I can agree. I've been called cheap myself for some reason or another. And not just on this site...

Here's a picture of the cartridge's parts:

On the left you have the cap and the outside shell of the cartridge. On the right is the inner cartridge containing the bromine tablets. I can fit 9 each of the 1-1/4" tabs. (More than King was putting in)
What's missing is a spacer about 2" long which King would put into the inner cartridge so they didn't have to put in as much bromine and, if you shook it, it didn't rattle like it was half empty. Can you believe it? I threw that spacer away!
Anyway, there are holes machined into both cartridges and the inner cartridge slides inside the outer cartridge so you adjust how much or how little bromine is dispensed. Clever idea. BUT then they went ahead and glued the tops on and now its impossible to reuse the cartridge. I don't see how the current cartridges could be used but maybe someone else can come up with a method.
Also, the bromine granules are not the same as the bromine tablets. The granules have an immediate effect on bromine levels and is primarily used for new water. The tabs are slow acting.
Since I started refilling my cartridges I can go just short of a month before I need to refill it. And I tend to have more bromine in the tub rather than the bare minimum.
Again, I hope someone can come up with a better alternative. It is a waste and an unnecessary expense.