Cola's got a good litst of all the goodies one typically needs (although, I never needed a scum bug?)
After, you've got your deal made, and before signing on the dotted line, I would make sure to discuss with them the details of
Delivery and any concerns. Who is delivery it (them, or a subcontracted agent?) and that they are insured. Is there a predielviey checklist they may have?
When is the estimated delivery?
Ensure the invoice contains all the things they said they would include. (the tub model, the cover, the lifter, the steps, the delivery, ozinator etc...) better to be safe and handle the transaction as proffesionaly as possible. It protects both of you.
Will they be installing the cover lifter? If so, when?
Are you getting an ozone unit? is it already installed, or will they need to come and install it? is so. when? by who?
Are they going to come out and give you an oreintation of the tub, all it's features and use, as well as instruction in proper water care ?
When is final payment due, and by what means (CC? Check? Bags of nickles ok?

Get their card and ask "who should I contact if I have any questions .
Take a few mintues and review everything, and discuss any questions and concerns you may have.
Good luck. Have the camera there for delivery!