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Author Topic: Can I ask a pool question?  (Read 7311 times)


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Can I ask a pool question?
« on: April 03, 2007, 02:04:07 pm »
I'm in the hunt for a new pool liner. It's a 27' diameter.

As I was closing last year I was fishing out the weighted rings the kids play with. I was using the pole for the leaf/brush attachments. Well, I didn't have an attachment on the end and it slipped out of my hand and made a nice half-moon cut about 2" long. >:(
Can anyone recommend a web-site where I can purchase one via the internet?
I know I can patch it but it's the original liner which is about 8 years old.

Thanks in advance.


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Can I ask a pool question?
« on: April 03, 2007, 02:04:07 pm »


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2007, 02:47:23 pm »
did you check out http://www.intheswim.com/ ?

I can't say much about them, other than they send me a pantload of catalogs.  Thier prices seemed reasonable.  :-/
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2007, 03:11:23 pm »
Thanks for the reply Drew. I have not yet checked web-sites as I figured I could eliminate alot of the search by asking the folks on the forum. I will give www.intheswim.com a look see. Thanks. :)
I hope I don't make this as difficult as I've made my spa search. :-/ :-[ :(


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2007, 03:18:48 pm »
Skellman, I found that there is little info on AGPs on the net (As far as active forums exchaging info).

There are a few folks here that have some good knoweldge on pools. (I'm drawing a blank at the moment thoug) and the forum has been kind of slow lately.

 I assume you are going to install the liner yourself?  (I ask, as I know some pool places and dealers won't help you if you don't buy the liner from them.).  I have heard very bad things about Namco liners.  Sorry I couldn't be much help. If you do find  a decent site,  please pass it along,
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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2007, 05:07:39 pm »
Chris H is the pool guy..hopefully he will see your question and help out. I don't think a liner install is easy  :-/
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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2007, 06:11:25 pm »
I watched my pool people install my pool.

For the liner they used a wet/dry vac to get the air out.

They used a 3" "T" of poly piping wrapped in towels to get out the wrinkles on the flooring.

I hear they're HEAVY to move and overlap is the way to go.

I can give more details if you wish.

I buy from in the swim and pool products ... good prices and some nice products. I bought my winter cover, an Arctic Amor, from pool products and it has lasted 4 years now and I paid the same as the POS I bought with the pool that lasted 1 1/2 seasons.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 06:36:41 pm by Vinny »


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2007, 07:01:30 pm »
The overlap liner is fine for a new pool install, but to replace a liner, you would have to remove all the top cap. My  liner was much less expensive because I got a beaded liner that hangs on a rail that is installed under the cap.

Vinny, did I share the website that I got my net from with you? I am having trouble finding it now
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 07:11:59 pm by Bonibelle »
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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2007, 07:46:12 pm »
Yes you did send me that address but unfortunately I deleted it. I looked up in the swim and they have a product which was a little less than the one you bought... Sorry!!

The installers told me that beaded liners are a pain to install and a lot of non professionals have problems with them. I frequented a pool forum a while back and it appeared that a lot of people had their beaded liners detach from the "J" that you have them hang from. It seemed even some pros had problems with them. It sounds like you had a good install!


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2007, 10:16:07 pm »
Nope, not at all..I actually had a lousy install >:(...Chris H helped me find the coping that holds the beaded liner in place. Typically installers put that coping at various spots along the rail. In the winter,the ice must pull the liner down and pop the pieces of coping out. I would find it on the bottom of the pool and the liner would slip off that rail. :( So hubby and I pulled out all of the little pieces of coping and replaced it with a continuous piece around the whole pool.  Obviously overlap is the best choice, but it is also the most expensive because of the labor involved in taking all that capping off and putting it back on. I will know how well my coping job worked when we uncover in about a month. When Chris checks in we can get that web site again...
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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2007, 09:12:23 am »
Yes you did send me that address but unfortunately I deleted it. I looked up in the swim and they have a product which was a little less than the one you bought... Sorry!!

The installers told me that beaded liners are a pain to install and a lot of non professionals have problems with them. I frequented a pool forum a while back and it appeared that a lot of people had their beaded liners detach from the "J" that you have them hang from. It seemed even some pros had problems with them. It sounds like you had a good install!

I've heard that too. If you're a weekend warrior, or the pool currently has an overlap liner, then that's the way to go.

On my new pool install, I was sold on the beaded liner installed by the Esther Williams dealer. I was impressed with the install and the guys doing it, and was given the impression that done correctly the beaded is a better system.  I'll be removing my winter cover in a few weeks, and after my first winter with this pool, I'll find out if the extra $ was worth it.  
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 09:44:48 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2007, 09:22:03 am »
I’d go to your local pool dealer to purchase the liner.  They won’t be giving you advice if you purchase it online and you run into problems, nor should it be expected of them. The cost should generally be the same with shipping.  Have fun installing it.
The overlap liners are all made in China so the quality is about the same.  I would look into poly-foaming the wall to help protect the new liner.  This should cost about $150 for the foam and another $75 for the glue.   This is a type of foam that goes between the pool wall and liner and will help protect the liner from getting popped when the wall starts to corrode in the next couple years.  
One other thing - beaded/hung liners are best and overlap liners are not.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 09:23:30 am by Chris_H »


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2007, 09:37:11 am »
One other thing - beaded/hung liners are best and overlap liners are not.

I guess it depends if you're a FF / TP person or an ozone /non ozone person.

I think this is a debateable subject and personable opinion... my pool is going on 6 years and it doesn't have a problem yet. The installers told me they prefer overlap.


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2007, 10:09:43 am »
Overlap liners are generally easier to install for various reasons.  You seriously need to feel the quality of overlap liners and compare it to a beaded liner.  There really is not even a comparison.  However, you can replace 3 overlaps with one beaded.


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2007, 10:15:36 am »
Overlap liners are generally easier to install for various reasons.  You seriously need to feel the quality of overlap liners and compare it to a beaded liner.  There really is not even a comparison.  However, you can replace 3 overlaps with one beaded.

For the cost of the liner is the easy part.  Draining, removing, the liner and cap rails, reinstalling the liner, and fitings and getting a smooth clean install is the real trick (and pain).  Liners go from $250- 800.   Don't go cheap. It's not a job that you want to do over and over again. (unless you see the pool not being around for many years?)

Of course Skellman, you  could patch the hole. 6 years isn't that long?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 10:17:52 am by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2007, 10:30:08 am »
Of course Skellman, you  could patch the hole. 6 years isn't that long? [/quote]

It's actually 8 years old. I would patch it but the problem is there seems to be many little pin holes forming at the base, or cove, as some call it around the pool. My guess is the larger/sharper grains of sand have worn through over the years. I don't know what else could have caused it.
The sad part is any money I spend on this is taken from my tub savings. :'(

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Re: Can I ask a pool question?
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2007, 10:30:08 am »


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