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Buying Caldera, quick questions...
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Topic: Buying Caldera, quick questions... (Read 4678 times)
Junior Member
Posts: 4
Buying Caldera, quick questions...
June 15, 2006, 02:31:30 pm »
I have decided to buy a tub, after a few wet-tests we decided on Caldera. We tested a Geneva, but the lounge was too long for my wife(5'5") and slightly too long for me (5'9").
I like the lounge so I was thinking of getting the Tahitian, but it was not in stock so I could not test it!
The other option is the Niagra (also not in stock) with the mini lounge but it does not look as nice having to sit side saddle.
Has anyone tested these side by side? I am happy with the jets and seat comfort so either model should work for us.
Lastly, I am in central PA. What is the going rates for these tubs? I was quoted $9000 (with all the goodies) for the Geneva, but did not get prices on the tahitian.
Hot Tub Forum
Buying Caldera, quick questions...
June 15, 2006, 02:31:30 pm »
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Hot Spring Envoy
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #1 on:
June 15, 2006, 03:10:03 pm »
The price on the Geneva seems about right. I had a Geneva, my wife is under 5 feet, I am 6 feet and liked the lounger better than the one in our Envoy. It is tough for women to use loungers because they inherently have higher percent body fat all else being equal. Other than the lounger the other seats are much the same model to model.
BTW, Caldera is a great choice.
Junior Member
Posts: 96
2006 Caldera Tahitian
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #2 on:
June 15, 2006, 03:45:00 pm »
I'll Chime in. We have a 2006 Tahitian, great tub. My wife is also 5'5" and i'm 6'3". The tahitian works nicely, my wife and I both fit the lounge where she couldn't fit in the Geneva. The Tahitian sits about the same as the Geneva only the Geneva is slightly larger and has the carpal tunnel jets. Other than that same jets and pumps, etc. Personally I would highly recommend the Tahitian to anyone as we have been satisfied. But then again that's personal opinion. If you liked the Geneva, you should like the Tahitian. Good luck and let us know which tub you choose. Pricewise that's similar to me here in the midwest for the Geneva. I think the Tahitian would fit you both well.
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Posts: 226
'06 Caldera Geneva
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #3 on:
June 15, 2006, 03:59:59 pm »
Did you check out the Moorea? It is the Paradise series but we are looking at it upgraded with the color LED lighting and CD ozone that the Utopia series has standard.
Our big decision is the Moorea vs. Niagara. The Moorea is about $1270 cheaper all-in. The major difference for us is lounger (M) vs. non-lounger (N). LED lights are not on outside of Moorea and it has only one control panel. Niagara is also a bit bigger and has the outside LED and two control panels panels but not sure if its worth the extra $1270! I was actually leaning towards the Niagara but now I am unsure.
Bottom line you should test the Moorea as well but be prepared to add one more tub to the equation!
Any thoughts?
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Posts: 4
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #4 on:
June 15, 2006, 04:19:25 pm »
I have only seen the Moorea on-line, the main reason I liked the Geneva/Niagra was the foot well is larger. It really seemed to open the tub up when you have a few people in it.
The Tahitian is close to the same size.
If the Geneva lounge was a few inches shorter, we would have gotten that one for sure!
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Posts: 96
2006 Caldera Tahitian
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #5 on:
June 15, 2006, 07:56:22 pm »
The tahitian has two panels and all the lights standard. and stainless jet surrounds
Last Edit: June 15, 2006, 07:56:52 pm by DoubleA
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #6 on:
June 15, 2006, 09:20:10 pm »
Hi, I own the new Moorea as of April 06 and just love the size of this tub.. I am 5'8 and hubby 6'4 we where going to buy the Tahitian great lounge for short person fit me perfect but okay on hubby did not like foot well the new moorea is really nice has two places for your feet one on lounger remember has handle because I do float you hang on too and its fine jets are nice and strong you will not need to reach foot jets to feel them I like the different seating in the moorea and you have a cool down seat and its in front to get into the tub instead of steping on the lounger to get in.. we only dry tested each tub and was very happy with our choice I would highly recommend wet test try going to another dealer and see in person if you can. good luck and caldera is a great tub use mine twice a day and first electric bill was only 17.00 more yeah.... have fun shopping remember don' t buy small you might regret it later.. and foot well space you don't want to play foots ease with other people if you have friends over ..
