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Author Topic: I miss the pic of the day - dog question  (Read 102713 times)


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2007, 04:59:33 am »

You are so right bonnie. Oh and I only kill what I can eat. And dogs an cat don't taste good.   ;D

Plenty of large preditors here in Northern Minnesota, Wolfs are coming off the endangered species list, theres so many bears around companys have popped up selling bear proof garbage cans, you can't put out bird feeders, and the deer population allows licensed hunters to take 10 a year if they apply for extra permits at no cost.

If you've ever seen a fox play with a house cat it is an absolutly amazing site, 2 very equal animals with the house cat, as long as the claws are intact taking a slight smart advantage and the fox taking the brute strenght advantage. One was pacing back and forth next to my neighbore garage last fall looking up, on the roof of the garage was the cat, one paw dangling over the side as it sneered down almost with the look of a giggle at the fox. The fox would slowly walk up the deck to get an angle at jumping across from the deck to the garage roof but the cat was perched just far enough away from the foxes landing zone to jump back to the deck at the exact same moment the fox jumped, and the cat would hit a slender piece of railing and land gracfully on the deck as the fox landed on the garage roof. Now the fox could not jump back quickly enough as it needed to gather balance after landing on the garage and momentum for it's approach back to the deck, so the cat would lick itself for 10-20 seconds before the fox could land back on the deck and the cat would spring right from the sitting position on the rail to a soft landing back on the garage roof. Then the fox would pace around and contemplate it's options. Pretty comical, alot of people don't let the fat lazy declawed cats out because the fox as a preditor can do a quick number on a slow cat with one or two quick neck snapping bites.

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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2007, 04:59:33 am »


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2007, 10:17:48 am »
Thank you Drew, shame we can only follow that advice for animals ;)

I vollentarly  took myself out of the gene pool.  ;)

I think I have a feral cat problem.  

I own a "split ranch" style home and the lower level has windows that are just a few inches higher than ground level. One of my two cats loves to sit on the windowsill and look out.   Well for the past year some cat in the middle of the night has been commng around and tearing up the screen, terrrifing my cat and destroying the garden.  I've replaced the screen with "animal proof" screening, no good.  Spread coyote urine out there (doesn't last), chased the cat through the yard in the middle of a freezing night tossing water at it. One day I came home and the screew was completely torn off the frame and I think the ferral cat got into the house. My cats were spooked for days.   I'm constantly woken up at night by cats howling and screeching. ARRRRRGH.   My cat sitting in the house has scratch upthe  beautifully stained wood  when this cat comes around to taunt her.

I just bought a garden hose sprayer attatched to a motion sensor. Let's see if that works.

Lower windows at the right of the steps (by the flag)  are the problem area. : (Actually if you look closely, you can see my cat Gizmo in the window.  ;)  )

We love cats. Yes, thats a Cat weathervane on the roof. :D
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 11:10:52 am by drewstar »
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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2007, 10:42:12 am »
Drew, where did you get that motion sprayer? Does it need electric to run?  I could really use that. My neighbor has a disgusting dog that he lets run. It is a male that has not been "fixed" so it has this need to pee on everything ...at my house. My dog is a female and although she is fixed, I guess this male still needs to mark territory. I have written letters and talked to the owner, but he is arrogant and couldn't care less. The dog bit my friend's daughter and another neighbor...but no one would report it, so it still runs loose. Anyway I would love to scare it away from my deck and front step. It comes right up to my back door and pees on everything on my deck. including the steps to my hot tub!!.. I am so sick of this dog and his irresponsible owner. Actually, I would like to hose down the owner too!
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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2007, 10:51:46 am »
 I just (yesterday) order it from here:


It runs on water pressure and batterries. They claim the batteries can last for months. I'm hoping that after a few weeks the feral cat gets the message, other wise, the have a hart trap comes out.  

It was the lowest price I could find on the net. ($52. Most places were asking $79)

Bonnie would be all over the local animal control officer about your problem.  Irresponsible pet owners really get me upset.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 10:55:33 am by drewstar »
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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2007, 07:33:48 pm »
 I just (yesterday) order it from here:


It runs on water pressure and batterries. They claim the batteries can last for months. I'm hoping that after a few weeks the feral cat gets the message, other wise, the have a hart trap comes out.  

It was the lowest price I could find on the net. ($52. Most places were asking $79)

Bonnie would be all over the local animal control officer about your problem.  Irresponsible pet owners really get me upset.

I'm thinking floodlight, scope and silencer.

