Thanks for all your imput. Just to clarify, I'm not buying one of these.. I just recently lost a sale to one, where the guy came in and just said he bought another spa that was better for his family and situation.
I respected the fact that he was honest and said he bought another spa, not just "were taking a break on this project" (which is aka "I bought another spa"). I asked who, and he couldn't even think of the brand. geeeze.. spend money like that and not even know the brand.. He just told me where it was and I knew the location (inside of a lumber warehouse), so I did some research and found out who it was.
I must say, they have a beautifully designed website, and I see where a consumer can get caught up with all the glitz and chemical free babble. But the warranty is an insult! Among other thigns. You have to do all the work yourself before they dispatch a service person out there, and the service is prorated after the first year..
I am embarrassed that I lost a sale to this spa. Home depot should be losing sales to this spa, not Sundance. He could've bought a 780 series if the 880 was out of his price bracket. Anyway, thanks all for listening to me babble on.