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Author Topic: I miss the pic of the day - dog question  (Read 102711 times)


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #45 on: June 28, 2014, 11:37:13 am »
To each his/her own.

I'm on my 3rd dog as an adult and don't find the need to share everything with her. I also would trust a salesperson telling me "yeah - it's safe" as most people who are selling things will tell you what you want to hear ... I believe most sales people are Joe Izuzu! And I'm from NYC ... we don't trust anybody!!

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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #45 on: June 28, 2014, 11:37:13 am »


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #46 on: June 29, 2014, 07:45:14 pm »
I'm on my first dog, and while I absolutely love the little guy, I see no need to have him join me in our hot tub. He sits in a chair beside the tub while my wife and I are in the tub and he is quite content. He's my buddy and my companion, but I agree with Vinny, he doesn't have to be everywhere and do everything with me.


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2014, 03:25:05 pm »
I'm on my first dog, and while I absolutely love the little guy, I see no need to have him join me in our hot tub. He sits in a chair beside the tub while my wife and I are in the tub and he is quite content. He's my buddy and my companion, but I agree with Vinny, he doesn't have to be everywhere and do everything with me.

I have 3 dogs too, they're great but there are some things humans do that dogs don't need to do (like sit in a hot tub) and there are some things dogs do ... ( :o)
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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #48 on: July 04, 2014, 08:50:24 am »
I had a vet tell me once to wash my dog in cooler water than what I would bathe in, so by that logic I think a hot tub would not be recommended.

We don't have to pant to keep cool after all.


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2014, 10:52:52 am »
As much as we love our dogs they will never be allowed in the tub.  The hair is an issue, the dirt on their feet is an issue...etc.  Plus if one got in while we were not looking they could drown because I am not sure they could get back out.  We love our dogs and I see no reason to chance it.

Also these replies are worthless without pics!

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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #50 on: October 15, 2014, 09:58:51 am »
When my poor dog became so crippled that she could barely get up, I started her with indoor water therapy in a "warm" tub at a special facility for pets. The treatment was wonderful for her condition because she was actually able to move those back legs! HOWEVER...the first time she went into the therapy tub, she released her bowls! The vets were not alarmed at all and said that was typical and that was why they had to keep the chlorine levels very high...so I am sure you have plenty of doggie urine in your tub as well.:(  If you really want to put your dog into a hot tub, I would turn the temp down, super sanitize and not have humans use it. Just saying, I know from experience and as much as I loved my dog, the thought never crossed my mind to put her in MY hot tub!
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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #51 on: April 09, 2015, 05:01:18 am »
heart touching story . its unique and awesome.


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I miss the pic of the day dog question
« Reply #52 on: March 19, 2016, 09:43:08 pm »
Since things look a little slow, let me introduce Max, the Wonder Dog

Max doesnt like my boat.  We took him for a nice, smooth cruise when we first got it.  He didnt barf, but he did take a dump in the boat

Otherwise, Max is cool.  He grins just like Stevie Wonder.

Guess Ill have to post a different photo every week.


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2017, 09:04:14 am »
Meet our Jack, a 17 year old Jack Russel terrier, now blind and deaf but still is fairly active for his age, a better dog with children I have never seen, here he is with my youngest granddaughter, he is so calm and tolerant with them and always has been. I first met him when he was 5 when I first met my new wife, he adopted me and is rarely more than 2 meters away from me. Last summer he started to decline and we thought he was a goner, he was constantly sick and could not keep his food in, reading up about it I changed his diet to fish and rice, it was an instant success, within a day he had perked up and then started to put weight back on, but every morning when I get up I still check him in his basket to see if he is still breathing. Alas I think I may have to take him to the vet one day, but while he is not in pain I don't have the heart to.


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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2019, 08:01:37 am »
I agree with the readiness thing...if I can teach our German Shepherd doggie how to ring a ringer to go outside instead of pooping in the house, I'm sure you could demonstrate your little woman there to keep away from the tub....anyhow, I would imagine that the water would be adequately warm to be clumsy for her. We acquired a little kiddie pool for our overwhelming the past summer, as they're slanted to warm stroke.

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Re: I miss the pic of the day - dog question
« Reply #54 on: March 02, 2019, 08:01:37 am »


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