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Re: OK Techies! Lets Talk Ozone!!!
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2006, 05:30:24 pm »
I don't think it isn't working.
I'm thinking on unplugging it and not using it as I'd rather save the few bucks a month and potential longer lasting cover and head rests.

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Re: OK Techies! Lets Talk Ozone!!!
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2006, 05:30:24 pm »


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Re: OK Techies! Lets Talk Ozone!!!
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2006, 07:22:07 pm »

Ya know drewstar I was beginning to like you and you go and write this ... >:(     ;)

For the record, I am impressed that your tub can last 6 days without chlorine BUT I only run my ozonator for 8 hours a day. I use as much dichlor as you and I really don't have any water quality issues either. Only if I skip 2 days does my tub get cloudy.

Now the only time I have run my ozonator 24 hours is when my tub had gotten cloudy recently and I thoiught it would clear it up. So this morning I had a revelation that if I could turn off the ozone I could turn it up to 24 hours and see ... maybe that's the difference.  So I put 1 teaspoon of dichlor and turned it on to 24 hours to see what will happen. I have one of Doc's foam blankets on the tub and I didn't smell any ozone after it was running about 11 hours ... so I got no off gassing. :D (JK - I really didn't smell anything but I don't have a good nose)

Sledjunkie, is your CD ozonator attached to the upgraded system or is a 2006 Artesian coming equiped with CD ozonators now?

The problem with the Artesian ozone that I see is the circ pump pumps a heck of a lot of water and it runs through the pipes in a very short period time... not at a puny 5 GPM! :P


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Re: OK Techies! Lets Talk Ozone!!!
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2006, 07:25:30 pm »
I don't think it isn't working.
I'm thinking on unplugging it and not using it as I'd rather save the few bucks a month and potential longer lasting cover and head rests.

Just turn off the ozonator where you turn up or down the "filter time", that'll turn it off. The only thing is I think the line clearing cycle stops when you do this, I don't remember my tub clearing it's lines when I turned it off.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2006, 07:25:56 pm by Vinny »


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Re: OK Techies! Lets Talk Ozone!!!
« Reply #33 on: August 21, 2006, 08:53:14 pm »
Mine is an 05 not an 06, and it's attached to the top of the mazzi injector valve, which is to the left of that flow switch thing.

I don't have that prozone or propure upgrade, or whatever they call it.


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Re: OK Techies! Lets Talk Ozone!!!
« Reply #34 on: August 21, 2006, 10:12:42 pm »
Mine is an 05 not an 06, and it's attached to the top of the mazzi injector valve, which is to the left of that flow switch thing.

I don't have that prozone or propure upgrade, or whatever they call it.

OK then, mine is an early 05 (April) Cayman and my dealer said Artesian only would put in an UV ozonator. Maybe they upped it to a CD unit as time went on.

Do you ever smell ozone? Did your "filter time" come from the factory for 2 hours every 12? My tub defalts to 6 every 12 after turning the power off but I have the lower level electronics vs the Gold and Platinum series. Very simple controls!

Have you ever tried upping the time? If you do try it, try to see if it has that ozone smell. I think the foam blanket is causing the water to not give off a lot of gas, the circ pump return port gives a line of bubbles about 1 1/2 to 2 feet long and the blanket is over that area.

As far as cost, I think probably $5.00 a month for 24 hour ozone and less for using ozone less but a CD unit uses 30 watts so 30 watts x 24 hours x 30 days = 21.6 KWH @ $0.14 = $3.024 to operate. I could live with this IF I didn't need to dose my tub on an every other day basis.

I'll see what happens with the 24hour ozone test.


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Re: OK Techies! Lets Talk Ozone!!!
« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2006, 04:55:11 pm »
Well, I e-mailed Prozone and they claim their PZ1 ozonator produces 8 grams of ozone a day and their PZ6 produces 4 grams a day. I didn't ask for documented proof but I'm sure it would be all in house testing...

I also found on the Del website that their CD ozonators don't put out any more ozone than their UV types - something that Mendo said.

I e-mailed Artesian about my pump speed and I need to get back to them with my serial number and I should be able to do that tonight.

I'm thinking that there can't be too many manufacturers of spa ozone units - Del, Prozone, Balboa and maybe a couple more not that well known. I would also think that any spa company that has their own name on the ozonator gets it from one of the bigger names and whatever the regular brand ozonator puts out, the private name puts out the same amount.

To be continued ...

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Re: OK Techies! Lets Talk Ozone!!!
« Reply #35 on: August 22, 2006, 04:55:11 pm »


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