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Author Topic: Hot Water with Dealer  (Read 3941 times)


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Hot Water with Dealer
« on: July 24, 2006, 08:43:32 pm »
I want to buy a hot tub.  ;D

But the dealer, whom I have been discussing the hot tub with for almost a month, took 3 weeks to provide me with a written quote and when finally provided did not contain the details I had asked for and had changed the price from the verbally quoted  price by +$400.

Unfortunately for me, it is the hot tub I want (Sundance Optima) and there is only one Sundance hot tub dealer in the city.

What can I do to purchase the hot tub I want? If the price is +$400 from the verbal quote, so be it, but I need a written quote so I know exactly what I am getting and can expect. The written quote has to have the features I want, not whatever the dealer decided to put in. I am not asking For much, just an Optima, no stereo, no cover lifter, with an ozonator delivered to my house and placed on the pad. That's it!!!!

How can I purchase a Sundance hottub????? Is there a way to buy one direct from Sundance in a situation like this or another dealer in another province, when the local dealer absoultely refuses to provide an complete quote? I even asked for a different salesperson and they would not give me another salesperson??? Ridiculous!!

I'm gonna be off the hot tub purchase completely soon, dealing with this sales person and sundance dealer has been a totally frustrating experience. Who would not want to make an $11,000 sale??

Any suggestions out there?

Thanks for letting me vent.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 02:05:07 pm by tubbyB »
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Hot Water with Dealer
« on: July 24, 2006, 08:43:32 pm »


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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 08:49:17 pm »
As far as suggestions are concerned, play hardball.  Tell them you're looking into other models of hot tubs.

Some places refuse to give quotes unless you are in their presence.  Ask to speak to the owner, explain the situation, and see what they'll do for you.

Or call Sundance's customer support line and report the dealer, should things really get frustrating.  Your dealer may not be concerned about the one extra sale, but sundance certainly will be.


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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2006, 08:59:09 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply and great suggestions.

I thought about calling Sundance, but wondered if they care about one sale vs their dealer network agreement. I will try regardless.



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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2006, 12:07:50 am »
I want to buy a hot tub. :o

But the dealer, whom I have been discussing the hot tub with for almost a month, took 3 weeks to provide me with a written quote and when finally provided did not contain the details I had asked for and had changed the price from the verbally quoted  price by +$400.

Unfortunately for me, it is the hot tub I want (Sundance Optima) and there is only one Sundance hot tub dealer in the city.

What can I do to purchase the hot tub I want? If the price is +$400 from the verbal quote, so be it, but I need a written quote so I know exactly what I am getting and can expect. The written quote has to have the features I want, not whatever the dealer decided to put in. I am not asking For much, just an Optima, no stereo, no cover lifter, with an ozonator delivered to my house and placed on the pad. That's it!!!!

How can I purchase a Sundance hottub????? Is there a way to buy one direct from Sundance in a situation like this or another dealer in another province, when the local dealer absoultely refuses to provide an complete quote? I even asked for a different salesperson and they would not give me another salesperson??? Ridiculous!!

I'm gonna be off the hot tub purchase completely soon, dealing with this sales person and sundance dealer has been a totally frustrating experience. Who would not want to make an $11,000 sale??

Any suggestions out there?

Thanks for letting me vent.


In most cases Verbal contracts are binding.  Just politely ask him to "correct" the hand written quote to mirror your original quote.  Now, most hand writtne documents also contain expiration dates so you should make certain to clarify that as well.  The dealer will probably want it to be as short as possible but it's not in what you pay, it's in what you NEGOTIATE.  EVERYTHING is negotiable. Dealer's just don't want you to know that.  If you have a nearby competitor, use that FACT against his prices.
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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2006, 12:20:18 am »
hummm somebody is wrong in their recollection of what was said.....Now I am not saying who's right and who's wrong but is it possible that maybe you could have misunderstood....I would be most direct and simply ask the dealer... that you remembered the pricing differently than his written quote and provide a point of reference so that you both can be on the same page....I have a real hard time understanding how anyone a dealer or a consumer would not want to be honest and fair....if something was said and unless it was a genuine mistake than it should be honored or did they use words like "about" XXXX dollars....that word "about" seems to have different meanings for people...... ;)


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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2006, 01:39:33 am »
If a dealer is hard to get service from while purchasing a spa, how will their service be when there is a problem during the next several years of spa ownership?


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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2006, 07:52:59 am »
To address your specific questions, IF you want a Sundance spa your options are to buy from this dealer, or find another one.  Or get a used one somewhere.
Sundance (and all the other good ones as well) don't sell factory direct, so that option is out.
If you still want to do business with this dealer, get assertive- not agressive, not obnoxious, just assertive.
Tell them you want a written quote with whatever stuff you need- cover, chems, steps, etc......
And if the price is higher than you'd like, you can always try to negotiate.  
Also, at least check out some of the competition, and let this dealer know that's exactly what you're doing.
Not sure if the verbal quote is really enforcable.  Oral contracts are often binding, but determining if what you had was a contract or not would probably require a court to intervene.  I'd suspect it'd not be worth the effort.


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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2006, 09:04:33 am »

In most cases Verbal contracts are binding.  Just politely ask him to "correct" the hand written quote to mirror your original quote.  Now, most hand writtne documents also contain expiration dates so you should make certain to clarify that as well.  The dealer will probably want it to be as short as possible but it's not in what you pay, it's in what you NEGOTIATE.  EVERYTHING is negotiable. Dealer's just don't want you to know that.  If you have a nearby competitor, use that FACT against his prices.