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Posts: 166
Caldera Spa Dealer for 30 years
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #7 on:
June 17, 2006, 07:00:24 pm »
The Geneva and Niagra should be the same price. They are the same tub essentially, one has a lounge and one not.
The morrea would be another tub to consider if you like the lounge but don't fit in the geneva. the moorea has two loungers basically a normal one and a smaller size one for someone.
But the morrea will have smaller pumps and no lighting.
The Niagra/Geneva are both great spas, and you are right the footwell is great because it is so large on both spas, you can legitimately hold 6 adults in both spas.
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Posts: 4
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #8 on:
June 18, 2006, 05:27:40 pm »
I like everything about the Geneva, but the lounge is a little too long. I did not get to see a Tahitain or Moorea. How much smaller is the foot well in the Tahitian? It looks close in pictures. I don't want to make a mistake with my order.
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Posts: 166
Caldera Spa Dealer for 30 years
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #9 on:
June 18, 2006, 05:43:57 pm »
The Tahitian footwell is significantly smaller. How tall are you and your significant other?
The tahitian holds 3-4 adults comfortably, depending on the size of the peoplel
The Geneva will hold 4-6 adults comfortably.
The lounge in the Tahitian is much shorter than the lounge on the Geneva.
The Tahitian usually fits people who are 5"4'-6"1"
The Geneva fits people who are taller and have long legs.
Before you buy either of them I would sit in the spas dry and see for yourself how you fit.
The Moorea has a bigger footwell than the Tahitian and has a lounge seat comparable to a Tahitian but it also has the smaller "mini lounge" that is nice for people who are shorter but still want a lounge.
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Posts: 4
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #10 on:
June 18, 2006, 06:57:10 pm »
I am 5'9", wife is 5'5".
I don't want to give up too much foot well space, but the Geneva was def. too long for both of us.
How about the niagra? The sideways lounge doesn't look as comfy, but the rest is equal to the Geneva.
I see the Moorea has smaller pumps and a few less jets, is the therapy as nice? I really liked the pressure on the Geneva, and the ability to use all the seats at once...
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #11 on:
June 18, 2006, 11:25:52 pm »
Hi, I own the Moorea and the jets are just as strong and the tub is great... Looked at larger and smaller and love the price of this tub has all the features of the bigger tubs ... except outside lights.. wife would like seat with other foot jets as well and you use the lounger for same effect works great with the two loungers love the waterfall and volcano jet too.. thumbs up for this tub.. price was right too....
Full Member
Posts: 166
Caldera Spa Dealer for 30 years
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #12 on:
June 19, 2006, 12:12:58 am »
you can use all the seats at once in all the caldera spas.
The mini lounge in the Niagra isn't very comfortable, unless you are shorter, but it has ample foot well space and it's essentially the same as the geneva.
The moorea is a great spas, has lots of power, good foot space, just doesn't have the outside lights.
Sounds like you should check out the Niagra and Morrea and go from there.
Junior Member
Posts: 96
2006 Caldera Tahitian
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #13 on:
June 19, 2006, 11:37:17 am »
The reason we chose Tahitian over Moorea, is the different kinds of jets in the tub, with the Tahitian you get the Atlas neck jet system and the OrbiSsage and magnasage jets feel nice. As for the footwell, most of the time it's just me and the misses in the tub and when we have people over it workes out suprisingly well. the footwell doesn't seem as tight as i thought it would. But in the end its up to your personal preferences and tests. Good luck.
Last Edit: June 20, 2006, 10:11:29 am by DoubleA
Hot Tub Forum
Re: Buying Caldera, quick questions...
Reply #13 on:
June 19, 2006, 11:37:17 am »
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