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I agree with Hymbaw, call your dealer to discuss this. Tubs do get hotter in the summer heat but unless you're in Death Valley 114ยบ sounds like you may have another issue besides just the outside temp.
It is very common in the Phoenix area for this to happen. I dont know where th auther is but its common.
Put the spa in sleep mode.Make sure the clock on the control panel is set to the right time. If your time is wrong it may be possible that you're filtering more hours than you realize.Adjust your filter times to three hours each in the coolest part of the day. I have mine comming on at 2am-5am, and 8pm to 11pm and put a tennis ball under the cover to let the heat escape from the water.IF THIS DOES NOT WORK CALL YOUR DEALER YOU MAY HAVE A FAULTY HEATER OR HEAT SENSOR.
Are you able to post a pic of the "blue substance" ? tha wil help us decipher what it may be and where its located. Thanks!
Also, if the tub is reaching temps that high just sitting in the sun, is it a good for the shell to be sitting without any water in it?
Heck If I know.......its the same color as the plastic on the filter so I assumed thats where it came from....and the filter looks like it melted......I will post pics of all tomorrow - maybe that will help shed some light.
Phoneix, Death Valley, Vegas and a few other garden spots will drive spa temps that high.