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Author Topic: Why all the brand bickering???  (Read 15230 times)


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Why all the brand bickering???
« on: August 02, 2006, 02:44:57 am »
Hi everyone!

I'm new to this forum and have found it very addicting, but I just have one question:  Why does everyone seem to argue so much on this site?

It seems that almost every thread has people in a hissy fit over what brand is better and why the chemicals they use are the best.  Granted, I understand everyone has opinions, but it seems like the reason for this site is for information, not for a playground wrestling match.

Maybe it's just the hot weather, but is this site more for dealers to argue or is it a place for people to learn and share info?  

Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

thanks everyone, and I hope you all are loving your own hot tubs.

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Why all the brand bickering???
« on: August 02, 2006, 02:44:57 am »


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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 07:15:40 am »
I'd characterize it as typical of internet user groups.
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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 07:16:26 am »
It's a great site for consumers to learn about the different model hot tubs and how to care for them.

It's also a site with tons of dealers who do pump their own brand. As long as you can identify/ignore these types of posts you should be all set.


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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2006, 07:58:27 am »
This board is way tamer than other boards I've been involved with.  Best way to approach in my opinion, is to take nothing personally, and ignore topics, posts, or posters that irritate you.  And don't get dragged into the petty bickering, unless you want to.
Sometimes that stuff makes life here more interesting- civilized debate is a good thing.  
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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 09:36:46 am »
re: Why all the brand bickering???

Because just a few choose to "go negative".

Instead of speaking in positive terms about their own tub or the tubs they like, they choose to impugn the quality and workmanship of other brands of tubs or even call the tubs of other posters of this forum "ugly".

But like the posts above say.....

This message board is a wonderful resource for information about general questions and help with hot tubs. There are alot of nice, helpful and very knowledgeable hot tub folks that frequent this forum.

This place is great if you ask a question about the pros and cons of hot tub features.....like waterfalls, lights, smooth or rough shell, covers, concrete pads, electric hook-ups, ect....

In my opinion this message board is awesome but it's not the best place to get information about which tub to purchase[/i]

Yeah you can listen to what everyone says they think is their choice as the world's best tub.....

BUT the best place for that is to go do it yourself.....go to dealers.....choosing a dealer is almost as important as brand choice.....study how the dealer and sales staff act.....study how they conduct their operation.....check to see how long they have been in business and how long they have carried the brand they sell......get a feel for if they will be there for you after the sale is made as far as service/warranty work.....don't make an impulsive purchase....don't be in a hurry....and wet test a bunch of tubs to see what fits your personal tastes the best.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 09:40:58 am by Zep »


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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2006, 09:38:58 am »
This board has a wide mix of dealers, store owners,  shoppers and folks who own tubs.   All of varying levels of knoweldge, experince, personal opinion and comunication styles.

Competing dealers and brands always joust back and fourth on their products.  Some times their differences are legitimate, other times they are blown out of proportion.

As with ANY forum,  you the "signal to noise" ratio can be high. It's the nature of the medium.  Web forums can be great, and they can be confusing as all hell.

No single person here is an expert in all aspects of the industry and technoligy.  

That's not a bad thing.  However, if you come looking for a definitive answer, sometimes you'll find  that a single definitive answer, across the board just doesn't exist.  However if you can participate in the discussions, follow the threads, consider the source,typically you''ll find the information you need to make an informed, intelligent decision.

It's not a question and answer board per se. But more a gathering of (for the most part) like minded folks. (hot tub enthusiats).  

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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 10:28:05 am »
re: Why all the brand bickering???

Because just a few choose to "go negative".

Give it time, I'm talking long term.  This place use to be big on bashing thermospa with one user and one website popping up documenting their problems.  That has faded, we have had a few TS owners and even a rep pop in occasionally.

If Cal is truely a worthy product not worthy of the negative press that will fade over time.  One user frequents here that feels, and probably justifyably so he got bad treatment from CAL.  He is vocal about it.   That will fade over time.  

Just keep relating your good experiences and after you have had it a year or so, people will begin to take notice.

I've related personaly a few times, one of the most respecte dealers here in town carrys CAL, I've like the look of some models, and I have one friend who has had his for 4 years. (Thats the limit of my experience.) Maybe I'll invite him here.
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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2006, 10:42:35 am »
I don't see near the amount of brand bashing on this wonderfully moderated forum as I do on other sites.

