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ozone's effectiveness doesn't apply (you HAVE to have a residual). Â But, I do not like the implications or claims that manufacturers make that it functions as a sanitizer in hot tubs and then those same groups cannot produce solid test data supporting that claim.
Are you claiming that ozonators do not work in tubs or just that there is no info that they do?
Another question, since ozone does improve the water quality, can we not assume a short residual?
In_Canada_eh,Interesting question - sure you're not an attorney? Â I'
1. If ozone is an effective sanitizer and kills bacteria then being an airborne oxidizer what is to keep it from wiping out the good bacteria in our lungs? Considering the fact that most spas "dump" the ozone into the bather load while it is still active I would think that it could actually be a health risk?
To my knowledge the EPA regulates home air purifiers to the amount of ozone they put out and it's a whole lot less than spas. Why do they regulate that?
Here is an ugly scenario if this works like I think it does...in most spas ozone collects in the trapped air between the water and the cover, you open the cover and breath the ozone into your lungs depleting the stores of good bacteria that fights of disease. Then you get into the spa and sweat around a pint of fluid that breeds bad bacteria in the over 100 degree water and when you turn the jets on you make some of that airborne and breath it in causing respiratory issues.
2. Second Question is more of a statement�. As everyone knows, we sell several brands of spas. Giving all of our wet models the same attention the difference in water quality in the D1 line is very noticeably better then the rest without added sanitizers. They don�t filter more, they don�t have a frog system but they stay really clean. It is my belief that this is because of the fact that they do more than 98% of the ozone in the plumbing and not the bather load keeping the ozone in contact with the water longer than just about any other manufacture.
This is pretty much covered above - tubs are designed so that they meet national health / safety standards with respect to their production of off-gas which would then become the airborne ozone you are referring to. I think that this is a problem with spas that has never been addressed
Wow! Â What an education! Â Not sure I understood it all (or really need to). Â But, i have a much better idea of why I absolutely need to add dichlor and not just depend on the Ozonoator and Nature 2 cartridge to do all the work in between my weekly shock (which is all the dealer told me would be required). Â Thanks!
This is exactly what I mentioned earlier along with Steve....some dealers want to try and convince someone they have almost magic water in their spas and it will be sanitizer free....simply untrue but with the right and regular care it can be very simple and safe....
Your right ozone and crypto CT is I believe 2.5