I thought Vinneys prices were good....? I will need to side in the future and am thinking 15-20K (Single family house with attached garage). $10K? I'd do it tomorrow. I did replacement windows 2years agon (?) ..oh god, what a pain shopping for those on a budget. Window salesmen are the worst....High end replacement windows (Triple pane) were running about $1200 per window.

. Some even more. Their sales pitches were like getting poked repeatedly in the eye with a rusty fork.
Of course they said I would save 40% of my heating.

(let's see.....$1200 to heat the house per winter....at best with thier product, I'd save $480 a year. The gurantee was for the first year only.....um....25 windows x $1200 = 30,0000.00
I went with a major brand name, double pane replacement from a repubutable local dealer for abou 1/4 the costs. I am happy.
Had the deck contractor out last night....hopefully his numbers agree with my bank account.
Why wasn't I born rich, (or at least have a dad that was a contractor?).