That's not my understanding.  I was always told a "verbal contract" is not worth the paper it's written on.  ;)  Legally a contract is a very specific agreement. There has to be certain conditions for each party to be a binding document. (Dates, delivery, payment)

Anything in writing will supersede any verbal agreements.

Any how Tubby,  I would be very cautious, and recondisder doing business with this guy. There are other tubs out there by other manufactuerers that would fit the bill.  Personaly, I wouldn't do business with them. I'm a bit curiious why the optima is the "must have tub"?

But if you insist on doing business with someone who has already shown they have no desire to provide you with the service you expect, the I agreee with Brewman to be assertive.  Go in, check book in hand as for them to write it up as you want and take it from there.

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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2006, 09:39:47 am »
Where is another Sundance dealer from you?  I'd find another dealer, look at other quality tubs (there are a lot), get assertive or all of these.

Have you looked at any other tubs to have any comparison?  I can understand wanting a certain tub but you have to be happy with the dealer also.  You might find a better deal on another tub and like it just as well.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 09:44:40 am by cappykat »
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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2006, 10:06:13 am »
Where is another Sundance dealer from you?  I'd find another dealer, look at other quality tubs (there are a lot), get assertive or all of these.

Forget getting another Sundance dealer to sell Tubby a tub.  Unless Sundance corporate has changed their policy in the last 2.5 years, Sundance dealers are not allowed to sell a tub that would be installed closer to another dealer....at least that was what I was told by 2 Sundance dealers after my local SD dealer turned out to be unworthy of my business.  I couldn't get the other dealers to provide a quote once they knew my location.  Unless they were lying, they told me that they were not permitted to sell under those circumstances.  So I bought a MasterSpas tub....and now, after 2+ years, I'm happy it turned out this way.
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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2006, 10:32:08 am »

i'll repete my warning that you really should reconsider and look around for another manufactuer.

If it's this difficult to buy a tub from them, what do you think is going to happen when you need service, have a question, or another problem comes up (wrong color delivered, damaged, delayed delivery)?  They've shown they're not very aggresive for your dollar, and you're probably not going to win to many friends in the store either.  :-/

However, if you are that much in love with the tub, that you're willing to ignore such a huge warning, I'd get the owners name (sometimes the BBB will list the owners name). Call and make an appointment with the owner and deal directly with him/her.  Screw the salesperson and any issues of commisions and what not can be between the owner and the salesperson. Spending your money shouldn't be this difficult.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 10:36:37 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2006, 11:01:48 am »
Thanks again everyone :)

A written quote was all I wanted - to compare to other quotes. I beleive the sales agreement that should detail all aspects of the sale.

I thought I would be out of luck as far as Sundance is concerned. I can understand the dealer network contracts they must have, protecting territory, etc.. But I was hoping there may be a mechanism for Sundance to make a sale in the event a dealer (really just one sales person at a dealer) would or could not work with a customer.

I am extremely concerned that after sales servicing would be like the pre sales service. However, I believe the service dept. is run separately from sales. I hope I'm not making enemies at a dealership just because I want to see or specify what I am getting before I agree to purchase it.

Thanks again, this is provong to be a great forum for potential hot tub purchasers.
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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2006, 11:14:42 am »

I am sure the dealer has many customers. Is it possible he/she just forgot what they verbally quoted to you? If he is being dishonest then go elsewhere but I would give him the benefit of the doubt and all him on it as other posters has recommended.


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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2006, 11:23:41 am »
I fail to see where everybody is seeing the difficulty in this. If you want me to fax over a price quote to you so you can run to other dealers and "say see what I got over there!", No problem, but all you are going to get is MSRP. If you want your best deal, stand in front of me and discuss it with me here and now. Be prepared to write a check and I will guarantee you are going to get a fair deal. I don't see this Sundance dealer as doing anything wrong. He's in business to sell hot tubs, not publish quotes. All that said, if you aren't comfortable with this dealer, find another. they MAY run their service department seperatly, but I assure you, there IS comunication between the sales floor and the service department. OH, and did I read that right? An Optima for $11,000? Even an Optima for $10,600? That price is too low to iniclude a gazebo, and IMO holly cow too high with out one! Does this include an umbrella, 48" steps, crane delivery. I see what you typed Tubby, but man that seems high to me.
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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2006, 11:28:10 am »
I fail to see where everybody is seeing the difficulty in this. If you want me to fax over a price quote to you so you can run to other dealers and "say see what I got over there!", No problem, but all you are going to get is MSRP. If you want your best deal, stand in front of me and discuss it with me here and now. Be prepared to write a check and I will guarantee you are going to get a fair deal. I don't see this Sundance dealer as doing anything wrong. He's in business to sell hot tubs, not publish quotes. All that said, if you aren't comfortable with this dealer, find another. they MAY run their service department seperatly, but I assure you, there IS comunication between the sales floor and the service department. OH, and did I read that right? An Optima for $11,000? Even an Optima for $10,600? That price is too low to iniclude a gazebo, and IMO holly cow too high with out one! Does this include an umbrella, 48" steps, crane delivery. I see what you typed Tubby, but man that seems high to me.

I dunno. I had no problems getting a written quote (actual price, not MSRP) that included line items for delivery, cover, lifter, steps.  it was dated and specificied the offer was good for a week.  No hassle, no gotta buy it if I write it up.

What's the big deal ?
07 Caldera Geneva

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Re: Hot Water with Dealer
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2006, 11:28:10 am »


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