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Author Topic: ALPS SPAS  (Read 36202 times)


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« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2013, 03:54:01 pm »
Hey doc, you guys are the ones that started discrediting it long ago. I'm just wondering why someone would come on and post a fairly positive comment and then post no more after that. I don't know a Astec from a costco model. I bought a HS and maybe you just like to give a hard time to those that don't buy the brand you represent. I haven't got you figured out, either. Just another thought.

And BTW.... post count doesn't mean crap to me. Is that the kind of things you hold dear?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 03:58:45 pm by Spoiledrotten »
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn."

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« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2013, 03:54:01 pm »

Dr. Spa™ Ret.

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« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2013, 05:25:04 pm »
I've discredited nothing. The only post I made in this thread (prior to today) was directed at Chas, telling him that the picture of the coverlifter was a stock image from the manufacturer.

Do you have any idea "the brand I represent"?
If you can't sell it on eBay, it may not even qualify as landfill.

Retired (mostly) from the industry after 33 years...but still putzing around with a consumer information website, and trying to sell obsolete owners manuals


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« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2014, 03:52:58 pm »
I'm new to site but thought i'd share my experience with my Alps Spa. We purchased a K2 model just over a year ago and love it. Had two older tubs at other times in our lives and wanted something with all the newer options and better therapy. We found it to have the best of everything, including galvanized steel frame (which I prefer over wood), balboa control system, waterway pumps, insulated synthetic cabinet, stainless steel jets,  2 dual speed pumps and 89 fully adjustable jets.  Got great price on it too. It seems this brand is not well known depending on where a person is from but we are very happy with our purchase. Parents actually bought a swim spa from them after we got our K2 and they are very happy with it, perfect for grandkids to swim as well as exercise for them.
Just checked their website and it appears to have been updated and includes listing of their dealers across US and Canada as well as a Europe section.


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« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2014, 09:47:53 pm »
Glad your happy. Most people are on their honeymoon. Stick around give us a report in another year,2,3 and more.


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« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2016, 08:37:00 pm »

   Good day to you folks. I ran across this forum while doing a search on Alps Spas. I read this thread with a bit of interest as approximately a decade ago I actually owned an Alps Spa which I purchased new from a dealer located in the Atlanta area. The name of the dealer was Extreme Pools and Spas. They promptly folded approximately a year after I purchased the spa.

  While the dealership experience was sketchy at best even when they were around, the actual Spa I owned was very nice. I owned it for just around three years until I sold the home where it was located.

  There were effectively two reasons I purchased an Alps. First, the "bang for the buck" seemed to be very good. I bought one the dealer had in stock and they were willing to let it go for a VERY reasonable price compared to other spas I had priced (probably because they were trying to financially tread water at the time I assume). Second, they were manufactured just outside of Atlanta in Gwinnett county so I could go directly to the factory if I needed assistance. The spa required service twice during those three years. The first was immediately following hook up when an air bubble clogged the lines. The second was approximately ten months into ownership when I had a problem with the control panel buttons. The factory sent somebody out to fix it immediately both times.

  As for insulation, I did not see a giant rise in my electric bill at the time. Now, as to whether or not the spa was as well insulated as others I could not say. I'm not an expert on this matter. It seemed moderately well insulated to me. I have moved a few times since then (I now reside in Tennessee and have very small children) and two of the homes I have owned have had hot tubs. Due to having the children we almost never used these two spas. One was a Dynasty (which was fine) and the other is a Leisure Bay (which has never worked and I believe will be chopped up and taken off the back porch in pieces in the next few months). The Alps seemed sturdier and better finished than either of these. As I was younger and single (with much more free time) when I owned the Alps I used my spa quite a bit back then. I even met the owner of the company at the Atlanta home show one time (I believe his first name was Jack....although I will never remember his last name).

   I realize that I have not provided a whole lot of information to go on and since I am a new member to this board that some will take my offering with a grain of salt. However, I simply wanted to impart my experience to you folks. Whether or not Alps makes a good product today...I honestly have no idea. I would look at them again due to my experience in the past. I simply wanted to share my experience (although in some ways it seems like I owned that spa a lifetime ago) with people who may be researching spas themselves.

  Best of luck to all of you folks

I am wondering if this was creatively written by the marketing department in hopes that anyone that found this thread by Google searching, would see something somewhat positive about the product. This guy hasn't been back since Jan 2013.  Just a thought.  8)

   Hi there. Post number 2. I got a good laugh out of the reply to my years ago post about the Alps spa I owned in what seems like a lifetime ago. For some folks, the black helicopters circle over everything I guess.   ;)

   Nope....I have no connection to Alps. I just owned one. I don't own a spa now and haven't in a few years. I went to the Chattanooga home show today and saw some spas there, so I googled Alps spas and found this forum again.

   I have no idea if alps spas are any good today or not. All I can say is that I was happy with mine during the time I owned it. Take it for whatever that's worth.

   Anyway, I'm sure some out there might still think I'm part of their marketing department no matter what I say. In actuality I'm just another working schmuck with kids who aren't so small any longer, and who gives some thought to purchasing another spa every now and again. I'll probably see this thread again in a year or two. Until then, you folks take care of yourselves.


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« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2016, 08:13:54 am »
I bought an Alps Spa 10 years ago and it has worked great - Balboa controls, Aqua-Flo pumps, CMP skimmer, I'm not sure whose LEDs are in it - I have been very happy with it. I've never had an issue with my spa (no, I don't work there - I'm just a happy customer!). I'm on here because after 10 years my heater isn't working (I just moved my spa so I wonder if I broke something in the move?). No one is perfect so I'm not saying some of the posts on here are wrong - but we are not hearing from the many people who are happy and don't leave feedback.

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« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2016, 08:13:54 am »


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