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Author Topic: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up  (Read 15878 times)


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Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« on: July 20, 2006, 09:14:30 am »
I went to the store to get "PH up" the other day and noticed two different bottles, nearly the same size (volume), same manufacturer (nature's way), one for pools and spas and the other just for spas (according to the label).  

Looked a little harder and both were the same chemical, sodium carbonate.  A look at the directions made it pretty clear that the spa stuff was just a very diluted (liquid) version of the (granular) pool stuff.  A little fuzzy math yields that the spa stuff has a concentration of 0.84% of the pool stuff.  Here's the rub though, the one for pools was ~$3.00 and the one for spas was ~$12.00.  

What sense does it make that the diluted spa version that is 0.84 % of the strength is sold at a premium 300% markup over the full strength?  Is the cost of dilution water and labor to add it that expensive?  Do they think spa owners are billionaires just looking for ways to waste money?  Am I missing something, do other chemical brands follow this same setup?

I, being frugal, bought the full strength pool stuff, did the math, and diluted my own stuff for the spa.  It seems to be working just fine.  

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Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« on: July 20, 2006, 09:14:30 am »


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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2006, 09:46:38 am »
I HEAR YA, I notice this allot now that we have  a pool and I would like to be able to buy one product that does both when and if possible.  Spa Chemicles do seem to be at a MUCH higher price then pool.  I think if you can do it do it.  The one thing that I HATE is these companys that DO NOT Put ingrediants on the bottles, that SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED!  But if they are they and you can compare them go for it. More money in your pocket.    I have heard that (from spa/pool companies) that the the chemicles for the most part are different as one is for hot water and one for cold.  Ok what is so different....can anyone explain?


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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2006, 10:08:14 am »
This reminds me when I use to be big into RC Car racing.  I've seen entire companies formed out of taking everyday common items, finding a specialized use for it and jacking up the price.  I knew a guy who used some high tech lubricating gel at work. He was able to buy a 50 gallon drum of it for around $100 and then put a dab into a little pill case and sell that for $9.99  He got in with a National RC distributor and made a million.

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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2006, 11:00:22 am »
It's all the same!!

The difference is tha spa owners need to pay more money than pool owners ... we all know that spas are luxuries where pools aren't.

And being an above ground pool owner myself - the in ground pool people know we're "trash" and can't afford  to operate a pool properly! ;) ;D Hense the cheaper prices!! :D

Of course owning a spa and above ground pool that makes me a "trash" luxury owner who can afford nothing! ???


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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2006, 11:18:18 am »
As a hot tub dealer I cant even buy sodium bicarbonate from our chemical supplier for less than from the good folks at Arm & Hammer.

Its all about the cost of packaging, labelling and ofcorse, extra profits for the chemical distributors.
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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2006, 11:39:24 am »
Nice to know I'm not alone in my thinking.  Vinny I've heard the same stigma that above ground pools are "trashy" but in-ground are the "cat's behind".  Never understood it myself, actaully thought about getting above ground pool instead of tub but girlfriend brought up the trash comment.  Some people were dropped on their heads alot when children I guess.


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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2006, 11:54:42 am »
Nice to know I'm not alone in my thinking.  Vinny I've heard the same stigma that above ground pools are "trashy" but in-ground are the "cat's behind".  Never understood it myself, actaully thought about getting above ground pool instead of tub but girlfriend brought up the trash comment.  Some people were dropped on their heads alot when children I guess.


I was a pool snob and didn't like above ground pools.  Ugh.  

Then when I bought my current house, it had a cheap, ugly above ground.  Oh well...it came with the house. I'll use it (maybe!) and eventually put an inground in.

i have to tell ya, I' loved that pool. It was easy as pie to take care of, always clean (no deep end to vacuum, easy water care) and the water was always warmer (I hate COLD water!)   It was 20 years old when it died and I replaced it with another above ground pool.  They are great. An inground pool around here in ma Starts at around $25000.00. (plus patio et all). I would also need to blast the ledge in my yard.  I could afford it.  I just could't justify it.  No  way.  Plus the fencing too.  I did not want to box my pool in, and to fence the yard in...well with 2+ acres no thanks....

the final blow was when my dad told me his liner for his inground needs to be replaced  $9000.00  Arrrrgh.

No thanks! I'll take my above ground pool and put on a fancy deck.  I love it!  Some of the installs you can do with the AG are really nice.    Above ground pools are great!  Next year the Decks!!!!

A former pool snob.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 12:32:13 pm by drewstar »
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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2006, 03:35:35 pm »
Although we have re-directed the subject a little, I agree with you drewstar, I think an above-ground pool is cheaper and in a lot of ways better.  I really like those who have gently sloping yards who can cut a little on the high side and basically end up with an above ground pool that looks in-ground from the "front", build a deck from the yard level out to pool edge, those are cheap but look realy seamless.


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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2006, 05:46:05 pm »
I was in the pool biz for awhile. I don't consider above ground "trashy' some are very nice. But if you have an Intex(with the inflatable ring around the top) sittin' in your yard.......
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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2006, 07:26:52 pm »
I'm not sure about in different brands, but if you try to substitute Balance Pak 200 for Spaguard pH decreaser in the Bioguard line, it gets nasty.  BP 200 doesn't dissolve as well as the pH Increaser.

Truth is, there is a better margin for spa chemicals.  People who buy spas typically will spend a lot more money on chemicals pound for pound than people with pools.  However, any honest and truthful dealer will tell you if you look at the pH decreaser and Lo N Slo and ask them point blank what the difference is- that there is none.

If your dealer is trying to hose you, they'll give the traditional "one's for pools, one's for spas."  Certainly is the case in some things, but not most pH amendments.


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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2006, 10:29:39 am »
In my case with the "ph up" I asked the dealer guy, for my own amusement, what the difference between the pool stuff and spa stuff was.  Not surprisingly he said "one's for pools, the other is for spas".  I said, "they both are the same chemical, as clearly listed on the bottle, how could they be different?".  He looked me in the eyes and said "they're both the same thing".

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Re: Spa Ph-Up vs. Pool Ph-Up
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2006, 10:29:39 am »


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