Are there guidelines for how much baking soda is needed to raise the pH of a 400 gal tub? My pH seems a little low (maybe just around 7.2) and my alk is also low (40-80). I have pH up chemicals, but if baking soda does the trick, I'd rather use that.
--note it was all perfect until I added Spa Silken and the required dose of pH down (that threw it off--plus I used pool pH down which I guess was wrong although it was the same active ingredient in the same concentration as the pH down from the spa store)-- :-/
also, I've seen pH meters for sale for use with aquariums. This seems a lot more accurate than those test strips (mine never seem to be a color that is quite like the color on the strip). does anyone use one of those?
My spa water is otherwise clear, doesn't smell, no foam problems, etc etc, but I'm so worried about the numbers on those strips it makes me a bit nuts. Every day for a months I'm testing this thing for fear of creating some sort of viral soup!

My straight from the well water has high pH and high alk so everytime I top it off I'm hoping i'm raising the pH and the alk more to get it into perfect balance.