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Author Topic: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?  (Read 13493 times)


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2006, 01:57:37 pm »

Are you implying that it's better to prevent leaks rather than making them easier to fix? WHAT A CONCEPT!! ;D ;D

Term might be coy but thats OK because he's cute and we all love him. ;D

But your agenda is starting to tick me off.  >:( Your snide comments towards TP and Coleman don't make you or Sundance look any better.............

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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2006, 01:57:37 pm »


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2006, 03:49:37 pm »
Hey terminater congrats I have two boys their great we go golfing togther I go to there baseball games there awsome. I tell my wife she only done three things right 1.) marry me  2.) have Solomon 3.) have Matthew


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #32 on: July 08, 2006, 04:02:41 pm »
Marquis did it both ways. It was obvious to them which way had less leaks. That's Marquis, not Sundance!

My "agenda" in this case must be to shine the light on a company that changed their design so they make the best possible spa for their customers as opposed to coming up with the best possible story to support their design.

I have no beef with Coleman. I don't think they are a bad tub. I do think it's inexcusable to have parts rusting like that.(whether it be her Coleman or the speakers on Viper Dudes Emerald)  

The comment was made in jest and directed at Vanissa, she gave it a LOL so I'm O.K. with it, if you're not, I'm O.K. with that too.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2006, 09:36:51 pm by hymbaw »
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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2006, 09:22:56 pm »
Why don't you get out in the field and work on a half dozen different brands of spas and tell me how and why a full foamed spa is better than Coleman.

I sell full foam as well.......I also work on both full foam and thermal pane.....Full foam spas can leak.....So can thermal pane.....

I've been in this business a long time. When a dealer can succesfully sell both TP an FF in the same showroom you know your selling a spa on it's benifits. Not selling one because you can trash talk technology and a manufacturing process that your brand doesn't use.

Every major spa manufacturer has some dark years that they went through. The spa industry is really in it's infancy compared to say the auto industry. They've all come a long way in the last decade. I've sold Coleman for over a decade and have never been prouder to sell them.

Quit snipping at Coleman and start bragging about Sundance. Who BTW are owned by Jacuzzi, the other brand that I sell..... ::)


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2006, 09:58:51 pm »
One cool thing about Marquis is that they have tried many different things in spas, for instance circulation pumps or not fully foaming the spa, whereas many companies have just done it one way since the beginning and are reluctant to change.  The one thing that I will say about the full foam versus TP debate, why would a manufacture spend money on foam and labor on spraying that foam if they could get away without it?  Obviously Marquis tried it and it wasn't the best possible product for the customer so they made a change.


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2006, 12:18:09 am »
It's like watching a train wreck that I just can't turn away from

Full Foam debate..TP is cheaper to manufacturer and that's why companies like...Coleman use it....

Fact....Since the 80's, Coleman has been manufacturing and perfecting technology called thermal pane.

1. Coleman offers a 5 year warranty on plumbing including 5 years on leaks, jets, diverters,ect. Plumbing is plumbing, no matter if you can see it or not.

a..If that technology was so inferior wouldn't Coleman go broke on warranty calims.

b..I applaud Marquis for deciding to start to full foam the spas they manufacture. Looking at that picture from an 8 year old tub, I will tell you that they were not doing TP the same way that Coleman was at that time....

c..Don't compare an 8 year old TP Marquis to a Coleman and tell me they changed their manufacturing process because they realizied Full Foam was better for the customer, although much more expensive for them to produce.

This is all fluff....( not the word I wanted to use )

Call me a crazy, but I'd like to think one day, we could sell our own spas on their own merits, comfort, therapy, and reliability.


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2006, 01:08:24 am »
I agree with you....I think the jabs at others products is not needed.....I fully agree that if someone is lying about something than they should be called on it...but to take unsolicited shots at others is not professional and EVERY SPA at there has room for improvements...I am proud to sell Marquis I think top to bottom you simply cannot find a better spa but I think and except that everyone here feels the same way about they represent and if not they should....
« Last Edit: July 09, 2006, 01:09:19 am by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #37 on: July 09, 2006, 02:50:08 am »
Joanna, can't touch this one!
Stick to your guns baby!
Regards, Zz


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2006, 04:42:11 am »
c..Don't compare an 8 year old TP Marquis to a Coleman and tell me they changed their manufacturing process

I never mentioned Coleman. Did you?

I made a sarcstic(granted) comment about the obvious truths that MARQUIS discovered in the course of business. NEVER mentioned Coleman, NEVER mentioned Sundance. If you took offense it has more to do with you than with my comments.

Me thinks thou protest too much!!

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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2006, 04:44:29 am »
I think the jabs at others products is not needed

To be clear... Which jabs are we refering to?
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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2006, 05:01:27 am »
One cool thing about Marquis is that they have tried many different things in spas, for instance circulation pumps or not fully foaming the spa, whereas many companies have just done it one way since the beginning and are reluctant to change.  The one thing that I will say about the full foam versus TP debate, why would a manufacture spend money on foam and labor on spraying that foam if they could get away without it?  Obviously Marquis tried it and it wasn't the best possible product for the customer so they made a change.

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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2006, 04:53:52 pm »
I believe Marquis warranties their plumbing more than anyone in the business, 7 years.


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #42 on: July 10, 2006, 04:55:17 pm »
What a unique way of taking "potshots" while sounding innocent and saying your not! ;)

Not to worry though, when I get some time this week I have several HotSpring pictures of the same vintage and newer with Pink faded cabinets, cracks on the edge of the lips (most within a foot of each other), burned heaters, Cracks on the steps and so on.

I've replaced more heaters and heater relay boards on HotSpring than should have ever failed so it will show history behind their newer D1 like heater (that they used to sell against) and explain why they went to it.

I wont be taking potshots either but rather showing some history..... ;) 8)


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #43 on: July 11, 2006, 12:09:17 am »
Ya didn't they used to put smoke detectors around those Hotspring heaters?


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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #44 on: July 11, 2006, 09:05:53 am »
What a unique way of taking "potshots" while sounding innocent and saying your not! ;)

Not to worry though, when I get some time this week I have several HotSpring pictures of the same vintage and newer with Pink faded cabinets, cracks on the edge of the lips (most within a foot of each other), burned heaters, Cracks on the steps and so on.

I've replaced more heaters and heater relay boards on HotSpring than should have ever failed so it will show history behind their newer D1 like heater (that they used to sell against) and explain why they went to it.

I wont be taking potshots either but rather showing some history..... ;) 8)

Sounds like the MATURE thing to do! :P  How about we all get are old pics of other MFG's spas and show the issues they had....God knows I have tons. ;)  I actually have a fellow HS dealer friend who has a graveyard of 95'-2000' D1 units that should have lasted longer then they did.  At least the spa is removable in one piece when they trade them out vs. some other brands out their. ;D

I also have some nice pics of that same pink faded cabinet from 99'-00' before and after... and after the after.  That's right, back then having a proprietary material that was stainable was a great idea.  Still the most durable ext. material HS has used IMHO.  

I just sold five pre-owned HS units ranging from 88'-97' down in the Florida Keys over the weekend.  Being that you recondition spas as well, you know everyone who does, has incriminating photos of other MFG's spas.  And for every incriminating photo, there is an after photo that tells a whole other story... :o

« Last Edit: July 11, 2006, 09:21:53 am by pkud »

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Re: Is this considered a Full Foam Spa?
« Reply #44 on: July 11, 2006, 09:05:53 am »


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