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Author Topic: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?  (Read 10953 times)


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Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« on: August 25, 2006, 08:10:50 pm »
Does anyone have any experience with Pacific Hot Tubs?   I wet tested one and it felt very good esepcially comfort and jet wise (pretty close to as good as the Artic so far)   but several thousand dollars less for what I felt was a comparable set up and option package.   The dealer was also very good and easy to deal with.  If anyone has any experience I would appreciate hearing their thoughts.


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Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« on: August 25, 2006, 08:10:50 pm »

In Canada eh

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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2006, 05:40:12 pm »
There is a small dealer in town that sells Pacific,  we did take a look when we were buying our Bullfrog.  They seemed like a nice tub but I don't know anyone that owns one, sorry
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2006, 09:46:54 pm »
How do you like the bullfrog?  That is the last one left I have to test that I can buy locally before I decide between Beachcomber, arctic, Pacific, Hot Springs and Bullfrog.  I tried a hot springs today and it was pretty good aside from the lounger positioning of the legs/feet - just didn't fit me well on my lower half.  SO far the Arctic and the pacific felt the best in terms of jets but teh pAcific so far is several thousand less.


In Canada eh

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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2006, 11:25:22 pm »

We are very happy with our Bullfrog, we have the 451 model, 4 jet packs, 5 person, one lounger, with ozone.  The tub has been great no problems at all.  In my opinion they stack up well to the larger names on the market.  By that I am refering to the qualiity of construction, full foam insulation, quality pump, Dell ozone and 3.5/2.5 cover, excellent warranty.  

   All of the tubs you are looking at are good quality hot tubs, make sure you wet test once you have it narrowed down.

   I am not a dealer just an owner but I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about the Bullfrog line up.
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2006, 01:14:07 am »
Hi Glen,

We live in rural Nova Scotia and when hot tub shopping our opinions were very limited.  We did price Beachcomber, but for our money Pacific was the way we went.

We purchased a 2005 Europa, with dual pumps. It also has the Waterfalls, Aurora Lights and the Neck Jet Package, with Microban Granite finish.

We love our tub. It is a deep tub with a large footwell. This has proven to be a very nice feature I have come to love, as I found out fast that I cannot sit still in a seat while in the tub. I love to float around. The 2006 models have a power dome which is nice but limits the foot space.

The waterfalls are pretty, but not a bit practical. I dont know anyone that actually use them. The 2006 have the serenity falls which are very nice with the light package.

We have the microban granite finish which we also love compared to the smooth finish. I find it easier to stay in my seat, and compared to our friends tub.. shows no scratches.

Several of our friends bought tubs since we purchased ours, and I gave them all the advise from reading this forum...stuff we never did..like wet testing...
Luckily for us we are very happy with our purchase, and all our friends bought  Pacifics too.

Happy Hot Tub Shopping....


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2006, 03:43:55 am »
pixhal, you really know your pacific tubs.  i love that you love it, and its the tub for you.  and the fact that all your friends bought pacific also sounds, well, like your a rep of pacific, specially with all your up to date info about the new 2006 line, and this being your first post on this forum.  thanks for the update on the 2006 line.  so whats your deal?

In Canada eh

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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2006, 08:40:38 am »
Hi Glen,

We live in rural Nova Scotia

Yeah another Canuck and a Bluenoser to boot!  Welcome to the forum,
Bullfrog 451


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2006, 02:35:44 pm »
Hi bwbski22,

Well here is my deal since you asked. We bought our tub on a whim, after hot tubbing with a friend in their neighbors tub. We never wet tested, or even sat inside of it for that matter. The dealer was explaining all the features to us..well for me  that conversation might as well have been in arabic, german, french whatever... I didnt retain anything useful..so we just bought a tub that was loaded with features.  Oh, and we never haggled  for a deal or discount.

After purchasing the tub, we had 3 weeks to wait... so we starting putting in our concrete pad and preparing for it. I found this forum and started reading.....and oh boy, did my heart sink..when I realized I could be the the poster child for "Worse Comsumer Shopper."

Our tub arrived, and I was anxious to post pics, but no one had even mentioned our brand of tub in the forum.  I read alot of bashing of other brands and I thought why bother stepping into that wasps nest...whats done is done....I will just be a "Forum Lurker."

For the last year I have faithfully read  the forum. I quickly fired my hubby as the "Spa Maintenance Boy"  and decided that I would be in total control  of its cleaning routine. Without the forum, I would not have gained the knowledge needed to carry out this task.

