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Author Topic: They found my car  (Read 10060 times)


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They found my car
« on: July 15, 2005, 11:17:02 am »
I had a car stolen a couple of months back - the CHP called and said they had it. I went nuts trying to find the keys - I began to think I had thrown them out when the car dissapeared, but finally found them.

This is the second vehicle I have had stolen in my life, and both happened this year.

$185 for towing charges later, they pushed my car out of the warehouse door and said, "Here."

The beautiful interior (white, of course) was now black with greasy handprints and general grime.

The battery was gone - and they simply cut the cables to get it out.

The stereo was gone - along with the special fiberglas kick-panels with the speakers mounted in them.

The side-view mirror was gone.

The brand-new carpet in the front was gone.

The carpet kit which lined the front 'trunk' was gone, along with the glove box.

The ignition switch had been hammered out, and a temporary switch hung from a hole in the dash - it even worked I found out later...

License plates gone - along with the cool frame that said, "Old Volks Home."

Car was covered in mud, and the real heart-breaker was that somebody felt obligated to kick a big dent into the drivers door.

This was a collectors car. A real beauty. I towed it to a friend's auto repair shop and gave it to one of his employees.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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They found my car
« on: July 15, 2005, 11:17:02 am »


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Re: They found my car
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2005, 11:44:31 am »
"This is the second vehicle I have had stolen in my life, and both happened this year. "

Poor Chas!!!  I feel for you, I really do.  I hope you have a good experience with your insurance company!!  (It was insured, right??!!!)

Of course don't be too surprised if they send your claim over to the SIU (Special Investigation Unit) since you've had two thefts in the same year!!!  Red flags, red flags!!!  (Just kidding, Chas)

Is the Volks a total loss or is it repairable?  You mentioned sending it to a shop, so I am assuming it is repairable....

I had a 68 Bug when I was a kid, that thing was awesome.  There's something special about the old V-dubs.  You just don't see too many of the real ones around anymore.  I wish you lots of luck.  On the bright side, you now have an excuse to "shop" (more like "dig") for a new "love".  (The non-human kind).  The hunt is always fun.


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Re: They found my car
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 01:12:10 pm »
Well, the car was uninsured. It was just my toy, and I stored it in our warehouse - had taken it off insurance a month or so ago. We had a huge shipment of spas come in for the new store, so the guys rolled it outside into the parking lot to make room. It was there about a week.

After seeing it all trashed I just couldn't imagine doing all the work and spending all the money it would take to make it perfect again, so I gave it away. - the guy who got it plans to make a daily driver out of it.  He's going to work on it with his son. In fact they stuck in a battery and took it out for a 'spin' an hour after I dropped it off.

My new toy is a Jeep - alread pouring money into that one...

;D ;D
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: They found my car
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2005, 08:11:56 am »
 :'( :'( :'(

Sometimes it is best if they don't find them!  Too bad they destroyed your toy, but it sounds like you are doing a great thing.  I'm sure the guy you gave it to will have a lot of fun fixing it up with his son!  At least your toy will still be able to furnish some enjoyment for others!
Oklahoma Vanguard owner-don't hold that against me

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Re: They found my car
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2005, 08:11:56 am »


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