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Author Topic: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??  (Read 8222 times)


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Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« on: August 29, 2006, 01:55:54 pm »
I seem to have a cloudy water/foaming problem the past 2 times I have shocked my tub.  I first shock with chlorine concentrate (approx 2 1/2 times the amount I use as a daily dose) followed approximately 1 cycle later with the same amount of non-chlorine shock.  The last 2 times I have done this, my water turns a little cloudy, and the tub foams alot.
What am I doing wrong?

PS I drained and refilled just last week because after 2 days the clouds and foam was not clearing up.


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Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« on: August 29, 2006, 01:55:54 pm »


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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2006, 10:06:36 pm »
That's a strange one! The only thing I can think of is that your not using enough of either.

Typically you want to get 10x free chlorine as the combined chlorine figure for using chlorine and 1 oz per 250 gallons for non chlorine shock which I'm assuming your using MPS.

I use both at times when my combined chlorine is above 0.5 PPM.

What's the other water readings? Maybe their off.

After posting I relized you may be using pool shock which is chlorine but cal hypo - if this is the case this may be your problem.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2006, 10:18:49 pm by Vinny »


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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2006, 10:34:39 pm »

I can't tell exactly where my FC and TC are because the Taylor test kit only registers up to 5.  Both readings are above 5, but not sure they would register as 10x.  My tub holds approximately 500 gallons, and during normal use (2-4 people soaking for approx 40 minutes, I can add about 1/2 TBS of Concentrate Chlorine and bring the FC to 2-3.  So during my shock, I used about 1 1/2 TBS of Chlorine Concentrate and the same amount of non-chlorine shock.  I did take a PH reading immediately after, and it was right at 8ppm.  I then added approximately 2 oz of Spa Down and brought the PH down to 7.6ppm.  The only other thing I might add is that shortly after I shocked (within 10 minutes) I added 2 oz of Enzyme.  DO you think that could have caused it?



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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2006, 10:52:10 pm »

I have found enzymes to foam! Also, you need to add enzymes when the chlorine is very low - chlorine kills the enzymes. It has been recommended that you wait until the next morning to add chlorine when using enzymes.

I'm not going to say I'm 100% sure but I would not use enzymes and see what happens.

Also, you may be using too much chlorine, try using about 3 teaspoons (I think your saying tablespoons but I may be wrong) - that will give you between 3 and 4 PPM, even with 4 people. I have a 400 gallon tub and I use about 3 teaspoons max and that gives me approx 4.5 PPM chlorine. (I will say though too much won't cloud the water).


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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2006, 08:56:22 am »
Thanks Vinny.  Next time I shock, I will wait until the following day to add anything else and see what happens.  Whatever it was, my water was pretty much cleared out this morning, and although there is still a little foaming, it was very minimal compared to yesterday.  Also, my FC and TC are both down to about 3ppm.
I have been shocking with approx 1 1/2 tablespoons so I will cut that back a little next time as well.
Since chlorine kills off the enzyme, do you think it would be a good idea to add a little more enzyme to the tub, or should it still be ok?

PS The maintenance schedule I am trying was given to me by my SunDance service tech which is: sanitize after each use, week 1: shock and add Spa Defender, week 2: shock and add Enzyme, week 3: shock and add algaecide, and so on.  According to him (has been in the business for nearly 10 years) this method is very effective and has the least negative impact on the tub over the long haul.


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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2006, 03:02:52 pm »
I'm no pro, but I try not to add anything prior to, or immediately after shocking.  

I like to give my water a day or so before adding anything else.  Seems that works pretty well with most chemicals (give a bit of time to work and don't go dumping a whole bunch of stuff in at one time).
Artesian Island Grand Cayman


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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2006, 05:45:52 pm »
I really like the routine my spa tech provided me because besides shock, you only add preventive chemicals 1 per week (spa defender, enzyme and algaecide.)  Next week I am going to try shocking one day and adding the preventive chemical the next.
I am happy to report that my water is once again happy, and the foam problem is almost gone.
What a great forum....



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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2006, 07:30:36 am »

I think your using way too many chems in the tub, first off you don't need algecide. Apparently the cheap stuff foams BUT you won't get algea in a self contained hot tub - the chlorine will handle any spores that might get in the water and it's totally dark with the lid on.

I think Spa defender is for people who have hard water, I forget if you do but if you don't have hard water, try not using it.

I know I'll get flack from dealers but it is their best interest to sell you chems whether you need them or not. Not all will do this but some will. Also their test equipment if computerized may not be calibrated or functioning properly ...

You can use what you feel is correct but maybe question what the dealer is telling you, just my $0.02.


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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2006, 09:04:01 am »

Once again thanks for the GREAT information.  I questioned the need for algaecide myself, but since it came in the start-up kit, and the tech recommended it, I figured I would try it.

My home has a Culligan water softener, and the tub is filled approximately 1/2 hard water, 1/2 soft.  The tech recommended using the defender more as a preventive measure to keep any scale build up from forming.  With that, he only recommended using approximately 1 oz every 3 weeks.

I will try your recommendations for the next few weeks and watch what my water looks/feels like.  As you pointed out, the least amount of chems I need to use, the better.


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Re: Why the clouds and foam when I shock??
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2006, 09:04:01 am »


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