Does anyone else have visions of Caddyshack?
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 07:34:29 pm by Tman122 »


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2007, 08:04:52 pm »
Thanks Drew. I may buy two.  Even though I really don't like this dog, I realize the real problem is the inconsiderate owner.  He doesn't care what the dog does as long as it doesn't bother him. My other neighbor had her dog in her back yard (electric fence system) this dog ran into her yard and tore into her dog resulting in serious surgery to repair her dog's face...They feel like I do..the guy is a nut and to even complain to him would bring on something worse than this dog. So as strange as it seems, none of us have taken him to task for his nutso dog. I am just hoping it bites me..because it will be on my property. I'll be posting pictures of my new mercedes! ;D ;D
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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2007, 09:29:28 pm »
Pic of our dog Roscoe,and grand-daughter Emily,sharing time in "Jail" LOL


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2007, 12:14:31 am »
So, this last week has been fun.  Between a very aggressive deadline at work, and a new puppy at home, I've not been online much.

Anyway, the dog is great, my wife has been home with her every day, and she is progressing well.

On the subject of motion controlled sprayers:

A coworker of mine has a coi pond.  Various sea birds would come and eat his coi.  He tried a lot of different things, but the motion sensor water sprayer was the thing that worked.



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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2007, 10:52:18 am »
Since this thread has been about our dogs, I thought I would share this. My cousin (25 years old) is moving back home after living with a bunch of friends in a rented house. They pitched together at one point and bought a Soft Tub. He claims they used it quite a bit and really enjoyed it. He was in charge of water care and said that it was pretty simple...anyway, the soft tub worked for them.  When I asked who got custody of the tub as they were all moving out...he said the new dog. Apparently one of the guys got a Malmute pup who completely destroyed the tub..he chewed right through the tub and ripped it to bits!!  :o :o ;
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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2007, 06:06:48 pm »
Our 90lb yellow lab gets all excited when we go out to the tub. He likes to hang out next to the tub when we are in. He looked like he wanted to go in when we first got the tub but hasn't tried to go in yet.

Now take him to the beach and throw a ball into the water and he'll keep retrieving it until he keels over from exhaustion.



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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2007, 11:52:16 pm »

Ok as long as we're on the subject of pets and hot tubs, here is my little living doorbell (yapper)
 (The dog, not the kid!)

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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #41 on: June 04, 2014, 07:22:00 am »
I did a search here in the forums for dogs/pets in the hot tub nothing came up so I thought this thread is ok to pose my question to y'all with dogs. That there below is my little man and he's with me 24/7, goes everywhere with me, he just enjoys the outdoors & going out as much as possible whereas our maltese hates to leave the house.

So my question is this, it's very warm in So ca right now and when we get our tub I can't wait to go in with my yorkie. Before you peta folks go crazy hear me out ok. So cause it's warm I'll leave the water temp lower like say in the low 90's during the peak of the day. I just know he will love it, he'll follow me & jump in right after he sees me get in. And of course I'm not going to let him in there very long.

Anybody else here done the same thing with their pooch,..hopefully ?  :P

« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 07:24:28 am by petals20 »


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2014, 02:57:23 am »
Serious guys?...nobody here let your pooch in the spa with y'all.


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2014, 10:02:17 am »
You have to remember a hot tub is not a pool. I read somewhere that 1 dog = 50 bathers so that would mean that you'll drain the water every other week if you let your dog in 4 times during that period.

I do have a dog and don't see the need to put her into my tub even if she liked the water, my last dog didn't like the water either. The only thing hot tub related my dog does is jump up onto the cover when it's closed to survey her kingdom ... and every so often to take a nap! When I'm in the tub she will be outside with me and she comes by every so often to say "HI", putting her front paws onto the shell and licking my head.


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2014, 07:30:30 am »
Did you see my little Yorkie? he's only about 7 lbs, plus I'll brush him really good to get any excess hair and I'll give him a quick minute bath wash from the patio hose so he'll be nice & clean. I not sure where you got that equation from = 50 bathers but that's just not possible.

Think about it,..his little whole body, the amount of hair is more or less equal to a human's head full of hair esp the ladies.

Oh wait I just remember,..there was a Sundance dealer I talked with when I was close to getting the Capri she said they let their 2 dogs in all the time and the filtration takes care of that with ease. She was the sales manager with 15 yrs exp and her dogs were a shit zu & doberman.

I even said that I'll turn the heat down to say low 90's and she replied back that it doesn't matter she leaves the temp at 100. The day I was at the Sundance dealer was after I posted my question. So anybody out there who was on the fence should feel ok with letting their family pooch in.

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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2014, 07:30:30 am »


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