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Author Topic: Artesian factory outlets  (Read 4449 times)


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Artesian factory outlets
« on: August 03, 2006, 05:21:54 pm »
After reviewing East Tx's thread about a month ago re Artesian factory or direct outlets and the current thread about Artesian where these outlets have been referenced, I emailed Artesian from its website inquiring about these so-called factory direct outlets. I received a very prompt reply. This is what I was told. There are no Artesian factory outlets anywhere in the US except in Las Vegas, where Artesian now has its manufacturing plant. Artesian sells blemished and damaged spas at the factory store at reduced prices. Some dealers advertise with statements like "factory direct". Artesian wishes this would not happen, and these dealers receive no different pricing than any other Artesian dealers. This is a quote: "We do not give special pricing to any factory direct advertised store because there is only one in Las Vegas."  I hope this clarifies things at least alittle bit.   Jeff

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Artesian factory outlets
« on: August 03, 2006, 05:21:54 pm »


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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 06:18:22 pm »
Thank you for posting this information.  I have made a copy of it and put it in my Spa Disinformation File that is given to customers which warn them of the pitfalls they may face when shopping.

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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2006, 08:06:46 pm »
Thankyou, for taking the time to contact Artesian Spas and for posting a followup to previous posts. As an Artesian Dealer myself, I can say on more than one occasion, consumers have put my price against the price they received from the so called Factory Direct Outlet and came back to us to purchase and saved big  doing it. The big outlet type stores have huge overhead and advertising costs, the smaller mom and pop dealers have a low overhead advantage and can pass that savings onto consumers. The statements posted, by everyone's favorite Texan, including mine, telling consumers to bypass the dealer and purchase from the so called Factory Direct oultet, to save big, is just false and misleading. What is not false, is that a consumer could save big and purchase a Hot Springs High Life Spa, from Costco, delivered for $5699.00. Check it out at costco.com . Personally, I could care less if Artesian sells scratch and dent spas from the Las Vagas Factory, it does not affect me, but if Artesian sold spas to big box stores like Costco, as Hot Springs does now, I don't think I would stay on as dealer. Dave. :)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2006, 11:02:03 pm by NJDave »


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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2006, 02:44:26 pm »
The statements posted, by everyone's favorite Texan, including mine, telling consumers to bypass the dealer and purchase from the so called Factory Direct oultet, to save big, is just false and misleading.

I agree 100% with the above sentence.  I am just the messenger.  Spa and Sauna Warehouse in Palestine, TX (self-proclaimed as one of the largest Artesian Factory Direct Outlets in the nation) is the company propogating this obvious lie on radio to unsuspecting victims.  THEY are the one's telling people that they "can save thousands on a new spa by bypassing the middleman".  I'm with you NJDave, they are blatant liars.

And, by all means, anyone looking for a great deal on a spa should take Dave's advice and check out the Highlife Spa available on Costco.com.  It is a truly great spa that is sold directly to the consumer with NO FALSE ADVERTISING OR PROMISES (unlike the aforementioned company). :)

