My tub's total price included delivery with crane, whether needed it or not (the company the contracted to delivered all tubs on a flatbed equipped with a crane. They "valued" the delivery at $400 (2005- MA). Not sure if helps you or not.
I did have an issue with the crane crew. It was a blazing hot day, and despite my concerns about using the crane to lift the tub over the house (It wasn't necessary) and any damage thier truck might do to my new driveway. They insisted it wouldn't cause a problem. Told me they were insured and how they just delivered somehting to a famous politician in Boston (John Kerry) and damaged his tree and they took care of it. Long story short. The install of the tub itself went great. HOWEVER The truck left huge ruts in my pavement, and after fighting with their ins co. got remburessed for a $4000 driveway repair.
1) crane deliveur about $400
2) don't do in on the hottest day of the year
3) make sure they are insured and have done this before.