So far so good with the new tub. I have the temp set at 97 and the kids are in and out, using it like a pool as a few of you had mentioned they would--goggles and all! I am pleased and proud that I have been able to keep up on the appropriate chems.

I've wiped a few invisible scum lines (could feel them). Added Enzymes and no line this morning. I am waiting for my Taylor kit to arrive. (Thanks Vinny and others!) I figure it will be a necessity as indeed this is being used like a small, warm summer pool at the moment. I had to add more diclor in the middle of the day. The colors on the strips look within range except for a high PH. If I were to try to get that down without lowering TA, how much vinegar would I add to a 400 gallon tub? The strip shows pinkish dots, not even a solid color, that I figure is between the 8.0-8.4. Otherwise everything else is progressing smoothly so far, due to all of your comments and experiences!