Thank you every one for your help. My Marquis 315 is coming Tuesday! Thank you DPS for recommending one

The dealer said that they will come at 3:30 pm so they can be back home at 7pm (live 1 hr- 1 hr 15 mins from dealer). Forecast in our area says it will be 81-87 degrees next several days. Hot tub is going to be placed in 11 ft x 18 ft screened in patio. Dealer said 1 degree an hr to heat??? Tub uses 110.
1.How long will it take our tub to be warm enough to use??
2. Can we use hot water to fill faster? (Have a old dryer vent on patio wall that the garden hose can go straight down into our basement sink). Will be soft water, though.
Will post pictures when all done!