Now, I know this is off the hot tub subject...which is why I posted this message on the General BS page.

Seeing as we decided to hold off on the spa for awhile to work on finishing our basement...which we haven't started yet, other than drawing up the plans...need some opinions, please??
Finishing the basement or buying a plot of land with deeded access to a lake with a nice sandy beach...which is the better investment?
We went to my parents' new cottage this weekend and they have deeded access to a nice lake without lakefront taxes!! Was searching online and found a really nice 1.58 acre lot with deeded access to 2 beaches on a waterski lake and by a hiking trail. Also found a property with just a little 765 sq ft cottage on a 100x200 lot with access to lake.
Would be nice to have a getaway, but we can go to my parents cottage if we wish...would also be nice to have that "getaway" at home in the basement, too.
Thanks in advance!