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Topic: Rotating HS filters. (Read 3473 times)
Senior Member
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Rotating HS filters.
August 07, 2006, 10:21:44 pm »
Hello everyone.
I have searched for a thread about this, but was not able to find one.
I am having a bit of trouble grasping the concept of rotating the filters.
To start, I have owned a Vanguard for just over a month. I have not had any water issues as of yet. I was under an impression that I hose down the filters once a month and when I notice that the jets are getting weak, I do the chemical cleaning. I know realize that that is incorrect. I now know that I need to hose down once a week, and chemically clean once a month.
I also have realized that because the circulation pump filter plugs off the most, it is a good idea to rotate the filters around. This should be done once a week.
This all seems like a reasonable procedure, but I threw in a twist into this. I have recently obtained four Tri-X filters, which I have placed just now (after hosing down the five regular filters for the first time) in the filter compartment, leaving the pleated type on the circulation pump.
So the question is, what cleaning/rotation schedule do I follow now. Also please correct me, if any of my assumptions are incorrect.
Thank you.
Hot Tub Forum
Rotating HS filters.
August 07, 2006, 10:21:44 pm »
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Posts: 396
Re: Rotating HS filters.
Reply #1 on:
August 07, 2006, 10:34:02 pm »
Good questions. I guess I am not that scientific or systematic. I have a Vanguard as well and I throw the tri x filters in the dishwasher once every 4-6 weeks and rotated the filters about every two weeks or so.
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Re: Rotating HS filters.
Reply #2 on:
August 07, 2006, 11:35:45 pm »
But you probably have five Tri-Xes (new word) so I can see rotating those around, but with four, I do not see the point of rotating the four that are not on the circ pump. The way I sort of invision it, is that I would rotate the one circ pump pleated filter amongst my original five pleated that came with the tub and leaving the Tri-X filters were they are.
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Re: Rotating HS filters.
Reply #3 on:
August 08, 2006, 12:20:12 pm »
Good point...
I haven't been around for awhile. Did someone on this board suggest that you only use four Tri-x filters and keep one pleated filter? If so direct me to the posting so I can take a look as well.
Otherwise I think you are right in just rotating the pleated filters???
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Re: Rotating HS filters.
Reply #4 on:
August 08, 2006, 01:08:32 pm »
I think it was a post buy Chas a while back. He was answering someone else. I just figured that they are so pricey, why buy five new ones, when I already have five brand new pleated ones. But then my dealer owed me $ 150 so he said that he would give me four Tri-X filters at cost (that what four of them cost him). So I jumped at the offer, because it would have cot me $400 Can. to buy them from him directly. Now I have foru Tr-x and five pleated. I'll wait until my pleated ones are toast in #-3-4 years and replace them with Tri-X.
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Re: Rotating HS filters.
Reply #5 on:
August 09, 2006, 12:22:53 pm »
I would rotate the pleated ones amongst the circ pump, and not worry about the other four - unless you see one particular filter getting dirty faster than the others. I haven't seen this happen, but I suppose it could, perhaps due to location in the filter compartment or favoring one jet pump over the other.
I do suggest using those pleated filters on the circ pump because they work just fine, and if one gets too funky to get it clean you are not out much.
I would change the water. "Chas' Law" states that the first 30 days of spa ownership are the most difficult on the owner, the spa, the dealer and the water in the tub. As such, I tell folks to do a ONE TIME water change at 30 days or so. From that point on, four months is fine. Don't change the AG+ cart, it will be fine until your next water change.
As to your schedule of cleaning filters, I usually rinse mine in the dishwasher (Tri-X only) every four months, which is when I change water. If I have friends over, I have to clean them chemically just about every single time, because of oil. Non hot-tub owners give off more oil since they don't have a way to deep-clean their pores.
You'll find that chemically cleaning once a month might get old, and I don't think you'll need it in the long run. Try once or twice a year, with good rinses in between.
Your point is valid though that if you detect the jets beginning to soften up, clean the filters.
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Re: Rotating HS filters.
Reply #6 on:
August 09, 2006, 01:45:49 pm »
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Re: Rotating HS filters.
Reply #7 on:
August 09, 2006, 02:16:08 pm »
as for using one pleated filter for the circ pump and 4 tri-x for the rest, my dealer told me that the circ pump has such a low draw of water compared to the rest that there's no need to use a tri-x (high flow) on it, so it was recommended I keep one of the original 5 tri-x as a "spare" and put a cheaper filter on the circ.
I'm just "going with the flow", as it were. :-?
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Rotating HS filters.
Reply #7 on:
August 09, 2006, 02:16:08 pm »
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