This past weekend was the annual Alley Fest in Longview, TX. It is an art festival where artists and artisans and common peddlers such as myself display our wares to the more cultured citizens of East Texas (

We had 5 spas up and running under a giant tent along the main thoroughfare. We did our best to keep the spas cool and refreshing during the heat of the day and everyone who wanted to was welcome to hop in and cool off.
My good friends Blake and Jennifer from Curb Appeal shared the tent with us:

My personal dental hygienist Doralene and her boyfriend stopped by to check my gums:

My favorite health inspectors stopped by for a visit. Rosalind, on the left, was the greatest high school basketball played I've ever seen, male or female:

There was a VIP section for dignitaries such as myself and Larry the neighbor from the TV show Three's Company. All the Big Dave's Barbecue and beer we wanted:

Dang rugrats were keg hogs:

The Marines were there with their giant drill seargent and Hummer:

Jerry the Cable Guy asked me to participate in the bean judging contest with him:

He and I graciously sampled each entry whilst cleansing our pallet between bites with free beer. It was a runaway win for the jalapeno infused beans. I immediately left and raced to the hot tub for relief.
Darling Nikki, the Chili Queen of East Texas, brought me some of her award winning recipe. Mmmmm...mmmm

There was some great music courtesy of Vocal Trash Junkyard Band (they were INCREDIBLE)

and from Avery Benson, one of my best friend's daughter

To be continued....