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Author Topic: Can I ask a pool question?  (Read 7324 times)


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2007, 11:38:16 am »
Looks like you have no choice, Skellman, unless you just want to get rid of your pool.  I think I paid $800 for the liner and install on my 24 round. The guy did a lousy job and I have a wrinkle on one side of the pool. He actually left the old overlap liner on the walls of the pool to protect the new liner from the corrosion that Chris was talking about. I don't think that was a good idea, but at the time, I didn't know any better..The people that sold me the pool said it wouldn't hurt anything but  I think that is the reason that I have a wrinkle.
Maybe your first thing would be to talk to an installer and see what they will do. Check to be sure your leaks can't be repaired. Be sure that your skimmer is not in need of a new gasket because water will leak between the wall and the liner. You know where the one large hole is..since you made it, that should be easy to patch. I can't imagine how it held water all winter with a hole like that. :-? Or is it empty? In which case you probably are past the repair stage all together. Above ground pools are a pain in the neck!  >:( now that I think about all the problems that I have had with mine!! :o  >:(
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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2007, 11:38:16 am »


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2007, 02:09:51 pm »
With a 5, 12 @13 year old at home, our pool gets alot of use. Heck, I use it as much as the kids. :o So, I won't be getting rid of it.

There is actually a good 3' of water but, I can see where the sand is coming thru the hole. Or smile as the case is. :-[
I'm pretty sure I'll replace it and at the same time smooth out the sand. I've found prices from $209.00 up to $400.00

It should be interesting!


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2007, 02:14:56 pm »
When you are going to change your liner  make sure you buy new gaskets for both return and skimmer. Or you may just want to buy a new skimmer kit which isnt expensive and it has all gaskets and a new return in it.  Its easier to change an abs skimmer now and get a longer life then trying to put a new one on down the road.    There is no question you should get a hang bead liner with a quality J track the reason being you dont have to  guess on the amount of overlap needed and a hang bead is easier to shift when setting the liner.

The main thing before you order your liner  measure your wall height  for most replacement liners are a 52" wall  and yours is probably 48"  


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2007, 03:00:33 pm »
Before spending any money, pop off a few cap rails and inspect down the sidewall of the pool in several places. If you have any corrosion, it may not be worth it to put good many oafter bad. While I think you'll be ok, it never hurts to check before you order  up a $400 liner.

I agree to consider replacing the filter intake and possibly the return outlet if they are worn, or give you the impression they may fail. However, I replaced both of these on my old pool and while a "pain" in so much as you have to drain the water down past these to replace, it wasn't difficult to do, and didn't have any problems with the liner.

Also, you may have a problem with the cap rail screws. They love to oxidize and get stuck. It can be a pain to get these off without stripping or tearing the heads. Maybe scope out a source for new fasterners, some Wd40 and good screwdrivers.  ;)
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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2007, 03:00:33 pm »


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