OK, now I'm a little confused ... I read the original post by dsegel and the ozonator and why would the circ pump go off when you lower the temp?
They didn't say that the circulation pump goes off when the water temperature goes up, they said the ozonator goes off. Would the ozonator going off cause the circ pump to go off? :-/
Don't know why the water temp would control the ozonator. I didn't think to ask him WHY.

One thing I've noticed about my tub. They told me to add dichlor, 3 Tbl. once a week. At the end of the seventh day, the water starts getting a TEENSY bit cloudy and by the morning of the eighth day (when time to add the dichlor), it is quite a bit cloudy. The dichlor has cleared it all up in 24 hours.
I decided to add a HEAPING (I've been adding a LEVEL) teaspoon of the MPS after each use this week to see if I can hold off the cloudiness one more day; however, if that doesn't work, I'm thinking of increasing my circ pump run time and see if that helps. Does this reasoning sound right?