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twok99,I just read on the www.rhtubs.com site that ozonators last about 5 years. Â I can't remember what it said about how you can tell but it's a simple matter to change the light bulb. Â Go to that site to find all the info.
CD ozone units don't have light bulbs. UV ozone units do. A UV bulb will probably never make it 5 years. Maybe 2 and in this young industry are considered ancient. CD (corona discharge) where ozone is produced by an electrical charge controled by a chip, some say will last for 5 years. Most say it will not last that long, however replacing the chip is easier than replacing the UV bulb ever was. How to tell if it's working.....here we go again.....take a quarter, make a fist and place the quarter on your thumb, fling the quarter in the air, the odds you will ever know your ozone unit is working are less than the odds the quarter will land on heads or tails.
I have a Juacuzzi Premium tub. Â The ozonator is labeled Jacuzzi Premium (it is royal blue in color) but I think it is made by Sunzone.
I could tell within a day that my CD ozinator was off.  Water quality dropped significantly. I wouldn't  by a tub without one.
Congratulations to your sales person, they did a great job. It surprises me however, that your water quality will go south in one day, must be a testamonial to the quality of Hot Springs no by pass filtration. I can ignore my spa, with out an ozonator for 4 or 5 days and come beck to crystal clear water. Very interesting.