« Last Edit: August 06, 2006, 02:45:58 pm by East_TX_Spa »
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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2006, 04:00:23 pm »
Yo Term,
It's Sunday, pop open a cold one and relax. You are putting to much into this Factory Direct Phrase. That is all it is. I have no problem what so ever, with your local Artesian Dealer, Spa and Sauna Warehouse, advertising themslves as Factory direct. So What. Who Cares. You seem to be the only one appalled by this phrase. I have been in the spa industry since 1985 and the term "Factory Direct" has always been there. I would be pretty surpised to hear that your dealership has never hung a banner for a Truck Load Sale, that said "Factory Direct Truck Load Sale" Come on Term. Some dealers choose to advertise the phrase Factory Direct. It is just marketing.  I for one , do not use the phrase. But, with all due respect, the dealer is not doing a damn thing wrong and is not misleading the public. He is factory direct and so am I and so are you. And if you choose to advertise yourself as the East Texas Largest Factory Direct Hot Springs Dealer, then so be it. Because, it is indeed a true statement. In my market, the following distributors sell spas purchased from factories like Dynasty, Master Spas, Leisure Bay and Vita Spas. Midlantic Spa Distributors, Hachik Supply, South Central Pool Supply, Superior Pool Products all distribute spas to various smaller spa dealers. Those dealers are purchasing from a distrbutor and not factory direct. Therefore, they are not Factory Direct. You and I, on ther hand purchase Factory Direct and indeed have the right to advertise ourselves as such. I don't do it and neither do you, but you could.
And it is wrong to paint a picture on this forum, that Artesian is somehow slimy and should be avoided, just because they have a dealer in Texas, that calls himself Factory Direct, it is just plain wrong. Move on with this kick, get over it and do what you do best, selling Hot Springs Spas. If you stop thinking constantly about your competition, your sales will increase, I quarentee it. Term, if you make it up to New Jersey in September, stop in on my "Factory Direct Truck Load Sale". Just Kidding. Relax, Football season is just around the corner and soon we will have something to talk about, like Philadelphia Eagles  kicking T.O.'s Dallas Cowboys butt. Dave.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2006, 06:32:11 pm by NJDave »


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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2006, 05:10:26 pm »
You're right, it is Sunday, I just left my wife and daughter at the mall and went to the local gun show, business is good, life is good.  I'm out of beer, though.

My only point in this whole issue is this dealer, not the manufacturer, who apparently makes a fine product.  I believe that deceptive practices like this, where the dealer misleads unsuspecting shoppers with the statement of "saving thousands of dollars by cutting out the middleman" (when they ARE the middleman) contributes to the degradation of our industry.  Lord knows there are enough yahoos out there selling spas on the fringes that taint the business as a whole.  I'm just doing my part to shine the light of truth in hopes that it will act as a disinfectant.

Anyway, hope all is going good for you and the other ethical folks in this industry.  We need all of the straight shooters we can get. :)

Your friend,

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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2006, 06:00:39 pm »

I was starting to think you had a grudge against Artesian or something. I know their cutting into HS's maket share by building a great spa but their nowhere near taking over the top spot in sales YET!

Back in 2004, when I went into the local HS dealer and he showed me the Vanguard it was AMAZING that he tried to explain to me about his 2 pump Vanguard. When I asked about the 2 THERAPY pumps that I thought it only had one, he had to explain that the second pump was really a circ pump ... It's a good thing I was on the up and up as this HS salesperson would have LIED to me to make a sale ... I guess every brand has it's evil doers!  :)


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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2006, 06:25:55 pm »
Thanks. I hear you and I know how you feel. The good news is, most of today's consumers are pretty smart and are not swayed by phrases like "Factory Direct" and "Save Thousands" and "Eliminate The Middleman". Those phrases are worn out and boring. Most folks do their homework before purchasing a spa, many will wet test, get their best deal, weigh the facts and make their final decision. So keep smiling buddy and keep doing what you are doing. Your honesty with your customers, will always win out over other dealers gimmicks and tricks. Stay cool and keep having fun doing what you love to do, getting people into hot water.
Thanks again. Your friend Dave.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2006, 09:19:02 pm by NJDave »


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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2006, 07:58:52 pm »
NJDave -
I couldn't agree with you more.
Nice post.


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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2006, 09:20:10 pm »
Thanks, Dave.


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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2006, 09:46:44 am »
Took a differnet route to work today so I could drive by Spa row (one street has about 5 dealers).  Both L.A. Spas and Jacuzzi had signs up claiming to be Factory Direct.  Gotta love it!


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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2006, 11:22:50 am »
The good news is, most of today's consumers are pretty smart and are not swayed by phrases like "Factory Direct" and "Save Thousands" and "Eliminate The Middleman".

I'm not sure I agree with that. I think MANY people will hear "Factory Direct" and think they are meaning "Factory Outlet" and will truly believe they are "bypassing the middleman". I don't blame Term, when you are honest with the public it always irks you when your competition lies or "twists words" to decieve the public into thinking in a certain manner. Of course the point is that this is a reflection on that particular dealer, not the manufacurer.
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Re: Artesian factory outlets
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2006, 11:22:50 am »


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