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Author Topic: Please help!  Baquaspa problems  (Read 17364 times)


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Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« on: July 09, 2006, 03:53:11 pm »
I am beginning to get really frustrated!

My wife and I are fairly new spa owners.  We purchased a 450 gal Cal Spa about 6 months ago.  We're still trying to figure out what we're doind wrong.

Because we have an inground pool and use Baquacil, we were told we needed to use Baquaspa in case people wanted to get in/out of pool and spa.  We were told by the local pool dealer that is could cause probelms in both the pool and the spa if we used different chemicals in each and moved from one to the other.

Our spa has a CD Ozinator (we're still not sure what that is and if it ever runs!)

Here's our problem.....our water stays cloudy MOST of the time!  All our friends all use chlorine and there water is always crystal clear!  AARGH!  We take samples of the spa water to the dealer and they always say it's balanced so we don't know what's causing the cloudiness.

I'm starting to guess it's the detergent in out suits, but we only wear any if the kids are home.  

We also spray our filter once a week with the garden hose and have chemically cleaned it once about 3 months ago.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Greg and Kelly

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Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« on: July 09, 2006, 03:53:11 pm »


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2006, 05:28:44 pm »
First of all, I use dichlor (chlorine). Not too many people on this forum have been happy with  Baquaspa.  

Have you dumped out the spa water lately? There are some dealers here who recommend dumping out the water during the first 30 days to avoid such problems as what you are having. If this doesn't help, maybe some of the dealers can chime in. Good luck. Let us know how it turns out for you.
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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2006, 05:55:56 pm »
Thanks for the reply Gomboman

We have drained and refilled three times since owning the spa.  Once after the first 60 days.  Once again about 60 days later since we were moving it onto the new deck (It's sunken now which is extra cool!) and once again just yesterday.  (That one doesn't count!)


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2006, 07:36:27 pm »
First let me ask you a few questions.  
1. is it cloudy only when the jets or filter are on, or is it cloudy all the time?
2. Do you have one filter or two?
3. How long does your filter run each day
4. Do you have your controls set to run as an economy mode?
If it is only cloudy when the jets are on then you have no problem.  Air gets trapped in the water when baqua is used and gives it an alka seltzer look.  30 seconds after the jets are shut off it looks perfectly clear.  
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2006, 08:10:20 pm »
First let me ask you a few questions.  
1. is it cloudy only when the jets or filter are on, or is it cloudy all the time?
2. Do you have one filter or two?
3. How long does your filter run each day
4. Do you have your controls set to run as an economy mode?
If it is only cloudy when the jets are on then you have no problem.  Air gets trapped in the water when baqua is used and gives it an alka seltzer look.  30 seconds after the jets are shut off it looks perfectly clear.  

The spa is cloudy all the time...it's not bad, but not sparkling clear as we've seen others.

We have one filter

Filter runs 50% of the time or more

It is not on the economy mode


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2006, 08:31:56 am »
 We were put on Baqua by the place that sold us our spa.  Used it for about a year, never could get it to work.  Our main problem was fizzy water that made everyone cough, especially if we ran a lot of air in our jets.
We switched to Bromine for a year, and are now using dichlor.  We stopped using bromine because it was hard to get the water to stay balanced, and we adding more Ph and alk adjusting products than I liked.
Switching to dichlor was the best move we've made concerning the spa.  Water care is a snap, water stays crystal clear.  Dichlor is pretty Ph neutral, so I'm adding way less adjusters, and best of all dichlor is cheap and easily obtainable.  We have only 2 place in town to get Baqua products.  


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2006, 08:41:30 am »
Thanks brewman.  We're probably goingto have to switch too.

Does anyone know of problems with your pool being Baquacil and the hot tub being something other than Baquaspa?

My friends are trying to tell me it's all marketing from the Baquacil people saying to stay away from using different type chemicals in the pool and the spa.  Don't know what to think!


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2006, 10:11:42 am »
First, I agree that it would be best to stay with the same system for spa and pool as the two systems (i.e peroxide and chlorine) are not compatible.  You might consider putting a simple shower head out by the pool to rinse off before entering either from the other to solve the problem if you decide to use dichlor in your spa.  

Second, call the Bacqua people and find out what they would recommend.  Since you say the water is not clear at all times, I am inferring that this is true even with fresh water.  That implies that you can rule out a contaminate such as detergent from swim suits or what not.  Just be certain, the cloudiness is present at all times, right?  

