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Author Topic: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input  (Read 6992 times)


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Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« on: August 21, 2006, 11:01:22 am »
Hello all!  First - thank you for all the great information that you all provided for the past 2 years.  Our search has been greatly enhanced from your post.  After several wet test we have narrowed our decision.  We were able to wet test an envoy and quickly decided that we want the moto massage.  The dealer does not have a vanguard on the floor for us to compare.  Just the 2 of us - DH 6'1, me 5'6 - How are the jets on the vanguard?  Is it  smaller than envoy (cool down seat looks large, fewer jets?)  What is a resonable price for Envoy?  Vanguard?  thanks in advance!

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Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« on: August 21, 2006, 11:01:22 am »


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 12:31:32 pm »
There are four category of jets in the ENVOY: small, medium, large and extra-large. That would the neck jets, the two sized jets in the back area, and then the JetStream jets for the feet. The small and large can interchange with spinner nozzles.

The Vanguard only has small, large and extra large.

Both tubs ALSO have the Moto Massage jets and the Soothing Seven jets, the Vanguard has one single Moto and one Double.

This difference is what makes one the tubs an EE and other an HP.

Only you can decide if the cool-down seat is important. I like it - I have a Grandee which is very much like the Vanguard. But I sometimes wish I had the larger jet count of the Vista and Envoy. I had a Vista before, and so I'm sort of spoiled for High Performace jet systems now - but I am not a big fan of recliners.

That may change: I have lost 45 pounds in the past three months, and it seems to be allowing me to more comfortably stay in the recliner. I may end up with another Vista as I lose the other 45 pounds - we'll see.
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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2006, 01:14:41 pm »
 What is a resonable price for Envoy?  Vanguard?  thanks in advance!

We were quoted around $8400 - $8600 + tax for the Vanguard
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 01:15:27 pm by Spiderman »
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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2006, 01:19:10 pm »
I would look more to the Grandee for comparison on the Envoy, actually.  It may seem like a big step up, but I like the jet configuration a little better.  I love having the Soothing Seven WITH a directional or rotary jet underneath.  The seat directly across from that is also very nice... 4 precision jets across the middle-upper back and one large Jetstream jet for the lower back.

What kind of prices have you been given so far?


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2006, 04:50:24 pm »
Thanks for the quick responses!  We didn't consider the Grandee because it is so big - and just the 2 of us.  Does the Grandee have the same level of power/ pressure?  I think the dealer was listing Grandee at 9500, Envoy8900, and Vanguard 8000 - I thought I read someone posted pricing of ~8400 for Envoy...

Giraffe - I see Grandee is 38" vs 36" of Envoy - how tall are each of you?  does each moto -"really" have full pressure at the same time?  ( that is the jet we liked best about the envoy)

Chas what would be a reasonable price point on a vista?  We hadn't considered that one either...

Envoy owners - do you miss not having a cool down seat - or does the elevated section of the recliner work just as well?

thanks in advance!


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2006, 04:56:24 pm »

I am 6'8, so I fit perfectly in the Envoy, but the Grandee I feel has a little bit more power as it doesn't have the BellaFontana pulling away from it.

I think the Vanguard also has good pressure for the same reason.  As far as the cool-down seat is concerned, I never use one- I just can handle the heat for a pretty long period of time.  Sitting sideways on the Envoy does work, but I think it interferes a bit with the people in the corner seat and seat in the back.

My biggest problem with the Envoy is that the only feasible point of entry requires the use of one of the seats.

All 3 are great options, but if you're both under 6'1, I'd steer toward the Grandee or Vanguard.


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2006, 06:54:37 pm »
When we were shopping for a tub...we narrowed it down to the envoy and vanguard.  Before wet testing them, we were planning on getting one with a lounger seat, but we were both disappointed because we floated right off the seat. We then tried the Vanguard and loved it. I really like the Grandee because of the dual moto-message but it looked so large in the showroom that we decided to purchase the Vanguard for 8,200 plus all the extras.

I don't know why...but I wish we purchased the Grandee spa (just because of how gorgeous it looked with the pearl finish)...even though it's just the two of us most of the time. The salesman kind of talked us out of it. He said if you don't need the extra space then don't spend the money.


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2006, 07:18:01 pm »
I don't know why...but I wish we purchased the Grandee spa (just because of how gorgeous it looked with the pearl finish)...even though it's just the two of us most of the time. The salesman kind of talked us out of it. He said if you don't need the extra space then don't spend the money.

I'd agree with the salesman. Of course you may have liked the Grandee better but unless $2k is meaningless to you or unless you're 6'5" then I think you were smart get the smaller of the two spas if there was just two of you. If it continues to bother you that you didn't go top of the line, go out and spend the $2k on something tangible so for instance, you can look at a new big screen TV knowing that you have it because you went with teh more logical fit on the spa.  
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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2006, 08:27:05 am »
i think for us the Grandee is a little too big, and maybe too deep- the envoy 36" water level fit me just fine at 5'5 -  So our remaining quesitons:
is the jet pressure different on the moto massage in the envoy (2-2 hp pumps) vs Vanguard (2- 1.65)?

Also - the soothing seven didn't really feel like much - what other jets would you recommend changing them out with?  Any other Envoy owners out there??


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2006, 08:53:05 pm »
I just did that wet test tonight and bought the vanguard. I am only 5'5 and could not stay in the lounger or captains chair in the envoy. $7500 with lifter and steps.

I really wanted to like the envoy, and wet tested it 3 times before I made the descision not to buy it, but my feet don;t even reach the foot jets on the lounger by half a foot.


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2006, 09:17:19 pm »
I just did that wet test tonight and bought the vanguard. I am only 5'5 and could not stay in the lounger or captains chair in the envoy. $7500 with lifter and steps.

I really wanted to like the envoy, and wet tested it 3 times before I made the descision not to buy it, but my feet don;t even reach the foot jets on the lounger by half a foot.

aaronr, aren't you glad you wet tested? Can you imagine how you would have felt floating out of the Envoy lounger for the first time in your backyard? The Envoy's a great spa if it fits you.
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2006, 09:29:10 pm »
Big time, I would have been severely disapointed. Awesome product if I was a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier.

I just did that wet test tonight and bought the vanguard. I am only 5'5 and could not stay in the lounger or captains chair in the envoy. $7500 with lifter and steps.

I really wanted to like the envoy, and wet tested it 3 times before I made the descision not to buy it, but my feet don;t even reach the foot jets on the lounger by half a foot.

aaronr, aren't you glad you wet tested? Can you imagine how you would have felt floating out of the Envoy lounger for the first time in your backyard? The Envoy's a great spa if it fits you.


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2006, 09:29:38 pm »
I like the Soothing Seven because they are less intense.

We have a Grandee, and when the Moto gets to be too much, I switch over to the Soothing Seven.


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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2006, 09:43:07 pm »
I can't wait!

I like the Soothing Seven because they are less intense.

We have a Grandee, and when the Moto gets to be too much, I switch over to the Soothing Seven.

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Re: Envoy vs Vanguard - Ready to Buy need input
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2006, 09:43:07 pm »


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