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Author Topic: Green water  (Read 3745 times)


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Green water
« on: June 04, 2006, 06:19:48 pm »
Okay......things are not going as smoothly as I had imagined them.  The spa was delivered and the electrician came over to do the final hook-up, only to discover that his guys that were here on Friday doing preliminary work didn't do as he had instructed, meaning he had additional work to do.  First he had to run to his shop to pick stuff up.  So, the whole thing didn't get connected for a bit.  

The delivery guy said to turn it on and it would do a "purge".  Okay.....the electrician turns it on and it seems that only the circulation pump is going.  Not sure what to do.  The shop is closed by this point.  Instruction manual is only useful if you know what you're doing already.  Hmmm.......so......we turn each pump on manually for a minute or so.....all seems to be good.  Put them all on at once and add chemicals......that was the next step.  Let them run for 20 minutes.  All going well........EXCEPT.......the water turned green.  I know just what this is......we have well water and a LOT of iron in the water......and our pool would turn green when the water was mixed with the chemicals....unless we put this stuff in it.  

I had brought a sample of our water to the spa store so that they could have brought all the appropriate chemicals.......they didn't bring the stuff to take the metal out.  So.....now we have the green water.  Question........is there any harm in using the tub with the green water?  

Second.........we have "Spa Essentials" chemicals.....if tomorrow I go to our local spa dealer for the stuff to take the green out, does it matter what brand of stuff I get?  Also........is it true that the stuff that takes the metals out of the pool cannot be used in the spa?  

Boy.....it all seemed so simple to operate when he was here explaining to us....and we thought the manual would fill in any gaps.........WRONG!  I just wish it wasn't Sunday.....or that the electrician had all hooked up earlier so that we could have called the spa place.  

But......at least it appears to be heating up nicely.  

The guy from the spa place is coming on Tuesday to give us an orientation and install the cover lifter.  I am sure I will have a gazillion questions by then!  Thankfully, I have you guys to keep me from over-panicking until then.


Hot Tub Forum

Green water
« on: June 04, 2006, 06:19:48 pm »


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Re: Green water
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2006, 06:39:54 pm »
I have not experienced this myself, but I have heard its common with well water. Find a "metal out" type product and add that. Its late Sunday, maybe you can find something at a retail store.
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Hot Tub Forum

Re: Green water
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2006, 06:39:54 pm »


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