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Why are HS and Sundance so expensive?
cant wet test wife is to shy. which has better warranty, insulation, power bill, quality etc. do you really float with a lounger. also what about cleanliness and supplies. i just need help please
The sundance tub has air blowers. The HS does not. The air blower adds air bubbles to the jets for a more intense masage. Some folks like it. Some don't. (the bubbles make me itchy). Once again, a wet test would tell you what you prefer. To split hairs, running the air jets in freezing temperatures will cool the water, causing the heater to work more, so if absolute top heat effciency was your utmost concern, nix the bubbles. However, it's a rather small point.
To pay for all that marketing.
The air blowers on a Sundance DO NOT add air bubbles to the water jets. The air is introduced by separate "air injector" jets.The temperature of the the water will drop when running a blower on most tubs. NOT A SUNDANCE! Sundance brings the air through the motor that is powering the blower to heat it. The air being injected into the tub averages 120 degrees.
If so, I think both those prices are very high.
Not so. I have my Cameos priced at $9500 and I know a lot of dealers that get more for them. I know Pontiacs get you to work and back, have four wheels, and an engine, a warranty, a dealer network, etc. but you shouldn't compare the sticker prices to Mercedes and BMW.