Drew isn't the Grandee deeper than the Vanguard. I was under the impression that it is. Keep in mind I have not wet tested the Vanguard or Grandee. I guess I will still consider the Grandee but honestly most of the time it will just be my wife and I in the tub. When we do have friends and family over it is rarely groups larger than 8-10 people.
Also the grandee is a couple $grand more than the vanguard and I just can't see spending that much more money unless there is an amazing difference between the two tubs.
If anyone else has earth shattering reasons to get the Grandee instead of the Vanguard let me know. We are going to be purchasing a tub summer of 2007 so I have a lot of time to decide and save $. 
I'm not sure. Worth a look though.
The Grandee is 8'4" x by 7'7" x 38" and is 500 gal.
The Vanguard is 7'3" x 7'3" x 36" and is 400 gallon.
I tried figruing out volumes, but that just tells me that yes, both tubs have different gallon capacities....duh. I think the key is the seats, thier depth, and angle. ?
There is a 2" difference in height, but this could be deceiving. My tiger river is the same depth as the Vanguard, but when I sat in the Vanguard, I was drowning.

And I hear you on price....a few grand is significant to me, and you hit a point, where how much is enough?

I'm more just playing devil's advocate here, than trying to sway you.