At this point, its makes no difference to me if our tub is "top of the line" or  not. Without a doubt, I can say, we are 99 % happy with our purchase. Our tub has provided us with alot of social and family fun...as well as very therapeutic for my arthritic bones.. a total win win situation.

Now several of our friends have to come appreciate the benefits of hottubbing, and set out to purchase. Boy was I excited to be able to dish out the old advice..and of course.....WET TEST..... was the top tip. They all said I was nuts, they loved my tub, and wanted one just like it..but I held firm..and insisted they wet test. Both friends took my advice, and after considering brand name, size, pumps,jet packages, finishes, colors, price and all the bells and whistles...ended up with 2006 Pacifics.

Ok, so this year models definely had new features..I was truly drooling at my friends tubs. Afterall, who wouldnt want a built in stereo, and a floating remote control...the new features go on and on... but after spending time in their new tubs, I came to appreciate my tub alot more. Oh sure the new features are nice, but I no long suffer from new hot tub envy.

Our hot tub is in a small enclosed courtyard, with access to our back yard. I have a small garden and wonderful lightening accents. My hubby built a shelter over our tub, somewhat similiar to a carport.  He also built me a set of steps  so I can walk in and out of our tub. We also installed speakers and a patio mist kit for the hot summer nights. Its definately our retreat...

So whats the moral of the story....A hot tub should be considered a major household purchase. Research and knowledge  should be key in decision making, and it boils down to personal choice...kinda like buying a car.  Luckily, we have no regrets.

This forum holds a wealth of information and I thank you all for some interesting posts.
Every day I gain greater knowledge on maintenance and care of our tub, along with a laugh from the dim-witted humor of a few of ya... truly a fun place to lurk....

Happy Hot tubbing...


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2006, 08:53:57 am »
Pacific Spas is currently up for sale so I'd be a little leary right now.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 08:54:36 am by Steve »


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2006, 12:38:17 pm »
We have a Pacific Saturn LT, with Ozonator, water fall, 24/7 circ pump, and serenity lighting.
Have now about 2 mo's useage without any problems. Everything seems to be working well.
Don't really know that the waterfall really provides all that much benefit, but it sounds nice.
We live in Northern WI., one of the reason for the Pacific is that it is supposed to be designed for cold weather usage, with very high R values. Will find out this winter.
It seems to have a really good cover that is easy to take off.
It is a deeper tub with seats that vary in height. I'm, 6'2", wife is 5'7" so we can each find our comfort spots. Did not get a lounger. We find it is nice to move to the different seats for variety.
One nice feature is the built in steps on the interior. The microban surface is also nice in that you don't slip on it.
We also bought this on a whim, and did no real comparison shopping, other than on-line research.
The Pacific brand is made by Aber Mfg. in B.C. canada, Can go to their web site at Pacificspas.ca.
Got a super, super price from a dealer that was retiring and closing his store. Yup, we are taking a chance since there now is no dealer anywhere close, so time will tell. But, I have contacted the Mfr. via e-mail with a few basic questions and they did reply with answers.
So in conclusion, can say that after 2 mo's we are very happy with our Pacific tub, find it to be very comfortable, and enjoyable.
We are hopeful it will also serve us well through-out the winter months when the temps. can go a low as -20's, even -30's at times.


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2006, 09:19:13 am »
My sister-in-law had an inground pool installed last year and the dealer threw in a Pacific tub for "free", I have never seen them use it or seen it with the cover off.  This doesn't help this post I just saw the name finally on this board and thought I would add to it.  It is brown with a brown cover and brown step on brown stamped concrete next to a brown house and a brown fence, the water may or may not be brown.

Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2006, 05:10:25 pm »
I think Pacific is one of the best built spas. The are a small Canadian Company but have been building spas since 1973. People will start to notice Pacific when spas are rated as an appliance and have Energy Star stickers on them.


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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2006, 09:36:24 am »
I People will start to notice Pacific when spas are rated as an appliance and have Energy Star stickers on them.
Don't this happening in my life time. Energy Star ratings are given to household appliances, necessities that every household has.

Hot tubs, for the most part, are a luxury item. The government will not spend money to test and rate hot tubs. Maybe if they reached a 50% market saturation, they would at it. At this point setting up hot tubs for energy star rating would not pass a simple cost / benefit analysis.
Homeworks Financing Representative

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Re: Pacific Hot Tubs - Any opinions?
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2006, 09:36:24 am »


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