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should it stay or should it go?
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Topic: should it stay or should it go? (Read 2600 times)
obi wan
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Posts: 271
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should it stay or should it go?
August 22, 2006, 01:43:03 pm »
cause you know there will be trouble....(sorry for the bad song parody
here's the real question......
looks like I will be transfering to atlanta GA area with in a couple months.
we have an 18 month old caldera niagra. any body had any experience with selling a house with a fairly new tub? I own a truck, and happen to have a 10' open trailer rated at 2200 lbs. would it work out better to take it with me, or leave it behind and buy another? (not having one, is NOT an option)
anyone been thru this?
Hot Tub Forum
should it stay or should it go?
August 22, 2006, 01:43:03 pm »
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Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #1 on:
August 22, 2006, 02:18:45 pm »
Seems like that would be something a future buyer would answer.
It may help or hinder your house sale, depending on the buyer.
Suggest to offer it as an option to be included with the house.
If it hinders your sale, take it with you.
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Posts: 406
Keeping a close eye on the new spa...
Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #2 on:
August 22, 2006, 02:27:00 pm »
Sounds like a personal option but if you don't sell your home before you have to move and thus can't get feedback from potential buyers and have to make a decision about it before you move AND it is a newish tub AND you like it AND you have the capacity to move it with a minimum of hassle then I would say take it with you.
You aren't likely to get much added value for it in the sale of your home unless you had a built in set up for it at your home and you leave a hole in your backyard or a vacant pad that detracts from the appearance and so the decision seems to be between the hassle/cost of moving it and the cost of a new one when you arrive.
But I am a pack rat!
Last Edit: August 22, 2006, 02:27:31 pm by tanstaafl2
In hot water with my '06 Reflections Granada
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #3 on:
August 22, 2006, 05:12:12 pm »
being a real estate agent for 18 years, people ALWAYS want what they think they can't have...i also just bought a d1 chairman II and have my house on the market...just tell your agent that the hot tub(along with anything else you don't want to leave) is not included with the sale of the house..
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Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #4 on:
August 22, 2006, 11:01:51 pm »
I totally agree with Cappy and tanstaafl2. If you sell it, make it a separate transaction. So many people dont appreciate how expensive spas are until they shop themseves, compare, and realize they are going to have to fork out more than 3k for something decent. How many of us thought that 3K was a great price-point for a spa when first shopping? So somebody focusing on house shopping, not spa-savvy, is not going to recognize a good quality new-ish spa as much of an added value to the house.
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Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #5 on:
August 22, 2006, 11:16:33 pm »
I agree with keeping it separate. I did that once and was amazed at the homebuyers perception. A number of people wanted me to "throw it in" as part of the deal. When they realized I wouldn't budge on that, they left it alone. I ended up taking the spa with me and was very happy I did. Since yours is so new, I'd take it with you. You might even consider moving it out early so potential buyers don't try to use it as a negotiation point. What they don't see won't hurt them.
The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas and my Vanguard!!!
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Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #6 on:
August 22, 2006, 11:21:11 pm »
18 months you should take it with you.ll never recoup close to what you paid unless you can work that extra money into the price of your house. Strap it secure it away you go!!
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Posts: 21
Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #7 on:
August 22, 2006, 11:26:01 pm »
I just went through a similar dilema. I told the realtor that the tub is not included so of course the buyers wanted it thrown in. I gave them2 options:
1. add the tub price (half of retail) plus the diffrence I'm losing paying the commission on that money
2. Buy it seperate
Since they used all their available funds for the down payment we went with option #1 and it was fine.
After all is said and done, it cost me some money, but it made life alot easier and I think it really helped close the deal between my house and another one on my street that was for sale. Too bad they didn't buy those heavy pinball machines I thought were cool.
Now If I can just make a choice on my new tub.......
obi wan
Full Member
Posts: 271
you're just jealous the voices only talk to ME!
Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #8 on:
August 23, 2006, 12:36:12 am »
thanx for all the input..... i was leaning towards not including it, but making it an option for the buyer (at about 1/2 new price)
I didn't want to sour a possible sale to early.....and i dont want a take it or leave it type offer, to include "throwing in" the spa,,,,,,
the down side is that i did add on to the existing deck to place it, put a gazebo over it, landscaped, the whole 9 yards....
I could leave the gazebo, and call it a screened in outdoor dining area.
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Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #9 on:
August 23, 2006, 02:43:02 pm »
If it were me, I would take the hot tub with and get the full warranty out of it.
Hot Tub Forum
Re: should it stay or should it go?
Reply #9 on:
August 23, 2006, 02:43:02 pm »
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