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Author Topic: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance  (Read 4611 times)


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six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« on: July 09, 2006, 11:22:14 pm »
I am considering purchasing a Jacuzzi J-470 or a Sundance Optima. I beleive they are owned/built by the same company (Jacuzzi Brands). A comparison of the technical stuff seems to reveal no differences.

Prices (CDN)
J-470 - 12K
Optima - 12.7K

No stereos

Included items about the same value.

Jacuzzi dealer very informative, accurate details, helpful, etc....store is run out of a small strip mall store space.

Sundance salesperson was clueless about tub details ( I knew more about it from my research on the net) gave me wrong facts and was uninterested in negotiations/offers/incentives/etc.., dealer is a pool and spa dealer with a warehouse, parts dept, large showroom, etc..

Both of these tubs appeal to me and price is close enough. Only a wet test and dealer considerations left to make up my mind.

My question is, how can you tell if a dealer is more worthy than another?? I tried BBB reports, googling, looking for customer reviews, etc.. and could not find any info good or bad for either dealer.

Any thoughts to help me out with this final consideration or should I just the wettest be the decisive factor and worry about dealer support when it is needed?

Thanks all

'06 Optima

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six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« on: July 09, 2006, 11:22:14 pm »


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2006, 08:24:28 am »
 Wet testing should help you decide if one spa works better for you than another.
 As for the dealers, sounds like the Jacuzzi guy was more useful to you.  Do you know how long either has been in business?  Even if they have a great sales staff, their service end could stink, or vice versa.  


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2006, 11:41:21 am »
Regarding Dealers it's hard to really know.  I bought a Sundance because I really liked the tub but also because the Sundance dealer in our area had a great reputation and had been around for twenty something years.  6 months after we got our Optima they closed up shop.  Figures!!!   The local HotSpring dealer picked up Sundance so they are now our support if we have any problems.

Bottom line is that it's great in theory to use the dealer as part of your decision but you never know...  I think in both Sundance or Jacuzzi you'll get good support from the manufacturer regardless of the dealer.
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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2006, 01:00:09 pm »
Thanks for the info, I don't think  I will put too much emphasis on the local dealer.

What do you think of the prices I quoted?  :-/Considering the CDN $ is about .90 US $ and the prices in this  forum seem to be about ~8K for similar tubs, I really wonder if it is such a good price.  ???

'06 Optima


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2006, 01:20:39 pm »
Hi TubbyB,

I don't think you'll go wrong with either tub.  I own a Jacuzzi J-355 and am enjoying it a lot.  The 470 is easily on the same level as the Optima.

Both tubs being equal, go with the dealer you feel most comfortable with, and hopefully that's the one you actually want to give your money to as well.

On the CDN dollar issue, I couldn't agree more.  These are the same type of differences in prices we were seeing 5-10 years ago, when the dollar was $.60 or $.70.  These guys are buying the tubs at a much better price, CDN dollar wise, yet we're still getting gouged.


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2006, 01:50:48 pm »
Thanks again

I think the proces quoted are pretty high and might try to purchase a hot tub (fob) from a US dealer to take advantage of the relatively cheap US dollar. It's a quick drive over the border.

Anyone aware of any duties on a hot tub purchased in the US and transported to Canada? I had heard there were none but that was an infomral source.

'06 Optima


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2006, 01:45:10 pm »
Whoops, some clarification. ???

The prices I mentioned were taxes in.

The Optima is 10,750 CDN at todays exchange rate that would be equal to 9,500 USD.

Options included are - delivery, cover lifter, ozonator. ( I hope a cover is included but did not find out?)

I really like the Optima features.

Can anyone give me their opinion if this sounds like a decent price deal. I am worried I will see a sale in a month or two with prices 1-2K lower.

'06 Optima


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2006, 02:36:39 pm »
That's a good price, we sell the Optima with all the extra's you have listed for $12,900 + gst at the Kitchener store.

Were are you?



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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2006, 06:20:40 pm »
Is listed the same as "selling" price? The MSLP works in wiggle room for the dealer I am sure, but its hard to tell how much room with one dealer per very large geographical area.

Also, the price I mentioned did not include sales tax (7%) not sure if your price did as you only mentioned the GST.

From the info I have seen here, I am comfortable with the price and think I will buy as is or at least try to get a freebie thrown in like a step or a filter.

Thanks everyone. :)
'06 Optima


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2006, 08:12:01 am »
Is listed the same as "selling" price? The MSLP works in wiggle room for the dealer I am sure, but its hard to tell how much room with one dealer per very large geographical area.

Also, the price I mentioned did not include sales tax (7%) not sure if your price did as you only mentioned the GST.

From the info I have seen here, I am comfortable with the price and think I will buy as is or at least try to get a freebie thrown in like a step or a filter.

Thanks everyone. :)

Our price "listed" on the spa is the selling price, not msrp or inflated to “save $1,000s if you buy today”. There is only 7% Gst added if the spa is delivered to your back yard. Pst is included as the spa is considered a fixture by the ministry of finance. Not allowed to charge Pst on the retail price.


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2006, 09:42:37 am »

Then it sounds like I am getting a fantastic deal if you sell for 2K more, even without the RST.

Retail Sales Tax on hot tubs applies here as hot tubs are not considered real property. Personally, I am amazed if any government classifies them as real property (unless it is an inground install) as they can be moved around.

Here are the rules applicable to the dealers in my area:

Swimming Pools
- Above ground (including related equipment and
accessories) -  Tangible personal property i.e. taxable
- Below ground (including accessories and earth
work but not related equipment) Real property i.e. Prov Sales Tax exempt
- Pumps, heaters, filters, piping, etc. for above and
below ground pools - Tangible personal property

Thanks again for the info.

Now any tips on how a dealer will cave in and throw in the steps for free? har har ;D
'06 Optima


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2006, 09:50:01 am »
Many, not all but many, of the dealers we spoke with when looking included steps and coverlifter.


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Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2006, 12:06:01 pm »

Then it sounds like I am getting a fantastic deal if you sell for 2K more, even without the RST.

Retail Sales Tax on hot tubs applies here as hot tubs are not considered real property. Personally, I am amazed if any government classifies them as real property (unless it is an inground install) as they can be moved around.

Here are the rules applicable to the dealers in my area:

Swimming Pools
- Above ground (including related equipment and
accessories) -  Tangible personal property i.e. taxable
- Below ground (including accessories and earth
work but not related equipment) Real property i.e. Prov Sales Tax exempt
- Pumps, heaters, filters, piping, etc. for above and
below ground pools - Tangible personal property

Thanks again for the info.

Now any tips on how a dealer will cave in and throw in the steps for free? har har ;D

what part of Ontario are you?

Our store was audited last year by the Ministry of finance (RST). we had been charging PST on the retail for the last 5 years, we were informed in writing by the auditer and her higher up that we were wrong, challanged it at a hearing and lost. My argument, hot tubs are classed by UL, ETL and CSA as portable devices, they disagreed and informed us again in writing:(

Now PST is included in our prices, calculated only on the cost of the product.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: six of Jacuzzi half dozen of Sundance
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2006, 12:06:01 pm »


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