good decision to avoid the blem, regardless of the savings.  


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2006, 12:19:39 am »
I'm not sure if I'm reading this correctly.  You were saying you were leaning toward the Saratoga.  You also asked if you were crazy to spend 10K?  If a=b and b=c, then you are saying you are looking at 10K for a blemished Saratoga?  Is that correct?  If so, you are crazy.  Never in a million years would I pay 10K for anybody's blemished spa.  If you are talking about the 5K for a blem, then maybe okay.  However, that blister sounds very big.  I'd worry about it.  I really don't know much about Saratoga, so I won't say anything about their spas.  But, for any brand, I'd worry about a blister that large.

If you are in the 10K range, make sure you have checked all the premium brands out.  You mentioned D1 and Saratoga.  Have you checked Sundance?  Hot Spring?  Jacuzzi?  Caldera?

Before you settle for one that fits only one of you, try others.  You may find one that fits both of you.  And no, you are not crazy to be looking in the 10K range.  A lot of people buy in that price range and find a spa for a lifetime.  Better to spend 10K and be happy than throw away 5K.  
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still sore

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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2006, 01:00:52 am »
No, the blem was the significant savings - @ $2500 less than $10k


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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2006, 08:20:41 am »
Perhaps a little late in posting .. but having bought a blem, perhaps can offer experience.

My tub blems are cosmetic, several "burns" in the finish .. small "dime size" light yellow discolorations.  However, the discounted price allowed me to "move up" in tub features .. spent the budgeted amount but got "more" tub.

I, too, advise against a "blister" type blem .. seems to me this would invite future material separation problems.

As posted earlier, sitting in a dry tub will help up determine if you "fit" the tub .. however once you've determined your final choices, push for a wet test.  Any dealer worth his/her chemicals should fill a dry tub, heat it, and invite you either during or after hours for a test.

Our tub?  Now two years old and the best investment we've made in a long time.

RAY in Northeren VA       

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Re: buying factory rejects / blemishs
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2006, 08:20:41 am »


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