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Topic: Inside Or Outside? (Read 5410 times)
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Inside Or Outside?
August 16, 2006, 01:37:10 pm »
Now that I have completed the search and purchased a tub, I have a new dillema. We had prepared on building a deck outside our bedroom and replacing window with a door. Ideally, we wanted a roof and a full screened porch, thinking that if it was too cold in the winter we'd have plexi glass inserts built.
Our contractor finally shows up and tells us that we'd be much better off building a room so we can use the tub year round.
We considered this and decided we want the porch. We informed our contractor (who hasn't begun work yet) of this as our decision. He comes back a day later and he says we'll regret it and it will cost more in the long run to turn porch into a 4 season room.
We live in the Northeast.
I am ready to tell this guy to just lay a concrete slab so I can get my hot tub (paid for 2 weeks ago!!). Forget the deck, forget the porch. An addition will cost me about 18,000. Ugh!
So, those in the northeast,
INDOORS OR OUTDOORS opinions are greatly needed.
p.s. I have a killer view that I'd like to enjoy.
m in upny
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Inside Or Outside?
August 16, 2006, 01:37:10 pm »
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #1 on:
August 16, 2006, 02:03:37 pm »
Outside. I've never understood the thought process of putting a hot tub indoors unless it's in a basement or a decked three-seasons porch. If you get a quality hot tub, the difference for energy efficiency will be almost negligible anyway.
In Canada eh
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #2 on:
August 16, 2006, 02:07:51 pm »
Why spoil the view of the stars. All of these southern US people will also miss 1" of snow on top of your baseball hat while in the tub in the winter.
Bullfrog 451
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #3 on:
August 16, 2006, 02:16:54 pm »
I'd go with the outdoors we are in NE and I think it is best in the winter...
Also, I think you should get a new contractor,,, being as though he does not seem to be 100% into making your ideas a reality...
Good luck
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #4 on:
August 16, 2006, 02:53:06 pm »
I specifiaclly bought my tub to be used outdoors in the winter time. (Also a New England Resident).
Otudoors in the snow is fantastic.
Unlless you are buying the tub stricktly for therapy, or are in a very unprivate location, Id say outdoors!!!
07 Caldera Geneva
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #5 on:
August 16, 2006, 03:04:40 pm »
I'm in upstate NY myself. Just North of Albany.
I went with a 3 season porch off the back of the house but used translucent corrugated roofing panels directly over the tub. It's a peaked roof. Half is is steel corrugated roofing because there is a tree over the roof on that side and the other side (above the hottub) is covered by the translucent panels. We use it year round with no problems and have a great view.
And there are more pictures here.
Last Edit: August 16, 2006, 03:05:46 pm by Phil_
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #6 on:
August 16, 2006, 03:06:46 pm »
OUTDOORS.. No If's Ands Of Buts... I suspect you will ALWAYS 'wish you put it outside' (considering your killer view).. YOU WILL NOT BE SATISFIED with anything else...PERIOD. Indoors is fine for the once or twice a year that it is storming outside.. but the point of your thinking is the other 360 days of the year ENJOYING THE VIEW.....
Yes.. Get a new contractor... this one 'isn't on the same page' as you are.
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #7 on:
August 16, 2006, 03:15:55 pm »
You know, you said you might just pour a pad and put it out there.
You know what? I'd say do just that. Live with it for a year or so, and then take your time and decide what you want to do, deck, porch, room. what ever.
The only downside is you'll be running 220v to the pad and later you'll need to move it. And you'll also have a cement pad (hey, the central AC conpressor that your wife is going to talk you into next year can be put in it.
Still not bad, consider you'll use the tub NOW and be able to make an informed deisicon. You might also get away with some pavers or one of those new pads that folks have been using. This is a big investment, and it sounds like you want to make sure you do it right.
Good luck!
07 Caldera Geneva
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #8 on:
August 16, 2006, 04:31:02 pm »
I'm guessing your contractor's prediliction towards building a room is in direct correlation to his profit margins.
I'm with Drewstar, pour a slab, enjoy the tub through a winter, see how you feel about building around it next spring.(This will also give you time to search for a contractor that at least feigns an interest in your opinion).
I personally enjoy my tub the most in the middle of winter. I love soaking up all that crisp winter air and enjoying the fact that I'm not a captive in my home( like most folks in these parts) when the snow starts flying.
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #9 on:
August 16, 2006, 04:42:41 pm »
Outdoors (buy a towel/robe rack).
You can buy one of those propane umbrella shaped outdoor patio heaters to take some of the chill off when getting in and out of the spa.
I'm in Tennessee and I can't wait for it to snow. I'm so going to spend the entire evening in my hot tub when it does snow.
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #10 on:
August 16, 2006, 04:43:08 pm »
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #11 on:
August 16, 2006, 05:02:03 pm »
THAT IS THE LIFE....... The Quiet of the snow fall.... The Brisk cold nip in the air on your face.. and THE SO WONDERFUL WARMTH that you feel throughout your body from the hot tub... THATS LIVIN !!!!
I used to live in Pa. and I couldn't wait for the snow..for just that reason.. Its at that momment that you realize that it doesn't matter how much you spent on your tub...IT WAS WORTH IT.
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #12 on:
August 16, 2006, 06:32:36 pm »
live in upstate NY. Definitely want tub outside. The shooting stars, snow flakes gently melting on your face, Soaking in the winter sun, nature at its finest, live and outside. Not the same as looking at it through a glass. Soaking in a hot tub outside is like taking a bath with a raincoat on. The benefits are still there not just as enjoyable as they could be. Just one mans opinion. I've yet to find the weather to bad to not allow me to soak outside. Happy tubbing.
PS: There must be hundreds of contractors willing to work to your specs and not theirs. I would go call a few and seek other estimates.
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #13 on:
August 16, 2006, 07:36:12 pm »
I see a theme.....
I haven't read EVERY word in all the posts, but I noticed something missing....
Complaints...about trees dropping leaves, rain, snow, being too cold to tub....Everyone (almost) agrees that the great outdoors is the place to be. And I agree with the one post about pour a slab (cheap), wait a year, and see how you like it. If at that time you decide you need to have a 3 seasons room built, at least you KNOW that the investment is worth it to you.
By the way, I vote for "OUTSIDE" also.
We've got lots of shade from our trees, and yes, leaves fall, but it's SO worth sitting outside in the hot water, relaxing in the fresh air....
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #14 on:
August 16, 2006, 07:43:17 pm »
Tatooed lady... you are right... LIFE IS DIFFICULT.. leafs and all... Perhaps its all about PROSPECTIVE.
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Re: Inside Or Outside?
Reply #14 on:
August 16, 2006, 07:43:17 pm »
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