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Author Topic: Gulf Coast Spas  (Read 11355 times)


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Re: Gulf Coast Spas
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2006, 01:57:04 pm »
You just inadvertently threw Solanas under the bus there, Term.   :-?

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Re: Gulf Coast Spas
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2006, 01:57:04 pm »


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Re: Gulf Coast Spas
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2006, 01:59:09 pm »
You just inadvertently threw Solanas under the bus there, Term.   :-?

I don't consider the Solana to be a premium spa.  It's a nice little foo foo spa that is extremely well made, but not in the same mold as the HS/TR line.  In my opinion. :)

Just layin' low and chucklin' in my stomach wif' da fidgets...


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Re: Gulf Coast Spas
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2006, 02:38:54 pm »
I do not care who makes the spa HOT WATER is hot water and it needs to be sanitized so unless Gulf coast has bottled their own special water than it is not chemical free or if not than maybe they send a witch and her kettle to brew you up something   but far more important to me is the total lack of respect that this type of hype is. I mean if they are to outright lie or twist something as important as water care than than what else are they willing to say to get you to buy a spa...I do not think they deserve your business simply because they are telling half truths at best.....


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Re: Gulf Coast Spas
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2006, 03:03:41 pm »
Thanks for all your imput. Just to clarify, I'm not buying one of these.. I just recently lost a sale to one, where the guy came in and just said he bought another spa that was better for his family and situation.

I respected the fact that he was honest and said he bought another spa, not just "were taking a break on this project" (which is aka "I bought another spa"). I asked who, and he couldn't even think of the brand. geeeze.. spend money like that and not even know the brand.. He just told me where it was and I knew the location (inside of a lumber warehouse), so I did some research and found out who it was.

I must say, they have a beautifully designed website, and I see where a consumer can get caught up with all the glitz and chemical free babble. But the warranty is an insult! Among other thigns. You have to do all the work yourself before they dispatch a service person out there, and the service is prorated after the first year..

I am embarrassed that I lost a sale to this spa. Home depot should be losing sales to this spa, not Sundance. He could've bought a 780 series if the 880 was out of his price bracket. Anyway, thanks all for listening to me babble on.  ;)


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Re: Gulf Coast Spas
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2006, 03:17:17 pm »
Spagirl never ever be ashamed to lose a sale it happens, oh unless you lose one to
d!p$h!t from that other site then just change carreers ;D


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Re: Gulf Coast Spas
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2006, 03:59:15 pm »

 Don't be embarassed to lose a sale to them.

There are people out there that just don't "get it". I had a customer on Saturday that would literally walk away from me when I tried ever so graciously to point out the benefits of a Sundance over a "brand X". He just kept saying "You can't tell me that it cost you $3000 more to make a tub than "brand X".Match the price and we got a deal."  After about 40 mins. of this I pointed across the street at the Lexus dealer and said "Go over there, tell them that you can get Kia for $18,000 and you want them to match it for a new Lexus. If they agree, I'll match prices with brand X."

Never did come back. :'(

You did your best (I assume) to help him make a good decision. There are a lot of people that can't separate facts and hyperbole. Don't blame yourself.  :)

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Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
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Hot Tub Forum

Re: Gulf Coast Spas
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2006, 03:59:15 pm »


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