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Author Topic: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question  (Read 2493 times)


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HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« on: July 23, 2006, 12:22:01 am »
OK, so we tested the Sundance Cameo and the lounge was too much for the wife. We dry sat in the Altimar but I felt too confined in the foot well department. So we tested the Majesta and that was the one baby! We both had the vibes man! LOL!

He made us a great deal IMO, $8700 total out the door on an unused floor model. It includes the stereo package, coverlift and the SunStrong matching steps.

Anyway, I asked the salesman (who was great BTW) about the CD Ozone unit and he said I really don't need it, just use Baqua products? He stated with the ozonator I will still need to add chlorine and/or bromine? So what's the scoop, should i have it or not?

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HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« on: July 23, 2006, 12:22:01 am »


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2006, 12:31:04 am »
Hey Razzman, the thing is that most of these sales guys get stuck on their way of sanitizing or they just want to sell you their brand.  Bottom line - get the ozone, it is worth it.  After that, you can decide whats best for you be it dichlor, bromine or whatever else is out their.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 12:31:16 am by cola »


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2006, 12:36:43 am »
Hey Razzman, the thing is that most of these sales guys get stuck on their way of sanitizing or they just want to sell you their brand.  Bottom line - get the ozone, it is worth it.  After that, you can decide whats best for you be it dichlor, bromine or whatever else is out their.

I know squat about spas. He stated that with the ozone system we'd still get that spa smell which niether of us likes!


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2006, 12:46:51 am »
I run ozone and mineral cartridge with dichlor.  Never a smell when I get in or out.  You have to own one to find out what sanitizing is all about.  I have seen members here give advise on anything before they even got their spa.  My best  advise to you, find the best spa for you, get the options you need right now, you will learn everything soon enough.  Must get up front in my opinion.
1) tub with cover, lifter and GFI
2) extra set of filters (these are worth more than a six month supply of chems and you may change your chems a week after you buy for many different reasons)
3) in house remote is nice in a more northern climate
4) steps are up to you
« Last Edit: July 23, 2006, 12:49:13 am by cola »


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2006, 04:51:05 am »
Anyway, I asked the salesman (who was great BTW) about the CD Ozone unit and he said I really don't need it, just use Baqua products? He stated with the ozonator I will still need to add chlorine and/or bromine? So what's the scoop, should i have it or not?

huge profits in Baqua products. Some people have good luck with it, but alot of others really struggle. Chlorine used correctly will not give you a chlorine smell when you use the tub.


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2006, 05:40:15 am »
baqua is spendy and hard on plastics.  a lot of manuf. will void warranties if you use that product.  don't be fooled, it is still a chemical, hydrogen peroxide is highly corrosive.  dont get it in your mouth either, it tastes like dandelions.


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2006, 07:33:21 am »
Use either chlorine or bromine but personally I use chlorine. As has been said, Baqua is costly and most people switch because their water doesn't behave the way it's supposed to.

As for N2 and ozone ... You can live without them ... people do. I didn't have good luck with N2 - water was the same either way and I just did an experiment on my tub and ozone didn't do much.


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2006, 09:02:39 pm »
Ok so after doing some research on the Baqua products i found out it's no-no to go from a chlorine pool to a Baqua spa. So the Baqua's out. I called my dealer and he said he'll add the ozinator for his cost, great deal, nice guy. Calling tomorrow for delivery... ;D


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2006, 11:19:09 pm »
Congrats on finding your tub! :D! Baqua is a pain in the a$$, you'll be happy you didn't try it.

If your dealer is giving you an ozonator at cost, request part # 6473-125. It puts out 250 mg of ozone(most put out 50mg) If he doesn't have it in stock, don't worry, the standard CD ozone will work just fine(this one just a little better!)

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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2006, 11:25:16 pm »
Congrats on finding your tub! :D! Baqua is a pain in the a$$, you'll be happy you didn't try it.

 If your dealer is giving you an ozonator at cost, request part # 6473-125. It puts out 250 mg of ozone(most put out 50mg) If he doesn't have it in stock, don't worry, the standard CD ozone will work just fine(this one just a little better!)

Thanks for the advise and info! So what about the other thread that states that ozone destroys the headrests and covers? Have you seen this in your experiences or should i not worry about it?


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2006, 12:42:06 am »
Ozone is an oxidizer so it will degrade these things over time. I think the benefits outweigh the negatives however.
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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2006, 03:09:21 am »
A CD ozonator that produces much higher amounts of ozone isn't necessarily a good thing.  More is not always better.  If the ozone isn't used efficiently, all a higher output ozonator will do is off-gas more.
This is where you get the damage to anything above the surface of the water - including, possibly, your lungs.


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2006, 05:53:58 am »
Thanks for the advise and info! So what about the other thread that states that ozone destroys the headrests and covers? Have you seen this in your experiences or should i not worry about it?

Your headrests and cover will degrade over time regardless. Will Ozone make it degrade faster probably but 3-5 years is just that. In other words they will degrade with or without Ozone, could be a year sooner could be a month no one can say.

For in between additions of chlorine along with a mineral stick such as N2 Ozone will allow you to leave your water alone longer. And is worth any shortening of your headrests lifespan, which you won't even notice.


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2006, 07:51:43 am »
Thanks for all the info everyone! Just trying to get all my ducks in a row before I get the thing! Being as i know abosolutely nothing about spas I'm trying to educate myself as much as possible, and the chemical thing seems to be the biggest thing ya need to know.  ???


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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2006, 07:54:13 am »
 Do yourself a favor, and go right to dichlor.  I did the Baqua routine, hated it and it was pretty expensive.
Switched to Bromine, was a lot better, but still didn't like it because I was always chasing the level- One day off the charts, next day no reading, etc....Plus I was always adding junk to boost my Ph and alkalinity.
Switched to dichor early this year, and have not regretted the decision.  
I don't have ozone, but I also don't have any "spa smell".  After 3.5 years, pillows and cover are in fine shape.  I think the key with those is to not let them soak constantly in the water.  I keep my water an inch or two below the pillows.
Baqua spa won't invalidate the warranty on a Sundance.  In my opinion there are other reasons to avoid the stuff, but in Sundance's cases, warranty isn't one.

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Re: HYMBAW ~ Sundance question
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2006, 07:54:13 am »


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