There are clarifying chemicals, but let the Bacqua Spa people recommend one that it is compatible with their product.  You might want to get a sample of your raw water tested to see what is causing the cloudiness too.  To get that, call your water utility and ask for it.  Or take a raw water sample to the chemical dealer for testing, or by a Taylor kit and do it yourself.



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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2006, 10:48:05 am »
 Have fun getting a response from the Baqua people.  I didn't have any luck when I tried to contact them.  
And the Baqua dealers in the area weren't much help either.

But you do have a unique situation with your pool.  But really, how much of a problem would this actually be?
If you swapped your spa water to bromine or dichlor or something, worst case is you introduce a relativel little of that water into a very large volume of water in your pool.  Would that really hurt the pool water?

And if you spa was on dichlor or bromine, would a bit of baquacil water impact the spa much?  Granted the spa is way smaller volume, so maybe there is some possible issue there.  

But you're already having water problems with your spa the way it is now.

Good luck on your quest for a solution, and let us know what ends up working.


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2006, 11:48:38 am »
I have Chlorine and I had a similar problem.  After 3 weeks of having the spa, the water was getting clouder and cloudier.  It was clean, did not smell or anything, but it was not clear.

All chemicals were good (I also use Natures 2), in fact I took it in to get tested as well.

So I tried some clarifier (Leisure Time Bright and Clear in my case).  I put in in, ran the jets and filter for a bit.  Then the magic happened.  My water surface started to congeal and I skimmed off the stuff.

Once I did that and wiped off the scum ring, the water is awesome again!!!  I think my problem was the first couple of days we had the spa, we had like 10 miscellaneus people in the spa with various degrees of sweat, lotion, and bathing suits with detergent on in the spa.  

While I highly recommend this, I do not recommend the day that you will have people over as it is a pretty gross process.  But the results are 'banging' clear water.

I also recommend a scum sponge, like a dirty duck or similar as it seems to help maintain the clarity and keep out the body oils, etc.

Good luck!!


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2006, 12:40:28 pm »

The spa is cloudy all the time...it's not bad, but not sparkling clear as we've seen others.

We have one filter

Filter runs 50% of the time or more

It is not on the economy mode

It sounds to me like your biggest problem is particulates in the water.  Baqua has a water clairifier that will help clear the water right up.  If you have the 50 sq. ft filter then I recomend you replace it with the micron filter.  It cost about 25 bucks and lasts about 6 months.  Never clean it just drop in a new one.  
As far as changing the spa to chlorine and keeping the pool on baqua, I DO NOT recomend this.  If you switch one, switch both.  we have done this on pools that I used to service and it became a nightmare.  The water turned brown and the filters needed to be replaced..
I know there are a lot of baqua haters on this board.  But as an ex service man that used to clean over 100 pools and spas a week.  I can honestly say that baqua pools and spas were always the cleanest and some of the easiest to take care of.
Jacuzzi, Hot Springs and Caldera dealer in Los Angeles


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2006, 06:26:32 pm »
Bill, let me clarify (pun intended).  When we fill up the spa the water is very clear, but within a week it is cloudy and we have trouble getting back to clear.  

My answer we referring to Micah's question about if the water was cloudy with the jets on/off.  Once it gets cloudy it doesn't matter if the Jets are on or not......it's cloudy!

We have used the Baquaspa clarifyier in the past with limited success.  It's clears up, not doesn't get as clear as it should.  I do believe the probelm is particulates.....I might have to try the Micron filter.

I will never, ever put my pool on chlorine, so I guess my options are to figure out the probelms with the Baquaspa or install an outdoor shower.

Thanks for all the great ideas!  Kepp them coming!


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2006, 07:14:32 pm »
Baquaspa water is rarely a sharp as Chlorine water.

Do you have test strips?  What are the readings?

How often do you use the spa?
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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2006, 07:30:57 pm »
One other thing I would like to mention.  Make sure that you are chemically cleaning the filters every 3-4 weeks on the Baqua Spa program.  I usually equate cloudy water to one of two things, low sanitizer or poor filtration.  Just spraying off the filters with the hose will not be enough, with the Baqua program I have the best results when people chemically clean them.


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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2006, 09:33:11 pm »
Tell us more about your pool on Baqu. I've never heard of a swimming pool on Baqua. Does it work well for your pool?
2005 Hot Spring Envoy still going strong. Million-Mile Club....

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Re: Please help!  Baquaspa problems
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2006, 09:33:11 pm »


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