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The open cabinet is pure Genius! Â Leaks will be easier to repair than ever! Â The bigget air barrier for insualton in the entire world! Â And finally a truely maintence free cabinet!!!! The bottom is garenteed NEVER to rot out! Genius!
My only question is, do you have to have a small lawnmower to mow the grass under there? Â Or if you let it grow, will it add to the insulation?Dave
How much extra is the PT frame?
 Da new SeaMonkey Generally Reflective Applied Spa Strukture (G.R.A.S.S.) acturally becumz MORE insoolated over the time you bees ownin' it!!!!  Dat's pure DAMM GENIUS!!!!.
Unbelievable,How do you think up this stuff
QuoteMy only question is, do you have to have a small lawnmower to mow the grass under there? Â Or if you let it grow, will it add to the insulation?DaveNoah Middleman repliez:"Damm boy, now you's gettin' it!!!! Â Da new SeaMonkey Generally Reflective Applied Spa Strukture (G.R.A.S.S.) acturally becumz MORE insoolated over the time you bees ownin' it!!!! Â Dat's pure DAMM GENIUS!!!!.You and droopstar seem like a couple of sharp fellas. Â Say...... me and Cooter and the boyz is plannin' a little canoe trip this weekend. Â You fellers wouldn't be innersted in a little vacation, would ye?"
Thanks for the offer, but I really have to build my deck this weekend so that I dont have to walk barefoot over rough gravel to get to my new hot tub. Â Maybe next month..