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Author Topic: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change  (Read 3188 times)


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1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« on: June 12, 2006, 10:55:49 pm »
Ok Guys!  Today was the official first anniversary we have had our Sundance Maxxus sitting in back yard.  Those of you that know me & my posts know that this is the most under used tub in the upper Midwest.  So today as I was changing my water for the 9th time, (yes I'm anal) I had a thought, our water here has a PH of about 8.9 to 9.2.  I normally add just over a 3rd cup of PH decreaser to bring the water down to about 7.4 and then I add 2 Tbls of Bromine powder.  Today I; thought; “why add the Bromine powder?"  I'll just forgo my normal Bromine floater and try the Bromine tablet dissolver in the filter gate.  Here is my question, how many 1" tablets should I add?
See, normally I balance the PH, add some powder for an immediate Bromine reading th  Heyen load my Bromine floater with 1" tablets and set it to about 4.  Lately though I have been fighting at keeping my PH stabilized and have had to add PH+ every week towards the end of my self imposed 6 week water change cycle.  The last post I posted about "dissolving headrests" made me re-think my Bromine floater as one of you great knowledgeable tub gurus asked about the bromine feeder in the filter gate.  I did at one time use it but I thought it just was not working as I wasn't able to get a consistent Bromine reading.  Did the filter remove the dissolved Bromine since it releases Bromine prior to the filter?  What is the answer after a water change?  Incidentally before some of you call me crazy for doing this many water changes let me explain; the tub was used 3 times in the last 6 week cycle.  This thing is just not used that much.  So when my water does start to look even remotely cloudy I’ll change it.  I mean crap, what is in my water to make it look gray if we are not in it?  I do not like adding water clarifier and all the gook to my water to make it look good.  In fact I swear the more you add the more foam and gook you get.  My solution; change the doggone water it’s not that hard.  A total of 20 minutes to drain and 1.5 hours to refill including blasting the filter off with a garden hose (what is that gray gitch anyway).  Thanks forum, I look forward to all of your answers.
Hey, why did my staus change back to newbie?  I resent that, I have read and contributed to this forum for over a year!  Newbie!  Last week I was a full member.  LOL!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 10:59:05 pm by Campsalot »

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1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« on: June 12, 2006, 10:55:49 pm »


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Re: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2006, 11:05:13 pm »
Not sure on the water thing but I was a full member a week ago and am now a newbie again too.


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Re: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2006, 08:41:24 am »
Personally, with your limited use of the spa, I think you're changing your water more than you need to.
But like you said, it's your game, your rules.  

I wouldn't skip that sodium bromide powder.  If you skip that, it could take days for you to get a bromine level using your floater.  I don't think your filter is removing your bromine.  I had trouble with getting my bromine levels to be constant too- and the bromine /mps shock combo was constantly pulling down my Ph and alk, so I had to add a lot of the stuff just to keep in correct range.  

Your Bromine container should tell you how many tablets to add.  But don't expect the level to read immediately.  

You might consider switching to dichlor.  It has very little impact on Ph and alkalinity.  I've found it for me to be easier to use in the long run.  And I'm adding way less Ph/alk adjusters.  
No floaters, no weir gates, no tablets.  Just toss in a few teaspoons and let the pumps run.  Easy.



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Re: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2006, 09:24:59 am »
Not sure on the water thing but I was a full member a week ago and am now a newbie again too.

Huh. I've dropped too.

But then again, I think the ratings on ones membership is misleading.  (I had "ultimate" status).  All that means is I post a lot ,  have a big mouth  and lots of spare time. .  I'd like to see the status reflect how long you've been a member and if you are a proffesional tech, dealer or consumer....
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Re: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2006, 09:38:52 am »


But then again, I think the ratings on ones membership is misleading.  ............ I'd like to see the status reflect how long you've been a member and if you are a proffesional tech, dealer or consumer....

The post count is a funtion of the software as the author designed, whatsthebest just uses it.  I believe how long you have been a member is visible in your profile.  You can also customize your profile and posting to refelect your status in the industry. (Though some like to fly under the radar)
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Re: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2006, 10:46:07 am »
Yes, I think I will go to Dichlor next time and yes, that means in the next 6 weeks if my water gets cloudy.  Frequent water changes won't cause problems will they? The problem is I have a lot and I mean a lot of 1" bromine tabs.  Plus, if I change to Dichlor its new filter time too right?  Those buggers cost some bucks!  I put one in new in February and it was $119.20.  


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Re: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2006, 11:15:03 am »
I don't see why you'd have to change filters.  I didn't when I switched, and don't seem to be having any filter problems.  

My filters went from Baqua (seven months or so) to bromine (a couple years) and back in March to dichlor.
Same 3 year old filters, hanging in there very well.

Frequent water changes won't hurt anyting except possibly your water bill and your electric bill.

And might cut into your spa time by a few days per year extra from waiting for all that new water to come to temp.-

I waited until I used up most of my bromine before I switched, but I wasn't buying very large quantities of the stuff.  
« Last Edit: June 13, 2006, 11:15:32 am by Brewman »


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Re: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2006, 11:37:20 am »
Try both. Balance your water, add the bromide and put the tabs in.

Then if you see the gray gloomies come over your water, try a Dichlor shock instead of Calrifier. In a tub the size of yours, two dry ounces may be just right, or you may need a tad more.

Leave the lid open and run some jets for 1/2 hour. Should look noticably better by then.
Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

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Re: 1st year Anniversary & 9th water change
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2006, 11:37:20 am »


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