I had a gentleman call me up today asking if we bought used tubs.
"No, we don't buy used tubs."
"Well the lady that answered said that she would put me to you."
"That's because she doesn't know the answer. We take tubs in on trade, but we don't buy used ones."
He then proceeded to tell me that he has a two-person Marquis- it's less than five years old, and it's a two-seater. I asked him what the model was and he couldn't tell me. He called me back five minutes later when he got home and it's apparently a Leisure Series spa, but I'm not likely to believe that it's called the "SmartClean" model. He wants to know what the spa is worth so he can go about selling it.
Apparently it's in perfect condition, less than five years old (though he couldn't tell me exactly). Anyone have any info on a tub that fits this description (Rendezvous??) and what it would fetch?