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Author Topic: My really high electric billzzz  (Read 3828 times)


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My really high electric billzzz
« on: July 18, 2006, 10:02:05 am »
Wow, they say things happen for a reason. I was whining about my really long water change.  The plumber just left and it turns out that there is a problem in my well. There is a hole in the pipe so my well pump runs continuously. He said it has probably been running like that for a long while and just got much worse and that is what  caused  the pressure drop. AND by the way...Have I been noticing REALLY HIGH ELECTRIC BILLS?????
I have been fighting with my electric company for months, decided to get rid of my freezer, drove poor Cola nuts trying to test my meter...and all along it was my well pump!  I am relieved but VERY angry. My electric company sent a rep out to determine what was wrong and she would only point to the hot tub and my freezer.
She was rude and insisted that the tub was a giant hot water heater on my deck! I plan on letting them know how really helpful she wasn't!  >:( >:( They really need to get a new attitude about hot tubs in general. She had the opportunity to actually help me solve my problem, but instead she caused me more aggrivation!
So today I am  ;D, ....I am sure the $$$$ I will spend on this repair will pay for itself in reduced electric bills ;)
Thanks to everyone who tried to help me get to the bottom of this...and especially my friend, Cola, ;)
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My really high electric billzzz
« on: July 18, 2006, 10:02:05 am »


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 10:11:30 am »
Horray! You found the culprit! ( I hope).
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 11:45:01 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2006, 10:14:27 am »
I don't have a lot of customers with private wells, so I never would have thought to add that to the list of things to check when the bills go high. I will try to remember that one.

Is there a way to install a little light or something that will tell you when the pump is running - maybe something you can see in or from the house - so this doesn't happen again? The farmers around here put lights up on poles which can be seen across the field.

In my experience, once one part of a plumbing system breaks down, the rest is close behind. So keep an eye on that well pump as the plumbing in the whole system may be all the same age and condition.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2006, 10:37:10 am »
This is all fitting together, Chas. I have noticed that when I turn my water softening system off, like when I filled my tub,  I get more iron. The plumber said that was because the pump was constantly bumping and stirring up the sediment so it never settled out of the well. I have the whole house filtration and neutralizer because my water is acid and I knew eventually my copper would be attacked. I am therefore pretty confident that my issues will be from the well to the house.  I will ask the well company however if this is an indication that I could have more problems in the line to the house. I just feel so much better today knowing that there is a real reason that my electric is so high!
I think I will still get rid of that freezer! Thanks everyone again for all your help!
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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2006, 11:41:08 am »
Well Bonnie, I'm glad that was finally straightened out.  What finally led you to the well pump?  Did the plumber just accidentally find that or was he looking?


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2006, 11:59:22 am »
Glad to hear it is getting worked out and hopefully the frustrations will stop.

Happy soaking.


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2006, 03:02:19 pm »

Great to hear your solving your problem.  I remember bantering with you about the bills a few months ago.

Unfortunately, OURS still exists.  Like I said last week, I chalk it up to raping us So Cal customers with outrageous rates.  We'd be paying over $150 a month with NO tub.....


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2006, 03:13:11 pm »
I am most happy  that you finally figured it out as you know with our Pm's that something had to be wrong as I am running 4 spas for much less than you seemed to be running one....hope it is just soothing happy soaks from now on..... :D


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2006, 04:07:40 pm »
I'm glad you solved the mystery!  Now, relax. :)


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2006, 04:10:02 pm »
This is funny, I have tried to let Mother Nature help out with heating my tub, but I guess the insulation is just too good! My pool is about 92 degrees today, my tub is still frigid!  Cool enough to chill the wine I bought to celebrate my next electric bill! ;)
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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2006, 04:27:52 pm »
I'm not a drinker, but if I was, I might recommend Two-Buck Chuck for an occasion like this!

It's cheaper than milk, which, come to think of it, I also don't drink.

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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2006, 04:32:30 pm »
two buck chuck is now three bucks around here.  :P

/good stuff.
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2006, 04:37:30 pm »
...My electric company sent a rep out to determine what was wrong and she would only point to the hot tub and my freezer.
She was rude and insisted that the tub was a giant hot water heater on my deck!...She had the opportunity to actually help me solve my problem, but instead she caused me more aggrivation!

Just a thought...
I think you would be able to make a case that the electric company is responsible for some of the $$$ since their employee didn't really try to find the cause of the problem.
It sure wouldn't hurt to try! :)
Any lawyers want to speak up? We're all ears! ;D

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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2006, 04:41:34 pm »
Hey Boni
Glad to see that you finally found the rat.  Considdering that a 1 hp pool pump will run you about $100.00 a month running 24/7 at 11 cents per kWh, I would say that this may be it.  Hats off to you your plumber.  Ask electric company bit** to come over for a bow and kick her a** down the well.
BTW everybody, Bonibelle is by no means a pain, just sweetness.
I guess that T.E.D. thing might have helped to find the culprit after all (http://theenergydetective.com/features.asp)


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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2006, 05:22:49 pm »
Know what Phil, I get really angry, but then I cool down when I put everything into perspective. My feelings right now are that I am thankful that I finally have an answer. I will probably write a letter or maybe even several letters because I feel like my electric company contributed to the problem by placing the blame on my hot tub.

I paid an electrician to come and re-check my tub wiring, my dealer sent a technician to assure that my tub components were functioning right. I spent hours doing experiments with my electric meter and I bought $200.00 worth of florescent light bulbs and switches to change out all my bulbs and change my dimmers. This all amounted to wasted gas, money and energy It may also have slowed my progress in finding the real source. To top it off, I was going to buy an electric meter contraption for $249.00 and a new freezer for $450.00. (I may still get that new freezer).
I think that if the electric company is going to send someone to help find the problem, and rule out the meter, then that is what the person should do. They should also use a bit of diplomacy and not insult the customer! >:(
Given the current electric rates and energy crisis, it would be a great service to do random energy audits to help everyone conserve where possible. The extra electric that I have be wasting for who knows how long...probably could have provided enough electric to air condition some less privledged person's bedroom during this heat wave.
I am not done with this issue yet, but I have to figure out how it can help someone else, because I know PECO isn't going to claim responsibility for anything. >:(
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Re: My really high electric billzzz
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2006, 05:22:49 pm »


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