I admit I am a newbie novice. About one month into "Hot Tubbing".
Have been reading this forum for about one month and have found it very informative.
Also read "Vermonter's" Ozone parts 1-2-3 and comments from others. Again very interesting, I think I've grasped the general concepts.
So...here is my situation...
Our tub is at our weekend home, so we only get to use it 2-3 times per weekend. I've been doing the following:
1. After the first filling with very clear well water I was able to get the PH and Alk. into the proper range without much trouble. The PH and Alk. have continued to stay at the correct levels after only minor adjustments.
2. Using Dichlor for the chlorine source.
3. Each weekend before using, do a shock with MPS.
4. Upon leaving for the days the tub sits idle I've used a floater with one Tri-Chlor tab, with a minimum release setting. (This was per dealer's suggestion)
5. Tub has an ozonator, and 24/7 filtering system pump.
6. So far I have had what appears to be very clear water upon arrival every weekend.
7. The floater is taken out and the chlorine reading is at about 2.0 or so. Then just add a little Di-Chlor and it comes up to about 3.5 or so.
8. Temp setting is at 100, but in the blistering heat it has gained about 3-5 degrees during the week of non-use. Taking the cover off and running the circ. pump and waterfall gets it back down to 101/102 within an hour or so.
9. I have also purchased a Chlorine shock but have not yet seen any apparent need to use it, as the water is very clear, but maybe I should use it.
10. I'd like to keep everything as uncomplicated as possible and not get over extended with trying to "micro manage" the chemicals.
11. It seems that, so far, I don't have any problems, and that it is working fine, but being new I may need some further "expert" advice. The one thing that is a concern is if there would be a growth of the "Micro-organisms" (That Vermonter referred to). Does the MPS
take care of that, or should I do a Chlorine shock also?
Thanks in advance for any and all comments.