The Hydro' ssage Jet was produced in the early 1990's by a company called Hydro Air, which is still a very large jet manufacturer and supplier of plastic components, to the spa industry. The jet was fairly popular fairly early in, but problems quickly arose. This oversized 12 inch long jet, had 2 vertical oval flow paths, as the jet would turn and change from one path to the other, the jet would jam and just stop. In the field, techs tried everything to eliminate the problem. By the mid 90's, Hydro Air, ceased manufacturing this jet, due to a almost 100% failure rate in the field. They stopped manufacturing replacement parts for this jet, about 4 years ago. There are no replacement parts available for this jet, short of you finding a used jet from a throw away spa or if you are persistent and email service companies or suppliers, someone could have some a part or two in stock. I deal with 7 major spa parts distributors and none of them have parts. Which part are you seeking? Dave.