HotSpring, obviously, receives a tremendous amount of trashing from the competition, as is usually the case when a company is the industry leader.  Thermo and Master, justifiably, receive a lot of negative attention due to their questionable marketing practices.  The roadside chop-shop thrifty scam artists get hammered occasionally.  Flim Flam Man is pure comedic entertainment.

Outside of those, I just don't see that much fussing and fighting.

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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2006, 11:01:30 am »
I don't see near the amount of brand bashing on this wonderfully moderated forum as I do on other sites.

There will always be bias to some degree because most here sell or own a particular brand but for the most part I think this site is good about respecting multiple brands. While Thermsospa, Cal Spas and Master's traveling road shows & fake rebates take some heat on this site, I think otherwise there is general respect for most other brands and you'll often see poeple mention 4 or 5 good brands for someone to look at if they are new and starting from scratch.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 01:16:37 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2006, 11:03:24 am »
HotSpring, obviously, receives a tremendous amount of trashing from the competition, as is usually the case when a company is the industry leader.  

Now that is what we call a "back-handed complement".  It looks and sounds like a complement but in reality it's a jab.   8)
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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2006, 11:14:45 am »
 Best way to approach in my opinion, is to take nothing personally, and ignore topics, posts, or posters that irritate you.

I agree completely!

However, there are a good number of people on this board that over-react at every PERCEIVED slight to their tub. Nobody wants to feel they were duped into buying an inferior product or admit that they sell one, so I understand the emotion.
Pointing out features that a brand may lack or touting features you TRUELY BELIEVE IN does not automatically qualify as "bashing".
My advice would be: If you hear a comment about your brand of tub that could be interpreted in a couple of ways, assume the poster meant the least offensive of those ways.
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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2006, 11:50:57 am »
I don't see near the amount of brand bashing on this wonderfully moderated forum as I do on other sites.

HotSpring, obviously, receives a tremendous amount of trashing from the competition, as is usually the case when a company is the industry leader.  Thermo and Master, justifiably, receive a lot of negative attention due to their questionable marketing practices.  The roadside chop-shop thrifty scam artists get hammered occasionally.  Flim Flam Man is pure comedic entertainment.

Outside of those, I just don't see that much fussing and fighting.


Where is the Hot Spring bashing/trashing ?....If anything I think people go out of their way to always say they are a good tub/manufacture ...I think the only thing that  happens is that at times someone reminds others that there are other ways to do things BESIDES the Hot Springs way.....but to call it bashing is a bit of a stretch ....maybe I am wrong....I just never remember the product ever really gettting trashed.....


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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2006, 11:54:27 am »

Now that is what we call a "back-handed complement".  It looks and sounds like a complement but in reality it's a jab.   8)

How so??? ???

At whom did I jabbeth?

I was completely sincere when I said HotSpring is the industry leader.  That has never been in dispute.

I was completely sincere when I said HotSpring receives a tremendous amount of bashing from the competition.  That's fine, it comes with the territory and is like water off a frog's butt.

I would consider a backhanded compliment to be along the lines of "That new heater HotSpring is using is fantastic!  I haven't heard of a single child being made an orphan since they started using those."


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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2006, 12:25:55 pm »

I think you seem like a great guy and I admire your dedication to your product and also all the you bring to the board....but when did your product ever really get bashed.....now I know in the heat of a discussion things can get mention in a rhetorical way but when taken in context....I just never remember it really getting bashed...I have mentioned this before but I am sure most dealers here have to bite their tongues from time to time, when you are tempted to say something but you choose not to do so.... Master gets bought up but it has also been related to their sales process and not the spas themselves....I do not really see any tub here that's gets hammered just the way in which they are presented from time to time.....and I guess I should add the lack of dealer support from the manufacturer...as in wiggling out of honoring a warranty or along those lines...
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 12:28:41 pm by Mendocino101 »


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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2006, 12:27:57 pm »
The irony is that Magnus posted to ask why there is so much arguing, and look what this thread has become. You guys just cant help yourselves.  ;)

As a fairly new reader here, I'd agree that the reason for this site should be for information, not a playground wrestling match, but there will always be a bit of (hopefully gentle) arguing when you have lots of different opinions in one room.  I dont think it is a negative aspect of this forum, since it implies that everyone feels comfortable having their say. I also dont think that HS gets bashed, except in a very good natured joking way. If anything, this forum has more HS folks than any other brand, so stop yer whinin!  ;D

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Re: Why all the brand bickering???
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2006, 12:27:57 pm »


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